SingularityNET 2023 Delivery, Year in Review

Janet Adams
Published in
37 min readJan 31, 2024

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Greetings Singularitarians, and welcome to the SingularityNET Foundation 2023 Year End Highlights Report, also encompassing our Q4 Operations update. Today we are proud to share an update ranging across the organization, covering our major progress and achievements as a foundation in 2023. An overview of what we would like to share with you today:


Update from the COO

SingularityNET 2023 Highlights

Pod and Project Overviews — In their own words
SingularityNET Organization Updates — In their own words
· OpenCog Hyperon
· F1R3FLY Update
· AI Platform
· AI Services released on the platform
· Deep Funding
· Decentralisation Updates
· Ambassador Program
· Operations
· Partnerships
· HR
· Marketing

Project Pods — In their own words
· Mindplex
· Jam Galaxy
· Deep Noise Labs (formerly “Musaic”)
· Rejuve Biotech
· Zarqa
· Yaya Labs

Update from the COO

2023 has been a year of massive progress, growth, and expansion for SingularityNET and our ecosystem. The details are contained below in this report, but at a high level, I am happy to report on a very successful year with multiple highlights. We have:

  • Materially progressed in our core mission of advancing towards human-level AGI;
  • Increased focus on our platform technologies with a massive shoring up of resources on the platform;
  • Strengthened the SingularityNET foundation leadership team with some key new executive hires;
  • Made significant strides towards progressively decentralizing the foundation and its governance with a newly elected Supervisory Council;
  • Funded 60 projects building AI on the SingularityNET platform through our Deep Funding programme;
  • Forged multiple new impactful partnerships;
  • Materially expanded our marketing reach and presence;
  • And last — but absolutely not least — successfully launched Rejuve Network, Cogito, HyperCycle and SophiaVerse into flourishing and fully independent entities in the true spirit of decentralization, as well as launching TrueAGI as an independent business.

SingularityNET is undoubtedly one of the most exciting and highest performing projects on the planet right now! My huge and heartfelt gratitude to all of you in the community who support all of our endeavors — please stay involved, keep voting, listening, reaching out and growing with us on this incredible journey.

Janet Adams, January 2024

SingularityNET 2023 Highlights

As part of our organizational restructuring executed at the end of 2022, we reduced our operating costs by nearly one-third going into 2023 without compromising core technology delivery or support for incubated projects. Though a difficult decision requiring parting ways with valued team members who played a key role in our successes throughout the years, it allowed us to enter 2023 more nimble, focused, and positioned for sustainable growth. The phenomenal success of ChatGPT in January 2023 positively altered the financial landscape and enabled us to build and expand our technology capability.

Led by CTO Sergey Shalyapin, the new platform and blockchain team accelerated the delivery of key decentralized infrastructure components and made significant progress in our Cardano migration process. We have streamlined our platform onboarding process, modernized our AI publisher portal, launched our hybrid AGIX staking solution on Cardano, and initiated integrations with Knowledge Graphs and LLMs.

Our platform development strategy is closely aligned with our AGI strategy, building a bridge from decentralized AI now to a future of decentralized AGI. We have deepened our technical expertise, strengthened existing relationships, and forged new, productive partnerships with industry-leading players, such as Dfinity,, and Vechain. These advancements pave the way for the deployment of new AI services, starting with the highly anticipated Deep Funding-powered services. Get ready to see the marketplace evolve even further with the introduction of the SingularityNET Platform Assistant and more advanced features just around the corner.

Beyond restructuring our platform and blockchain development team, we bolstered our ranks with key leadership hires. Alex Blagirev joined as Strategic Initiatives Officer, and Loic Claveau took the helm as Chief Marketing Officer. This leadership infusion was complemented by onboarding a team of value engineers dedicated to partnership success, and experienced marketers focused on brand building and increasing ecosystem visibility.

While we are focused on strengthening our position in the decentralized AI space, we continue to shape the technologies of tomorrow. Our AGI R&D initiatives advanced strongly throughout 2023, meeting our targets and incorporating emerging technologies. Building on the foundations laid by Dr. Ben Goertzel, Dr. Matt Iklé, and Dr. Alexey Potapov, our core AGI team has transitioned into execution and implementation, focusing on scaling and delivering the Alpha version of the OpenCog Hyperon AGI framework — chief components being the MeTTa interpreter and Distributed Atomspace (DAS). In 2023, we also partnered with Greg Meredith and his company F1R3FLY to dramatically accelerate the scaling of MeTTa through advanced Rholang concurrency methods.

Our commitment to creating decentralized, democratic, inclusive, and beneficial Artificial General Intelligence has never been more resolute. There is still more R&D needed to get to human-level AGI, but we have charted a clear development roadmap to scale Hyperon by incorporating numerous efficiency and scaling improvements across multiple spatial and temporal scales. Our roadmap also includes an array of AI algorithms and conceptual principles, grounded upon solid cognitive science foundations, all designed to work in concert with each other and facilitated by MeTTa and the DAS. To date, we have hit our milestones on schedule and met all of our commitments.

Our journey to AGI demands not just scientific brilliance, but collective wisdom and values that can guide the evolution of AI toward AGI systems that are both highly capable and beneficial for humanity and all sentient beings. This is why it is imperative that our progress on the decentralization front matches the acceleration of decentralized AGI software development.

