Singularity Studio Roadmap Phase 2 🚀 Mid-2021 Progress Report — Part 8

Conor O'Higgins
Published in
2 min readSep 2, 2021

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Singularity Studio runs a SingularityNET partner program that strategically works with third-party AI service and data providers with the goal of successfully integrating them with the SingularityNET ecosystem. This will populate the SingularityNET marketplace with more services, making it a more useful platform and creating network effects, as well as providing revenue-generating opportunities for Singularity Studio, SingularityNET and other Singularity ecosystem companies.

In 2021, they have been hard at work scaling the partnership program, and joint ventures have already been secured with five partners, with more in the pipeline:

  • Softai – AI algorithms for a financial trading and knowledge platform
  • SSC – Blockchain + AI for supply chains, partnering with FactorChain and various
  • Ethersec – computer vision and 3-D cameras for safety and security solutions
  • SDKco – blockchain enabled smartphones, including self-sovereign digital ID
  • Pure Technology – an AI-driven platform for digital market research, marketing and sales

A main focus of the program has been to build Singularity Studio IP for intelligent assistants and digital twins into a valuable new product line. This will be a tokenized initiative that will incentivize companies and individuals worldwide to train AI assistants with their knowledge and skill sets and share that with the world via SingularityNET.

Singularity Studio has played a strategic role in helping develop the new TrueAGI initiative, which will be the focus of our update tomorrow. Singularity Studio continues to play a central role in setting the AI requirements for Grace, the nursing assistant persona from Awakening Health, as well as leading the efforts around Grace’s go-to-market strategy and preparing for the 2022 launch.

Tune in tomorrow for an update on TrueAGI, and in the meantime, check out the other parts of this updates –

  • Part 1 on the SingularityNET platform and our AI research
  • Part 2 on SingularityDAO, combining AI and DeFi
  • Part 3 on NuNet, a decentralized computing platform
  • Part 4 on Rejuve, an anti-aging spinoff
  • Part 5 on Mindplex (formerly Xccelerando), a media platform
  • Part 6 on Awakening Health, humanoid robotics in healthcare
  • Part 7 on SophiaDAO, nurturing an artificially-intelligent mind
  • Part 9 on TrueAGI, providing proto-AGI to enterprises

