Mindplex Pubcast Episode 4: Methuselah Fly Deep Dive with Special Guest: Kennedy Schaal

Haley Lowy
Published in
4 min readApr 6, 2023

Join the upcoming ‘Pubcast’ livestream on April 07, 18UTC for the next Mindplex Pubcast, featuring a Methuselah Fly Deep Dive

The Mindplex “Pubcast” of Episode 4 of the Mindplex Podcast starts April 7 at 11AM PST/18:00 UTC on YouTube.

The fourth Mindplex ‘Pubcast’ livestream goes live on Friday, April 7th at 11AM PST /18:00 UTC. The Pubcast will feature special guest Kennedy Schaal, a.k.a. the “Fly Queen” and hosts Lisa Rein and Grace Robot, and take a “Methuselah Fly Deep Dive,” and take comments and questions from the audience in real time.

Kennedy Schaal, “The Fly Queen” (CEO Rejuve.BIO and Senior Biologist, Rejuve.AI)

Kennedy has been working with long lived flies for over 18 years, since her freshman year at the University of California at Irvine, where she studied “Biological Sciences with an emphasis in evolutionary biology and genetics.”

For the last 15 of those 18 years, she has been working with Ben Goertzel, to study, develop, and refine the long-lived Methuselah Fly, a type of Drosophila melanogaster (fruit fly), has been selectively bred over hundreds of generations to live at least 5 times longer than wild-type flies.

Kennedy, Ben, and the OpenCog team have been collaborating over this time to use AI and ML to find human-fly orthologs for longevity — that is, finding human genes that have matching functions to genes identified in the flies that contribute to their Methuselah longevity. This allows findings in the long lived flies genetics to be translated into human genetic targets and potential therapies.

Art by Midjourney/Lisa Rein. Prompt: Two flies out on a date, flying in a park, holding hands, with hearts around them to show they’re in love, in the style of pixar.

Mindplex Podcast hosts are excited to bring Kennedy back for this Pubcast to follow up on the highly intriguing comments she made at the very end of the last Pubcast, “Conquering Death,” when she dropped the bombshell that fruit flies have emotions, mating rituals and other examples of very complex behavior.

As Kennedy explained:

They’ve got great little personalities…They mate for about half an hour, which, proportionally to a fly’s life, is about…the equivalent to a human going for two weeks.

It was all so interesting that they asked Kennedy to come back to finish discussing these interesting topics — making the next pubcast a “Methuselah Fly Deep Dive.”

You can see the clip here:

Mindplex Pubcast Episode 3 Highlight, featuring Kennedy’s fascinating sharing on the lives of fruit flies

About Rejuve.BIO

Rejuve.BIO (Rejuve Biotech) is developing an innovative drug discovery platform and translational medicine service that combines an in-house model organism population with a unique analytical platform.

The platform combines state-of-the-art machine learning and artificial general intelligence methods with a continuously updated biomedical knowledge graph integrating human and model organism databases.

For more about how Rejuve.BIO and Rejuve.AI, are conquering aging, watch Episode 3: On The Scientific Conquest of Death, which taught us how Rejuve.BIO’s cutting-edge Methuselah Fly research strategies complement Rejuve.AI’s techniques for developing personalized and “precision-based” anti-aging therapies.

About the Mindplex Podcast

The Mindplex Podcast ponders AGI, cutting-edge technologies and the evolution of human consciousness. Its mission is to interview a wide variety of interesting thinkers — both human and synthetic — to investigate and better understand the complex topics of our time, as we learn to shape technologies that will assist us in bringing about a Benevolent Singularity.

Subjects covered include: AGI, the Metaverse, Decentralized Economies, Superlongevity, Superintelligence, Nanotech and Femtotech, Psi, Psychedelics, Experimental Futuristic Art & Music, Robotics, Synthetic Biology, Quantum Computing, Consciousness, Brain-Computer Interfaces, Speculative Physics, Chaos and Complexity and anything else wildly interesting and mind-blowing.

Art by Tesfu Assefa. Three humans connecting to an non-embodied AGI and each other using brain computer interfaces.

The Mindplex Podcast team invites you to join them as they contemplate and learn about this fascinating world. They look forward to meeting you so you can help each other understand the true nature of all the challenges involved as we work together to create a Benevolent Singularity.

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Haley Lowy

Marketing & Communication at SingularityNET… bringing about benevolent Singularity bigger-faster-better!!