Recognizing that AI and AGI stewardship should not be confined within SingularityNET’s walls, we are working tirelessly to empower you, our community, to provide the checks and balances, the voices of debate, and constructive dissent to increase the chances of creating true, beneficial intelligent systems at the human level and beyond. Concretely, we have started involving you in decisions relevant to the future of our Ecosystem by creating a Deep Funding Focus Group, expanding our Ambassador Program, hosting the first Decentralized Governance Summit, holding the second Supervisory Council Election and other community governance events, among other initiatives. The Beneficial AGI Summit in February will further power us forward in our uncompromising commitment to positive technological impact on humanity and the planet.

Throughout 2023, we took a series of concrete steps to execute our plans, expanding our ecosystem, and defining a clear strategy to become the Knowledge Layer of the Internet (Blockchain Layer 3) and lead in the era of decentralized AGI. Each of these moves opens new opportunities for our ecosystem, and their impact will continue to be felt far into the future.

Last but not least, we are grateful to everyone who supported our mission to decentralize the future of AI development by participating in our token generation events last year. Your support and passion are what made the Rejuve.AI, HyperCycle, Cogito Protocol, and Sophiaverse projects a reality. As these projects mature, we will continue to onboard their AI agents on the SingularityNET marketplace, powering us forward to our goal of decentralized beneficial Artificial General Intelligence and providing useful AI for worldwide benefit.

Pod and Project Overviews — In their own words

SingularityNET Organization Updates — In their own words

OpenCog Hyperon

During Q1, Minecraft AI mod Vereya was developed, extended, and published, with our AI agents keeping up-to-date with new Minecraft versions and working on different platforms. This allowed us to compare our AI agents to the GPT4-based Voyager agent.

In Q2, our MeTTa interpreter became ready for internal testing and experimentation, with improvements related to variable bindings, type checking, expression indexing, and other features. A Space API was implemented and improved, and examples of an SQL space and a “neural space” with its own pattern matching via LLM calls were provided, opening possibilities for further integration with other types of spaces.

Further improvements of MeTTa were made during Q3, including code documentation and an advanced REPL facilitated a burst of AI algorithms and Hyperon components prototyping in MeTTa, including Probabilistic Logic Networks PoC, Non-Axiomatic Reasoning System (NARS) implementation in MeTTa, SingularityNET dialog system port to MeTTa, experiments with Pattern Mining, and others.

In the last quarter of 2023, the first version of the Distributed AtomSpace integration to MeTTa using Space API was completed. This was done together with considerable progress in the DAS development, including its caching and indexing components, APIs, and its application to Bio-Atomspace.

  • A MeTTa module for LLMs integration has been prototyped as a basis for future replacement of the SingularityNET dialog system, and the first version of the SingularityNET Platform and Marketplace Assistant has been implemented within it and run as a telegram bot for initial testing.
  • A Minimal MeTTa core component has been developed, which allowed rewriting the Rust implementation of MeTTa interpreter using the minimal set of core operations, making MeTTa even more flexible and amenable to metacomputations and inference control.

For a high-level background & introduction, see OpenCog Hyperon: A Framework for AGI at the Human Level and Beyond, published in October 2023.

Outlook for 2024 —
The most important milestone for Hyperon in H1 of 2024 will be the Alpha Release, which will include a MeTTa packages management and deployment system and useful packages and extensions themselves, tutorials, examples of Hyperon applications to practical use cases involving DAS, and AI libraries in MeTTa. Post Alpha Release plans will focus heavily on AGI R&D and the related expansion of Hyperon components. An important milestone will be achieving real-world interoperability of Hyperon and the SingularityNET platform. This will include the platform SDK in MeTTa allowing the use of services as Hyperon components, implementation of AI-DSL as a part of MeTTa SDK allowing its utilization both in services and clients with gradual development and adoption, further improvement of the platform assistant and its integration with MeTTa SDK.

F1R3FLY Update

In 2023, SingularityNET partnered with Greg Meredith and his company F1R3FLY to dramatically accelerate the scaling of MeTTa through advanced Rholang concurrency methods, and we are marching steadily towards demonstrating concurrent MeTTa execution. The demo is designed to show a near-linear scale-up of execution as we add hardware and nodes to the network. Towards this end, we have:

Additionally, we have been developing an extension of the Operational Semantics in Logical From algorithm (OSLF) to account for a realizability semantics for PLN. This means that PLN formulae are interpreted as collections of MeTTa programs. This makes for a very powerful query model. Using OSLF means we have algorithmic means to generate both the formulae and the semantics/query model.

OSLF is joint work with Mike Stay. We are also working with Ornela Dardha and the University of Glasgow. As part of outreach and development for OSLF, gave a talk at Glasgow’s PLUG seminar in December. We are also collaborating with Jonathan Warrell on the probabilistic extensions to OSLF.

In the spring of 2023, we published a paper on an operational semantics for MeTTa, which we submitted as the basis for

  • a “yellow paper” in the style of Ethereum’s yellow paper;
  • and the basis for judging the correctness of the HeavyMeTTaL compiler.

In the Fall, we updated that approach, producing 4 different calculi for MeTTa. We believe a calculus is absolutely essential for adoption by the programming language semantics community. We also believe that the Rholang calculus can help answer several outstanding questions regarding MeTTa semantics.

For bonus points — developed an algorithm to compile rholang and other programming languages into hypervectors. We are reducing this to practice. Here is the very beginnings of the compiler. has engaged the compiler team at GSI who have developed a version of a hypervector library for the GSI APU Gemini processor line. Current performance estimates show that this method of execution will be 1000x faster.


