Phase 2 — Beta on the Ropsten Test Network is Live

Cassio Pennachin
Published in
5 min readFeb 11, 2019

After successful internal testing by community leaders and volunteers, we move to Phase 2, where we open the Beta to the general public, before our final launch end Feb 2019

Test Network Beta

At the beginning of this month, we announced the private launch of the SingularityNET Beta on the Ropsten Test Network.

After the private launch, the Beta was stress tested by several community leaders and volunteers. We want to acknowledge the hard work of these community members and are grateful for their support. Raam Baranidharan, our VP of Engineering notes the following:

We deeply appreciate the help from the community in providing feedback to us. The feedback was varied and rich ranging from the way the site looked to detailed nuances of how specific features worked. This has helped us identify and resolve several issues and has provided an insight into how people interact with our platform helping us fine tune the DApp. We will continue to work on making the DApp more powerful and simpler to use.

We are making the SingularityNET Beta accessible to everyone on the Ropsten Test Network to ensure that it is thoroughly stress tested, inspected for bugs and checked for user-friendliness before it is launched on the main Ethereum Network.

How To Access The Beta

We are aware that not all members of our community are well acquainted with the Ethereum network. Please follow the detailed instructions found here and we’ve summarized the main steps below:

Step 1: Install MetaMask

MetaMask is an internet browser extension that allows market participants to interact with the Ethereum blockchain and its decentralized applications. To install the extension, please click here. Make sure that the MetaMask is set to Ropsten Network before accessing the Beta.

Step 2: Get Ropsten Ethereum and AGI Tokens

If you would like to test the AI services on the Beta and explore some of the other features of the platform, you should get some Ropsten Ethereum for free from this faucet.

You would need the Ropsten Ethereum to cover the Gas costs associated with transactions within the platform. The Ropsten Ethereum Faucet is a per-request Ropsten Ethereum distribution hub. Users provide their Ropsten Ethereum wallet address from Metamask to the Faucet, and it issues a set amount of Ropsten Ethereum to the requesting wallet.

To get the Ropsten AGI, please visit the AGI Faucet, which is a per-request Ropsten AGI distribution hub. In this case, users provide their Ropsten Ethereum wallet addresses to the Faucet, and a set amount of Ropsten AGI is transferred to the requesting wallet. Please note that to receive these tokens, the user must log in into the AGI Faucet with their GitHub account.

Step 3: Check out the Beta!

You can now go ahead and visit the Beta by clicking here!

Step 4: Send Us Your Feedback

Please note that the web address of the Beta is on HTTP temporarily and that it will be shifted to the HTTPS protocol before being launched on the Ethereum network.

Your feedback about the Beta matters to us. We invite everyone to send us their feedback via email to

AI Services

While there are a number of AI services currently available on the Test Network Beta, the SingularityNET team is actively working on dozens of advanced AI services that will be added to the platform going forward — with several of them planned for release later this week.

More importantly, while we plan to keep on adding AI services, our end goal is to enable the democratization of AI and enable anyone to upload their AI service on the SingularityNET platform.

Some of the services that are currently available on the Test Network Beta include:


This service performs image recognition on photos of flowers and dogs.

The service receives an image and uses it as an input for a pre-trained ResNet152 model. There are two pre-trained models available, one trained with a flowers dataset from the Oxford Visual Geometry Group, with 102 different categories of flowers common to the UK. The second model was trained using the Columbia Dogs Dataset, with 133 different dog breeds. It outputs a top 5 prediction list (ordered by confidence) based on the specified dataset (flowers or dogs).

This service performs object detection on images.

The service receives an image and uses it as an input for a pre-trained YOLOv3 model. The model can detect objects (80 classes) from COCO Dataset. It outputs an image with a bounding box for each object that it has predicted (and its confidence).

This service performs a time series analysis to indicate a trend in an asset market. The service receives as input the symbol of an asset contract (and the source to get its market data), a date interval to train the model and a target date to analyze. After training a model in the given period, the service outputs a market trend (“UP” or “DOWN”) for the target date.

Three Phase Launch — A recap

Our community members will also be pleased to know that we have procured the services of Solidified, the largest audit platform for smart contracts, to ensure that our smart contracts are without any errors.

Making the SingularityNET Beta openly accessible to everyone on the Ropsten Network marks the second phase of the three-phase launch of the Beta on the Ethereum network. We believe the three-phase launch will ensure that the Beta is thoroughly stress tested and checked for bugs before it is launched.

The details of the three-phase launch plan are:

Phase 1: On February 4th — we launched the Beta on the Ropsten Network, and selected volunteers and community leaders were given access to it for stress testing.

Phase 2: On February 11th — we have made the SingularityNET Beta openly accessible to everyone on the Ropsten Network, and we look forward to receiving their feedback.

Phase 3: Finally towards the end of February, after acting on the feedback from our community, we will officially launch the Beta version of the SingularityNET platform on the Ethereum network.

Join Us

SingularityNET has a passionate and talented community which you can connect with by visiting our Community Forum. Feel free to say hello and to introduce yourself here.

We hope you will join us in our mission to democratize AI and to use its transformative powers to enact real, positive and lasting change. The best way forward is to come together and work practically towards creating a better future.

We are proud of our developers and researchers that are actively publishing their research for the benefit of the community; you can read the research here. For any additional information, please refer to our roadmaps and subscribe to our newsletter to stay informed about all of our developments. You can connect with our passionate and talented community by visiting our Community Forum.

