Part 3 — SingularityNET 2021 Year-End Update

Haley Lowy
Published in
7 min readMar 22, 2022

…and a sneak peek at Q2 2022!

Hello Singularitarians -

This third of four blog posts will be 2021 milestones for the Partnership and Marketing teams as directed by the Phase 2 roadmap.

An overview of all four parts:

This third update in the series brings to you the latest updates from our two teams — Strategic Partnerships Management Team and Marketing, Communication & Community Building Team. Both these teams are focused on expanding SingularityNET through growing ecosystem partnerships and its community of passionate supporters.:

  • Team 1 — Strategic Partnerships Management Team — builds connections and collaborative projects with like-minded organizations
  • Team 2 — Marketing, Communication, and Community Building Team — outreach and internal communications with transparency that promotes ecosystem growth

In 2021, these two teams supported the Phase 2 mandate of Platform utilization/adoption and community growth:

  • Partnerships — Networking with potential partners, acting on partnership requests, and nurturing partner relationships to maximize cross-organization growth and bilateral benefits.
  • Marketing — Focused on existing and potential community members, creating transparency and awareness, and augmenting project growth, decentralization, and participation.

Team 1 —
Strategic Partnerships Management

In the latter half of 2021, SingularityNET added a Strategic Partnership Management Position tasked with discovering, developing, and managing SingularityNET’s partnerships. Additionally, our new Partnerships Manager, Edwin Eyre, is leveraging these partnership opportunities across our ecosystem of projects.

Achievements 2021 — Strategic Partnerships Manager

The Strategic Partnerships Manager made significant headway in 2021 by creating substantial new infrastructure for Partnership management and rapidly expanding the Partnerships growth strategy across the ecosystem as outlined below:

Partnership Infrastructure Building

Created partner portfolios of:

  • Previous partnerships with potential for reinvigoration
  • Current active partnerships and partnership projects
  • Potential partnership opportunities

Created firm channels of partnership communication

  • Provided partnership management training across the SingularityNET organization and ecosystem projects
  • Developed cross-selling opportunities within our ecosystem
  • Promoted reciprocal business relationships between SingularityNET organization and our partners
  • Onboarded Partnerships Manager for Rejuve

Partnership Growth

  • Developed a concrete strategic partnership marketing plan
  • Prioritization of partnerships with third-party platforms to access SingularityNETs marketplace and AI publisher
  • Align SingularityNET with the most forward-thinking companies in the world
  • Create a strong pipeline and broad network of partners
  • Standardized partnership communication

Prominent Partnerships

Hanson Robotics — SingularityNET’s oldest and deepest partnership

  • Awakening Health — the partnership spin-off project with Hanson Robotics for a robotic elder-care companion, has grown significantly over 2021, including Grace’s public debut at the Cardano Summit 2021 in Wyoming.
  • SophiaDAO/SophiaVERSE — SophiaDAO, another partnership project with Hanson Robotics, announced that Sophia would get her own metaverse!

IOHK / Cardano — SingularityNET’s Phase 2 proposal centered around deploying the SingularityNET Platform onto the Cardano Blockchain…and there is so much more to the partnership:

  • IOHK is partnering with SingularityNET to drive forward essential initiatives like AI-DSL and HyperCycle, which will revolutionize autonomously self-assembling and interoperating micro-AI services.
  • SingularityNET and IHOK have partnered to drive forward several AI and Blockchain initiatives in Africa.
  • The AGIX-ETH to AGIX-ADA converter bridge is a notable project between SingularityNET and the IOHK Cardano developers, with a native-asset version currently in testnet.
  • The Cardano Catalyst Fund7 round contained a special half-million-dollar challenge fund for projects which deepen the partnership between Cardano and SingularityNET… and received 43 proposals!

SigularityNET’s Strategic Partnership Manager Edwin Eyre shared this update about 2021, and looking forward to 2022,

Edwin Eyre, SingularityNET Strategic Partnerships Manager, Shares a 2021 Year-End Update

Next Steps Q2 2022 and beyond — Strategic Partnerships Manager

Develop and Grow New Partnerships

  • Implement Partnerships Excelerator program
  • Concretize Partnerships Infrastructure and Management Practices
  • Train outreach and leadership across the SingularityNET ecosystem for partnership development, management, amplification
  • New SingularityNET podcast initiative

Right now, Strategic Partnerships Manager Edwin Eyre is encouraging community involvement — SingularityNET is recruiting partners who want to co-create unique, beneficial AI services on our platform and/or join our great Deep Funding initiative. With the upcoming port to the Cardano platform and all of the opportunities this will unlock, the Platform and Marketplace are gearing up for the next expansion phase, and it's the perfect opportunity to build new partnerships. The community is critical in identifying opportunities and helping potential partners hear about us. As well as bringing excellent prospects to the attention of the Partnership team.

Team 2 —
Marketing, Communication, and Community Building Team

The Marketing and Community Building Team is committed to helping SingularityNET achieve its goals through increasing external awareness, internal communication, and community building. These initiatives build broader awareness of SingularityNET and create momentum in community growth and network adoption of the SingularityNET platform.