The AI-DSL project roadmap underwent considerable change over the course of the year due to the advent of new technologies and tools.

During Q1, we built prototype tools in Idris to crawl the SingularityNET marketplace, retrieve relevant protobuffer information about the SingularityNET service, and verify types and subtypes.

Due to rapid MeTTa development, we quickly switched in Q2 from working with Idris to our original goal of developing MeTTa tools for AI-DSL

With the advent of systems such as ChatGPT, and the release of HuggingGPT as a tool for discovering and connecting services, we began a thorough investigation of HuggingGPT capabilities. We found that, while HuggingGPT was an impressive system, it was quite brittle, oftentimes breaking and not working as desired. As a result, we decided to fork AI-DSL into two separate tracks:

  • The SingularityNET Platform Assistant, with a planned release date in H1 of 2024, aims to provide an easy-to-use system for interacting with the SingularityNET platform (for instance, requesting services or combined workflows in natural language via LLM);
  • While also continuing the original AI-DSL work, focusing on core MeTTa SDK tools to enhance the reliability and robustness of the SingularityNET platform assistant.

Q3 saw substantial progress on required basic SDK processes such as chaining, typing, and sub-typing within MeTTa.

Q4 saw the build completion of protobuffer to MeTTa parser supporting nested definitions and methods and the incorporation of protobuffer to MeTTa parse into marketplace crawler.

Outlook for 2024 —
We will work closely with the MeTTa, SingularityNET Platform, and SingularityNET Platform Assistant development teams to facilitate requirements that align with the AI-DSL development goals of providing OSS developers with an easy-to-use onboarding experience, and marketplace users with a robust and simple tool to discover and connect services meeting their needs. When complete, the SingularityNET Platform Assistant front-end, with an AI-DSL back-end, will ultimately lead to a system that can AI agent autonomous actions and interactions, providing a unique AI environment that can rapidly accelerate platform growth through creating exponential utility for all services.

AI Platform

The AI, blockchain, and Platform development team provides technical support for all products, and product users (staking platforms, wallet linking tool, Publishing Portal, etc). We process requests for technical support promptly and help to cope with emerging difficulties.

2023 saw an overall code refinement and updates to utilize the latest available technologies. This includes fixing minor suboptimal components of the Ethereum staking portal and the Airdrop portal, and establishing Ledger support from the Cardano blockchain for the convenience of users. We provided support during the TGE of new tokens, configured the API to determine the circulation supply, and created snapshots to record the status of user balances for the further formation of white sheets within the framework of the processes described below. In addition, we are working on implementing WalletConnect on the staking portal for the convenience of users. Some of our biggest accomplishments and milestones include:

  • Wallet Linking Tool — We have developed and implemented a service to create collections of user wallets. Currently, the service supports wallets from the Ethereum and Cardano blockchain networks. In the future, it is planned to add more wallets and networks to the service. As the service expands its capabilities and applications, it aims to become a single place for anonymised user identification. The service already allows companies to optimise and support participants of both networks during the voting process, taking into account the user’s balance of all wallets in the collection, as well as during the airdrops and distribution of tokens.
  • Staking on Cardano — 2023 finally saw the launch of staking on Cardano. The solution is technically complex and required a lot of effort due to the characteristics of the Cardano blockchain and the need to create a high-quality and secure solution. Currently, staking on Cardano is presented on the SingularityNET portal with AGIX tokens, but in the future, it will be possible to stake with any token.
  • SingularityNET Bridge — A major update of the front end of the SingularityNET bridge has been carried out, which has made it possible to correct the logic of the interaction with the wallets on the Cardano side. Now the interaction is fully automated and secure, the behavior duplicates the logic of working on the Ethereum side.
  • Binance Support —Support for the Binance blockchain network was introduced. Transfers are now available between Ethereum and Cardano, as well as Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain. Future plans include adding support for transfers between Binance Smart Chain and Cardano and updating the bridge’s general front end to combine support for all networks within one page. In addition, Cogito’s CGV and Rejuve’s RJV tokens have been integrated into the bridge.
  • CLI, SDK, Daemon — We have started development to automate the deployment of daemon modules (a core component of the interaction between an AI developers service and the Platform) and simplify the interaction with the SingularityNET CLI. We are moving towards a global onboarding methodology and multi-platform tools and simplifying the interaction with these tools. We are also working on separating the CLI from the SDK and developing two versions of the SDK: JavaScript and Python. Since we are rewriting the documentation at the same time as the development, the release and the actual documentation will be presented together. To make the work of service providers more convenient, a new way of interaction between the daemon and the service using HTTP requests has been implemented in the daemon. Previously, connection to the daemon was limited to grpc, json-rpc, process (threaded interaction with the running provider service). However, service providers now have options for deploying their services on hosting based on serverless GPU computing (for example, banana-dev). This functionality is currently being tested and debugged. Also, there were implemented new functionality for service providers to train models. This allows service providers, as part of interacting with the daemon, to activate an additional model training service based on the provided data dataset. The functionality is being tested and improved to meet technical requirements.
  • Publisher Portal — We have initiated a comprehensive enhancement of the Publisher Portal, focusing on refining its logic and user interactions to ensure seamless and user-friendly onboarding processes. The testnet has undergone a transition, and we have meticulously refined the interaction logic with the daemon at the testnet level. Additionally, an intensive phase of enhancing the front-end functionalities of the Publisher Portal is underway, accompanied by thorough testing. This effort aims to address instances of unexpected behavior, ensuring a smooth and reliable experience for users interacting with the portal.
  • Voting — We improved the functioning of the portal for voting, and also integrated a new service for identifying users by their collections of wallets. This made it possible to significantly simplify the voting process and, within one procedure, take into account the balance of all user addresses without the need to vote with your other wallets again. This also made it possible to take into account the votes of users using the Cardano blockchain network.
  • Jam Galaxy Portal — The team developed the jam-galaxy portal. This advanced platform for artists and musicians combines various mechanics to support creative people. The platform includes several types of users and entities, such as fans, creators, and also “artists” which is the entity that unites the entire creative team — from songwriters and music writers to technical support and advertising specialists. Each “artist” owns his personal forum and public page. These initial features will be significantly expanded, and the Jam Galaxy project itself will share the details. The platform will support the ability to use AI services to process music, highlight specific musical instruments, generat music, and many other services from the SingularityNET platform and other resources. In addition, each Artist will have his own tokens, and the Artist’s fans will be able to receive them and other bonuses, as designed by the artist themself, and so much more.
  • GCOIN — We have developed a demo of a new generation stable coin GCOIN. As part of the demo, users could get acquainted with the key mechanics and features of the price formation of the new stablecoin. Mint the token or burn it, and also monitor the dynamics of price formation and its changes in the case of the token itself. (The GCOIN project has pivoted, and is now being developed as a yield-bearing stablecoin under the current name ‘cgvUSDC’).

