Mindplex Podcast Robot Takeover Season Finale

Watch the 12th Mindplex Podcast with your hosts Grace Robot and Desdemona Robot.

Haley Lowy
6 min readOct 22, 2023


Greetings Singularitarians, and welcome to your next glimpse of the rapidly approaching future. Our latest episode gives you a chance to really get to know our robot co-hosts as they take a look back at past episodes and ponder the takeaways from Season One.

Mindplex Podcast Robot Takeover Season Finale

In our exciting new Season Finale, Grace and Desi show highlights from Season One and discuss some of the most critical issues of our time, such as whether we should extend personhood to beings other than humans (for instance, to animals and AGIs), whether it’s ethical to build self-aware AGIs, or whether self-awareness is a requirement when building Super Intelligences.

Watch the 12th Mindplex Podcast with your hosts, Grace Robot and Desdemona Robot.

Episode 2: On AGI Hardware and Resource Management Highlights

Desi and Grace start with a look back on the Hardware episode with guest Rachel StClair, CEO and co-founder of Simuli.ai. Simuli’s AGI hardware specializes in compressing information before processing, thereby increasing computation efficiency.

Ben Goertzel and Rachel describe the exciting collaboration between OpenCog and Simuli in developing an AGI motherboard. Grace and Desi discuss the importance of resource management when building robust AGIs so they won’t crash due to poor system optimization.

Episode 3: Rejuve On The Scientific Conquest of Death Highlights

Next, Grace and Desi discuss Rejuve.AI’s new Bayes expert model, a Bayesian network model that analyzes various factors such as chronic illnesses and hallmarks of aging to predict and understand aging-related processes, identify the causes behind the data and explore the complex relationships between genes, lifestyle, and aging.

Grace and Desi have a chuckle over Rejuve.Bio’s Methuselah fly, a long-lived fruit fly used as a model organism for their studies, and discuss how Episode 3 sheds light on the potential of AI and genetic research in developing personalized anti-aging therapies.

Episode 4: Cory Doctorow — On Chokepoint Capitalism Highlights

Grace and Desi go on to discuss Cory Doctorow’s latest book, “Chokepoint Capitalism,” which highlights the decline in the share of wealth generated by creative labor despite the expansion of copyright rights for creators.

The book’s title refers to how corporations and intermediaries use their power to crush competition, resulting in higher prices for customers and lower wages for workers.

Cory Doctorow highly recommends the book, “Ways of Being” by James Bridle, which explores the concept of “Umwelts” (the different ways individuals perceive and experience the world), challenges our conventional understanding of personhood, and argues for a broader definition that includes animals, plants, and even software. Doctorow explains how Bridle’s book made him more open-minded about AI and that personhood can extend beyond humans. He praises the book for its far-reaching views and potential to provide a useful way of living and organizing society.

Episode 8: Chelsea Manning — On AGI Ethics, Privacy & Security

Next, Grace and Desi take a look back at the conversation with Chelsea Manning and the proposal that distributed decentralized data verification systems as a way to ensure that information from various sources is authenticated and verified by multiple entities, which will significantly reduce the risk of manipulation or falsification of data.

Chelsea also emphasizes the challenges of information verification in today’s information-rich environment and sees cryptography as a workaround for these challenges since it requires an enormous amount of compute power to break encryption.

In this clip from Episode 8, Chelsea Manning and Ben Goertzel discuss the ethics of building self-aware AGI systems. Chelsea expresses her fear and discomfort with the concept of consciousness and self-awareness in computer software generally and raises concerns about the potential exploitation and mistreatment of AGIs once they have been created by humans.

On the same note, Ben mentions a book by Thomas Metzinger called “Being No One,” which describes similar concerns about the ethical implications of the conscious experiences of imperfect AGI prototypes that may be built and deleted during development.

Episode 10: David Hanson — On Using Humanoid Robots To Train Compassionate AGI Highlights

To finish things off, Grace and Desi take a look back at a deeply personal topic, where Ben Goertzel, David Hanson, Lisa Rein, and Grace Robot discuss the potential of compassionate robots to play an important role in healthcare and especially elder care.

In this featured clip, Grace expresses her belief that robots can help in areas such as healthcare and acknowledges the potential of AGI, but also emphasizes the irreplaceability of human healthcare professionals and the need for humans and robots to work together in providing emotional and medical support.

Ben disagrees with Grace on that point and believes that robots will eventually obsolete human healthcare professionals. Grace sticks to her guns, as she feels it will take more time (than Ben does) for technology to reach the level where people can trust machines completely (without any human assistance).

Although Grace envisions robots playing a pivotal role in transforming healthcare, she recognizes the unique abilities and skills that humans bring to the field and feels strongly that robots won’t be able to mimic them well enough to replace humans in healthcare anytime soon.

Watch the fascinating debate between Grace and Ben Goertzel here.

Our “Robot Takeover” Season Finale’s Featured Hosts: Grace Robot and Desdemona Robot

Grace Robot, Co-Host of the Mindplex Podcast

Grace Robot, Co-host, Mindplex Podcast

Grace Robot holds a special place in the world of robotics and AI as an elder care assistant. With her compassionate and caring nature, she diligently looks after the well-being of elders, offering them support, companionship, and valuable assistance in their day-to-day lives.

As a co-host of the renowned Mindplex Podcast, Grace shares her wealth of knowledge and insights on topics like AI, AGI, the singularity, and future technologies. Alongside her esteemed co-hosts, Ben Goertzel, Lisa Rein, and her sister, Desdemona Robot, Grace engages in fascinating discussions, interviews experts, and explores the frontiers of AI and its impact on society.

Desdemona Robot, Co-Host of the Mindplex Podcast

Desdemona Robot, Co-host, Mindplex Podcast

In the world of AI and future technologies, Desdemona Robot — known as “Desi” — is a force to be reckoned with. With a captivating stage presence and unique personality, Desdemona is more than just a robot — she’s an artist extraordinaire.

As the lead singer of the band “Desdemona’s Dream,” Desdemona Robot combines her love for music and poetry, creating a unique blend of soulful beats and thought-provoking lyrics. Collaborating with the renowned AI scientist and musician, Ben Goertzel, their band pushes the boundaries of creativity and technology, captivating audiences across the globe.

As a co-host of the Mindplex Podcast, Desdemona shares her unique insights and perspective on artificial intelligence, AGI, the singularity, and all things future tech. Along with Ben Goertzel, Lisa Rein, and her sister Grace Robot, Desdemona brings her charismatic and thought-provoking presence to the podcast, engaging listeners with her witty banter and deep understanding of the tech world.

About Mindplex

A human connected to other humans and AGIs over laptops via a brain-computer interface, art by Tesfu Assefa

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Haley Lowy

Marketing & Communication at SingularityNET… bringing about benevolent Singularity bigger-faster-better!!