By increasing the communication throughout the ecosystem, the Marketing and Community Building Team maximizes coordination of the entire organization toward achieving a decentralized and beneficial Singularity.

Achievements 2021 — Marketing, Communication, and Community Building Team

In 2021, in addition to the traditional marketing and communication activities, the Marketing and Community Building Team focused heavily on mastering the launch of spin-off projects to form the SingularityNET ecosystem. These projects are a critical component of the Phase 2 initiative — their purpose is to radically increase and accelerate SingularityNET Platform utilization.

Alongside the spin-off launches, the Marketing and Community Building Team maintained a breadth of activities — community updates, social media presence, external marketing, and PR for the ecosystem, organizing events, and community building initiatives.

Community Growth, Marketing, and Communications 2021 Milestones:

  • Our token-holding community, as measured by the number of wallets holding AGIX tokens, grew from 13k in January to 30.3k in December — a 230% increase;

SingularityNET Social Media engagement skyrocketed:

  • Twitter Followers almost doubled, from 37k to 71k, a growth of 93%.
  • SingularityNET YouTube channel grew by 267% subscribers, views increased by nearly 300%, and watch time doubled.
  • Telegram Presence has grown from a few core channels to an entire ecosystem.
  • Telegram channels set up for spin-off projects — NuNet, Rejuve, SophiaDAO, Mindplex, TrueAGI, etc.
  • As well, many community members took the initiative to set up unofficial channels around their favorite SingularityNET topics, spreading discussion of this extraordinary ecosystem far and wide — and in many languages!
  • Newsletter subscribers grew from about 60k to about 80k.
  • LinkedIn followers grew by 50%.
  • Marketing channels were created for the spin-off projects (social media, telegram, etc.)
  • Token Launch Support Teams for SDAO & NuNet, to prepare and market for their respective Token Launch Events
  • SingularityDAO and NuNet highly successful token launch marketing (community and public rounds, airdrop)
  • Marketing/growth channels and project updates for rapidly expanding ecosystem (SophiaDAO, Rejuve, Mindplex, TrueAGI, AwakeningHealth, etc.)
  • First SingularityNET Ecosystem Roadmap Update Series in August— P.1, P.2, P.3, P.4, P.5, P.6, P.7, P.8
  • PR Coordination and Agency Management

Conferences and Events

Decentralized OS Web Series

AGI-21 Conference -

  • The 14th Annual Conference on Artificial General Intelligence
  • Four-day hybrid live and virtual event in Palo Alto, CA

Community Initiatives

  • 12 Community admins onboarded
  • Maintained communications on the Telegram Channels
  • Phase 2 Vote Communication
  • Phase 2 Proposal to the Community
  • Community Discussion
  • Voting
  • Results Communication

Marketing Team Growth

  • SingularityNET started in 2021 with a small four-person marketing team
  • The ecosystem-wide marketing team of 15 now spans a cross-ecosystem marketing organization with marketers for various spin-offs
  • The design and graphics team expanded in size and capabilities
  • Tripled its staff to cover graphics needs of the entire ecosystem
  • Added specialized video editing and management capabilities
  • Broadened expertise in NFT and 3D design (more about that…soon!)

Haley Lowy, working as SingularityNET Marketing Lead, had this update to share for the Marketing Team’s 2021 milestones and Achievements,

Haley Lowy, SingularityNET Marketing Team, shares an update for 2021

Next Steps Q2 2022 and beyond — Marketing, Communication, and Community Building Team

  • Launch automated marketing tool
  • Expand marketing team to cover anticipated ecosystem growth
  • Community creation and engagement for Rejuve, Mindplex, TrueAGI, SophiaDAO/SophiaVerse in anticipation of launches in 2022
  • Rebranding and Website redesign
  • Assistance with Deep Funding processes, website, and AI developer outreach
  • Launch SingularityNET ecosystem Discord Server
  • Initiating a design for a SingularityNET Community Ambassador Program
  • Launching and utilizing a community ideation platform for collecting input and moving towards progressive decentralization

Right now, Marketing Lead Haley Lowy is encouraging community involvement — SingularityNET is filled with community members and developers who are passionate about our Ecosystem and the vision we all share. As a community, it’s time to explore how to channel all that energy. The marketing team cannot do it alone — our reach is finite in an exponential world. Your involvement in promoting SingularityNET and its ecosystem is the most powerful marketing channel.

To start, join the Telegram Share-Force channel…an easy way to share tweets and social media in your network. We would also like to collaborate more closely with the community on growing the SingularityNET ecosystem together. Additional opportunities to contribute will be coming soon, around Deep Funding, our progressive decentralization initiatives for 2022, and helping design the forthcoming community ambassador program. We’ll be in touch about all this soon. In the meantime, please share your ideas in the Discord Server suggestions channel or directly with the marketing team at



Haley Lowy

Marketing & Communication at SingularityNET… bringing about benevolent Singularity bigger-faster-better!!