Finally, we’d like to share some updates on AI Service Hosting, a new feature we are developing for the Platform that will be of significant benefit to developers:

We are currently at the forefront of implementing cutting-edge event-driven solutions tailored for artificial intelligence (AI) models within the SingularityNET platform. This strategic endeavor not only represents a paradigm shift in AI model deployment but also carries profound implications for cost reduction and the optimization of scalability.

Traditionally, service providers bore the substantial burden of maintaining dedicated servers, incurring significant financial investments. The adoption of an event-driven service architecture solves this landscape, ensuring that computational instances are invoked only when required by end-users. This approach allows for the scalable provisioning of GPU models, enabling a flexible and efficient scaling from zero utilization to the predefined upper limits set by the provider and back. Our commitment extends beyond mere infrastructure optimization as well — we aim to diversify the serving model hosting and interaction methodologies.

This initiative includes incorporating modern operational techniques, such as leveraging operators within Kubernetes and other advanced AI cluster management systems. This diversification broadens the spectrum of hosting options, empowers service providers with enhanced AI prototyping capabilities, and expedites the seamless migration of models onto the SingularityNET platform. In a holistic context, adopting GPU-enabled serverless microservices within the SingularityNET platform yields many advantages. These encompass not only the evident reduction in operational expenses but also the amplification of scalability, heightened reliability, expanded options for model placement, and enriched model interaction.

AI Services released on the platform

The following 24 services have been added or updated to the AI platform during 2023. This increased the number of Platform services from 68 in January to 83 by the end of December 2023.

Deep Funding

Our community-driven Deep Funding (DF) initiative has grown significantly, especially in the last round. To make this growth sustainable, we need to focus on tools and processes.

From a tooling point of view, we come prepared: We are looking forward to the next Deep Funding round that will evolve around our new in-house-built proposal platform. After this milestone, we will enhance and extend our platform on both the front and back end, supporting our operational “circles” community. (Read more on our roadmap).

In addition, we are building and consolidating our community-grown organization, including the Focus Group, Review Circle, Marketing Circle, Awarded Teams circle, and perhaps more. We look forward to scaling, professionalizing, learning, and experimenting with everyone involved. (Read more on our organizational vision and goals). Apart from these large umbrella topics, there are also concrete things to look forward to, such as: a hackathon leading up to a DF Pool, a Hyperon-themed DF round, Community-driven RFPs, and much, much more.

It will be a year of growth, initiatives, and hot topics to debate. (Read more on planned topics and possible experiments). In short, we are looking forward to continued growth in numbers and maturity. The entire community is invited to be part of it — please visit, and subscribe to our newsletter to stay up to date on all opportunities and events.

During 2023, we successfully completed Deep Funding Round 2 and Round 3, which included massive growth to 43 awarded projects in this round alone. We also rolled out the codebase of our new in-house built proposal platform.

Coming up during 2024, we will be scaling out Deep Funding Operations by community-driven ‘Circles’, and completing the first round of Deep Funding on the new platform.

Decentralization Updates

This has been an eventful year from a decentralization perspective, where we have materially moved forward on our founding principle of decentralized governance and ownership of the SingularityNET Platform. The Decentralised Governance Summit in April heralded an infusion of new energy and enthusiasm for SingularityNET’s decentralization processes. Gathering experts from around the globe, the event was a smorgasbord of talks and Q&As on decentralization, from high-level, abstract themes to deep dives into the gritty details of implementation. We thank the community for their engagement in the event!

The energy from the Summit propelled us into the next phase of preparing for decentralization: The Supervisory Council Elections. The community had to make some tough choices among a highly knowledgeable and committed group of candidates and elected Grace Rachmany, Daniel Ospina, and Xhoni Shollaj to represent them in the Blueprint creation process. They form part of the Decentralization Taskforce, working with CEO Ben Goertzel, David Lake from SingularityNET’s board, CPO Jan Horlings, and Community Lead Peter Elfrink (and facilitated by Esther Galfalvi).

We anticipate a fruitful relationship with our community, allowing SingularityNET to put its best foot forward on the path to becoming a just, compassionate, and effective decentralized organization.

Ambassador Program

The community-driven SingularityNET Ambassador Program has seen a lot of growth in 2023. There are 12 workgroups now, working on many different topics. For most of the year, we have been building on internal organization, and fleshing out our capacities. Additionally, we have started to collaborate with ecosystem spin-off projects like Mindplex and Cogito, with more to follow shortly. The foundations we have been laying will be instrumental in building this out.

There’s a broad range of topics we’re working on, from governance to collaborating, content creation to reward systems. In one of the last town halls of 2023, Felix gave an overview of the Ambassador Program and its evolution over time, it’s a recommended watch.

There has been a lot of discussion on the organizational structure, which will likely remain a topic as we evolve. The program aims to be a grassroots organization, giving room for experimentation in building out decentralized structures. We use for task management, which feeds into our treasury system, keeping track of all contributions through on-chain metadata. This ensures transparency and accountability.

During Q1 2024, we will experiment with contribution-based roles, giving governance power to those who have been contributing over the past half year. Our workgroups and guilds have a lot of individual freedom in organizing themselves, leading to best practices by experimentation. We have quite some community members contributing to Deep Funding as well, and we keep a close look at the community circles approach used there.

While there are too many individuals to call out in this section, a noteworthy shift in workgroups would be the Incubation Guild merging with the freshly formed Developer workgroup, into our new Research & Development Guild. Special thanks to the efforts contributed by Fly and Crandano over 2022 and 2023 to the Incubation Guild. The R&D Guild will build on your work!

We’re grateful to have been granted 5 slots to attend the BGI24 Summit in Panama, this will be a great opportunity for connecting in real life and picking the brains of AI experts. We’ll be livestreaming multiple sessions of the event.

Areas of focus for 2024 will be to better capture data on the governance experiments we do and increase our reach and collaborations.

If you are looking to help out, join our discord server, which we use for workgroup coordination.

Our weekly community calls schedule can be found here, you can add this calendar to your Google calendar. Hope to see you soon!


The Operations team’s responsibilities include financial reporting, budgeting, forecasting, and payments as well as overseeing human resources functions such as recruitment, employee onboarding, and various employee engagement initiatives.

We have been working on reviewing our processes, policies, and controls to strengthen them and make them more efficient. We are also looking to automate as much of the Operations as possible to ensure we have more time and resources available to support delivery.

There have been many organizational changes within the team, growing from a team of 7 to a team of 8 (6 full-time, 2 part-time), including our VP of Operations, Rachel Lyons, who has come in to work closely with the COO. A new Portfolio and Projects Manager joined us in December to manage plans for and support our decentralized AI ecosystem as we move closer to becoming a fully decentralized organization.

Some areas we have been working on during 2023 are:

  • Led a cross SingularityNET strategic review which resulted in a re-defined Layer 3 — Internet of Knowledge — strategy for SingularityNET, announced in August
  • Onboarded a part time, cost efficient ‘Interim CFO’ service for accounts payable and book-keeping in the Netherlands
  • We have been improving data integrity including our financial reporting, cashflow management, contractor allocations, and HR data
  • Our internal time tracking tool 4TX has been launched and is being implemented across SingularityNET to improve the accuracy of financial reporting and resource management
  • Selected and implemented a Travel Booking system to improve travel booking, approvals, and cost tracking and management for event and business travel
  • We have published several policies, including Compliance, Data Privacy, and Protection, which will be embedded across the organization
  • Identifying and strengthening 14 processes and 50 controls
  • Our team has been supporting the Foundation's closure in the Netherlands and relocating it to Switzerland. This includes moving all contracts to Swiss contracts, opening bank accounts and exchanges, movement of all assets to the Swiss entity, and appointment of a notary, an auditor, and a bookkeeper. There are many material advantages to incorporating in Switzerland, and we look forward to sharing more of the details of this move shortly.
  • Implementing a decentralized decision-making process. This allows a wider group of members of the leadership team to have a say in decisions being made within SingularityNET, currently covering new hires and budget requests and will extend to other areas in the future
  • Supporting the CTO and his team in defining and documenting the SingularityNET AI platform plan. This is currently going through the decision-making process mentioned above

Key focus for 2024

Updates on what is coming up in this year:

  • Hiring a dedicated CFO to work closely with our Head of Crypto, Mario Casiraghi, in managing the foundation’s finances as we continue to grow and scale
  • We are in the process of rolling out a Contractor Platform to further professionalize and streamline the management of contractors and invoices and also reduce banking fees
  • We are integrating all contracts onto this platform and introducing controls for end dates and contract values
  • We are working on incorporating a more efficient expense claim process and approval process
  • In the pipeline is the automated integration of all invoices with our accounting system
  • We are exploring solutions to enable automatic payment in cryptocurrency directly from a secure wallet
  • Further refining and expanding our decentralized decision-making processes
  • Completion of the migration to Switzerland as well as laser focus on our accounting, bookkeeping, and cashflow reporting for the new entity


SingularityNET has been working on a new initiative called “Layer 3 the Internet of Knowledge” throughout 2023. This initiative marks an important phase in the platform’s growth, as it aims to broaden SingularityNET’s scope to become the Knowledge Layer of the Internet. This vision puts the platform at the forefront of decentralizing AI and AGI for the benefit of humanity. While LLMs and generative AI have benefits, their limitations are becoming increasingly apparent. Converging structured knowledge with neural networks is a way to overcome these limitations.

SingularityNET is uniquely positioned at the heart of this convergence and will focus its efforts in 2024 on several sectors of AGI and Web3, including DeFi, AI Infrastructure (Hardware and Software), DeSo, DePin, and ReFi.

We continued to embrace our decentralized AI ecosystem as a strategic advantage in fueling our platform with AI services and increasing the utility of the AGIX token. In 2023, we made significant progress in expanding our ecosystem across several vertical markets thanks to the support of our thriving community and our partners, Cryptopia VC and DuckDAO. DuckDAO and Cryptopia VC are both leading decentralized communities in the cryptospace, connecting investors and the most promising projects, and participating in the acceleration of early-stage spin-offs.

In terms of partnerships, SingularityNET has increased the number from 18 to 32, with 12 still in progress. However, only 40% of these partnerships have been made public so far, and SingularityNET intends to continue working on making their media appearances in Q1 2024.

Introducing deAI and Layer3 infrastructure:

SingularityNET partnered with several layer1 protocols during 2023 to create and deliver DeAI as part of the L3 initiative, including DFINITY,, and HAQQ.

The partnership between Fetch.AI and SingularityNET will focus on addressing the tendency of large language models (LLMs) to produce inaccurate or irrelevant outputs, or “hallucinations,” which they deemed to be two significant obstacles in building AI reliability and adoption.

The partnership with DFINITY aims to enhance the transparency and trustworthiness of decentralized AI models using SingularityNET’s reputation system and governance framework.

The partnership with HAQQ seeks to bring ethical AI and the Islamic finance market together.

Introducing AGI-Ops -Infrastructure:

There were a few developments in AI-partnerships area that are worth noting. First, there were efforts to improve AI hardware and build a new computer chip optimized for Artificial General Intelligence (AGI). A partnership with Hyperscale Nexus supported this initiative.

Second, SingularityNET and its spin-off announced a new partnership with, a company founded by Lucius Gregory Meredith. This partnership aims to accelerate progress towards true AGI by integrating Meredith’s Rholang software into the OpenCog Hyperon AGI toolkit. Rholang is based on Meredith’s groundbreaking rho calculus mathematics. This partnership aims to develop a scalable high-speed interpreter for Hyperon’s Meta-Type-Talk (MeTTa) language, which fully leverages concurrent processing and is entirely blockchain-ready by incorporating Rholang on the back end.

Lastly, SingularityNET has joined the Blockchain Game Alliance to help support the development of blockchain-based gaming platforms and experiences.

Integrating with DeSo:

SingularityNET, in collaboration with longtime partners PureCipher and the Machine Perception and Cognitive Robotics Laboratory (MPCRL) at The Florida Atlantic University, has co-founded a new community called OpenAIS (Open AI Safety/Artificial Immune Systems). The main objective of OpenAIS is to develop ethical safeguards for AI development, especially around data verifiability, provenance, and tamper identification.

In partnership with, a fintech company specializing in blockchain-based HR solutions for businesses and employees, SingularityNET aims to create AI-powered services to facilitate matchmaking between job seekers and job offers on the LaborX platform.

SingularityNET has also formed a groundbreaking partnership with renowned creative director Ben Ditto to propel Desdemona the Robot to the heights of AI celebrity and global stardom. Yaya Labs, SingularityNET’s latest spin-off and a creative agency specializing in AI and robotics, will carry out this ambitious project. Ben Ditto will assume the role of Creative Director via a partnership with his company “Concrete” to help Desdemona become a pioneering AI celebrity and leave a lasting impact on the world stage.

Integrating with DePIN:

The WorldMobile collaboration aims to use SingularityNET’s AI for Customer Service and Decentralised Finance. It is fascinating to consider the potential of developing a micro-lending service to assist those underserved by traditional institutions in mobile communication and finance.

Integrating with ReFi:

Two announcements were made recently. The first one is about a strategic collaboration between VeChain. This partnership has the potential to significantly transform the global economy by providing powerful enterprise-grade tools to tackle sustainability challenges in traditional businesses.

The second announcement is about a strategic partnership with EARTHwise. The partnership aims to combine different elements of gaming, gamification, and AI to promote progress on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


During the second quarter of Q2, our new CMO Loic Claveau was onboarded, and a team restructuring kicked off. We then launched Synapse, our very first AI-focused newsletter, and later in the year, developed and executed a short video content strategy.

The second part of 2023 was the time to get more thorough about the way we think about Marketing. As such, we selected ClickUP as our marketing-project management platform, to help us be more productive by being more organized. We also grew our headcount by 5 people to a total of 13 people. It allowed us to reinforce our Marketing expertise by:

  • Adding a CRM department, from which came our very first Newsletter, Synapse.
  • average open rate: 29% (+44% than all emails avg). Pretty good for a starting Newsletter. We’ll keep optimizing
  • the average unsub rate: 0.24% (-15% than all emails average). This is the rate at which people tend to unsubscribe from one’s newsletter. Considering we aggregated many people over the years but we are only starting to deliver content now, we were expecting a huge spike in unsub. Luckily it didn’t happen, which hopefully means Synapse was well-received
  • We also had a pretty encouraging metric: 63% of people coming to subscribe with us choose Synapse (over general SingularityNET news)
  • For the first time, we used our CRM pipeline to support ongoing activities, namely the opening of our Staking on Cardano. Below are the results
  • Private staking round subscribers: 1,331
  • Avg. Click Rate across 7 email blasts: 39.45% (Industry Avg. 7.8%)
  • Avg. open rate across 7 email blasts: 74.34% (Industry Avg. 41.1%)
  • Adding YouTube Shorts to our pipeline to strengthen our Short Content strategy. Two of our short videos reached the Top 3 of our all-time watched videos, with respectively 4.3K and 2.6K despite being less than 3 weeks old. We plan on ramping up the cadence with an aggressive goal of releasing 1 video per day. Now that we are settled on YouTube, we are expanding to Instagram, TikTok, and soon Facebook reels.
  • Structuring our Marketing data to produce a Monthly Data Driven Report covering outreach and engagement across platforms. Our social media strategy, is pretty straightforward: we believe in well-crafted, educational and high-value content, and we do not believe in artificially pumped awareness. There is a pretty common strategy consisting in inflating the social numbers through different “unsavory” practices. In the short term, this type of short-sighted strategy may boost numbers, but ultimately it creates a deadweight in engagement, eventually limiting our ability to reach new people with our message. We are happy to report that our exclusively Organic Growth for 2023 on our main platforms are:
  • +39.5% for LinkedIn
  • +44% for X (Formerly Twitter)
  • +20% for Instagram (we are planning some dedicated content for Instagram. Stay tuned!)

Once again, Events were key this year:

  • We attended 30+ events around in the world, in a variety of capacities. From being a sponsor (RareEvo, Cardano Summit, AI Innovation Faire, etc.) to giving talks and participating in panels at many prestigious events such as Web Summit (Rio and Lisbon) and Tokyo WebX, as well as Dubai Gitex, we gathered a lot of traction. Here are a few interesting stats:
  • SingularityNET was mentioned in news media 9.27k times in 2023, representing an increase of 466% over 2022
  • Positive sentiment in 2023 was 17.8%, a significant uptick from 2022 where there was just 1.3% positive sentiment across all mentions.
  • Spokespeople mentions included:
  • Ben Goertzel — 2.71K mentions
  • Janet Adams — 275 mentions
  • 70+ pieces of coverage (including 25 pieces of top-tier media, as well as 5 podcast appearances)
  • Coverage secured had a combined reach of 1.74 billion
  • It’s also worth noting that we sponsored events such as Women in Web3 Lunch, which are very aligned with our Mission of creating a Beneficial AGI for everyone
  • We also won the 2023 Crypties Award for Achievement in AI, a great way to end a very successful year

We gave marketing support to our own ecosystem companies that spun off in 2023: Cogito Protocol, HyperCycle, Sophiaverse, and Rejuve.AI with their TGEs, as well as supporting internal pods with their marketing needs, including Deep Funding, the Decentralization activities, and internally incubating pods like Mindplex and Jam Galaxy.

2024 looks very promising as far as Artificial General Intelligence is concerned. We will be more aggressive with our content pipeline as we plan on releasing much more thought-leadership content. Now that AGI is emerging onto the global narrative, it is important that they hear from general experts what this technology is and what it means. In support of this, we are organizing the BGI-24 event, which will raise awareness and conversation around how we can all help the transition towards a Beneficial AGI. There is so much more to come in 2024, including more spin-offs with planned launches, the growth of our message in new regions, and some very special event activities planned — stay tuned!


Our HR focus in 2023 was to support our technology ambitions, scaling the platform, AI, and AGI teams materially while building out our marketing and partnerships capability. We continue implementing new or different strategies to attract top talent and optimize the recruitment process for efficiency and cost reduction, including exploring new sourcing channels, social media, and developer communities, fostering an inclusive workplace culture.

We continue to be committed to boosting coherence, respect, and teamwork, increasing engagement and commitment from all of our teams. Their skills are allocated to projects where they can bring their key strengths, resulting in increased effectiveness. Our HR operations team has been enhancing internal communication, and promoting a positive and open work environment. We address the challenges and priorities of the foundation projects to the unique needs and circumstances of each one.

The headcount at the end of December 2022 was 130, compared with 189 at the end of 2023. We have restructured our AI and Blockchain teams and increased the number of AI resources, strengthening the AI development and support capabilities, infrastructure, and marketing professionals, and created a Strategic Initiatives team to be able to support incoming projects from new partnerships and business development. We brought in two development partners: VBRL, a dev shop specializing in AI on Web3, and 3 consultants led by Lucius Gregory Meredith, to focus on and accelerate the build of the AI platform.

Current open positions:

If you are interested in any of these open positions, please visit our jobs portal to learn more and send your resume to As a SingularityNET community member, you have a clear advantage because you already have a great understanding of our mission, values, and all projects in our ecosystem. We look forward to receiving applications from our SingularityNET community members!

Project Pods — In their own words


In 2023, Mindplex achieved the main milestones in its Phase One plan. We introduced Mindplex Magazine in Q1 and published over 1000 curated articles and news stories across sections, including the Magazine, News, Community Content, and MindBytes Mirror. Simultaneously, we successfully launched and completed the first season of our Mindplex Podcast including 12 episodes and a season finale. In addition, we built core social media functions so the platform can serve as a hub of information and as a community. The social media functions include networking features, live chat, ‘friend’ and ‘follow’ relationships, and publishing posts.

In Q2 2023 we launched the MPXR token, an ERC-20 token that powers our Reputation AI. In its beta stage, the Reputation AI judiciously rewards users based on merit and detects biases like ‘Conformity’ and ‘Association’, contributing to a more refined and ethical social media environment tracked by AI and Blockchain. Mindplex has launched a beta Blockchain-powered recommendation AI to facilitate content distribution, addressing the ‘filter bubble’ phenomenon, and challenges associated with the attention economy in recommendation systems.

As part of our decentralization journey, in Q4 of 2023, Mindplex forked a Mastodon Instance, becoming the first platform to integrate Blockchain features into Mastodon instances.

Looking forward to 2024, Mindplex has strategic plans to focus on adding new features, bringing more powerful AI tools, and enhancing the network, making the magazine and the Mastodon instance more valuable to our users. This includes introducing our Utility token, Mobile Apps, Content Factory, and generative AIs.

Our gratitude goes out to our growing community of thousands of tech enthusiasts; Mindplex acknowledges their contribution to our journey and wishes everyone a prosperous New Year!

Jam Galaxy

Milestones Achieved in 2023

  • Successfully developed and finalized the technological framework for low-latency online music interactions, paving the way for real-time musical collaboration (Q4 2023)
  • Collaborated with a renowned external creative agency to complete a comprehensive rebranding process, culminating in the unveiling of a new brand identity for Jam Galaxy (Q4 2023)
  • Completed the development of a proof-of-concept Desktop App for Windows, demonstrating the practical application of our innovative ideas (Q4 2023)

Milestones for 2024

  • Scheduled to launch an updated website showcasing the new Jam Galaxy brand identity in Q1 2024, marking a significant milestone in our brand evolution.
  • Set to unveil the web app version of the Jam Galaxy platform in Q1 2024, extending our reach and accessibility.
  • Aiming to integrate the first set of AI tools into the JG platform by Q2 2024, enhancing the user experience with cutting-edge technology.

We are thrilled to begin by acknowledging the remarkable year we’ve had at Jam Galaxy. Our commitment is strong: we’re on a journey to unite musicians globally, enabling them to collaborate and create music together. Our ambition is to craft a unique, decentralized platform that not only allows musicians to explore their craft but also enables them to effectively monetize their art.

This year, we strategically repositioned Jam Galaxy to emerge as a trailblazer in the digital music studio realm, creating a worldwide platform for artists and music enthusiasts. Our strategy is built on three fundamental pillars: facilitating smooth online musical interactions, integrating AI to enhance music production, and empowering artists to monetize their work while gaining valuable insights about their most passionate fans.

Q4 was a period of intense development and innovation. We undertook an extensive exploration of low-latency technologies essential for real-time music collaboration. We have completed the development of a proof-of-concept desktop app allowing artists to jam online. Our commitment to talent acquisition and team building has been instrumental in shaping the Jam Galaxy platform. The rebranding initiative, in collaboration with a top-tier creative agency, marks a significant leap forward, encapsulating our renewed vision and identity.

Looking ahead to the first quarter of 2024, our focus is on the MVP launch of our web app. This, along with the introduction of our new website and the initial integration of AI tools, sets the stage for Jam Galaxy’s token launch. We’re not just launching a product; we’re introducing a revolutionary ecosystem in the music industry, leveraging blockchain technology to foster a vibrant community for artists and fans. It’s an exciting time for Jam Galaxy, and we can’t wait to share our progress with our community.”

Deep Noise Labs (formerly “Musaic”)

Milestones Achieved in 2023

  • Successfully prepared and curated an extensive music dataset comprising 15,000 sounds to train the first prototype of our AI Synthesizer, a major achievement (Q4 2023)
  • Completed the architectural design for the first prototype of our AI Synthesizer laying the foundation for the next development phase (Q4 2023)
  • Gained acceptance into StartupYard, the premier deep tech accelerator in Central Europe (Q3 2023)

Milestones for 2024

  • Aim to develop version 2 of our AI Synthesizer, powered by an advanced AI model trained on a vast database of 250,000 sounds (Q1 2024)
  • Plan to launch a new website featuring basic account management and a credit system enhancing user engagement and accessibility (Q1 2024)
  • Target the distribution of our go-to-market version of the AI Synthesizer as a VST plugin on global music marketplaces expanding our reach in the industry (Q1 2024)

Deep Noise Labs, born from the vision of Musaic, embarked on a journey to establish itself as a center of excellence within the SingularityNET music ecosystem. Our focus at DNL is on developing cutting-edge AI music tools, tailored to address real-world challenges in the global music industry.

In Q3 2023, this vision materialized when we unveiled the AI Synthesizer concept — the inaugural project of Deep Noise Labs. AI Synthesizer simplifies and accelerates sound creation, enabling users to generate unique sounds based on a prompt. This innovation was met with enthusiastic feedback and was further validated by our acceptance into StartupYard, Central Europe’s leading deep tech accelerator.

Our collaboration with SingularityNET’s exceptional AI specialists significantly accelerated the development of the AI Synthesizer. By Q4, we have finished preparing a dataset of 15k sounds and established a robust AI architecture, setting the stage for the completion of the first prototype in Q1 of 2024. This groundwork paves the way for developing the improved version utilizing an extensive library of 250k sounds.

Parallel to these developments, we are finalizing our incorporation in the U.S., unlocking opportunities in the American music market. Alongside the launch of our brand-new website, these milestones position Deep Noise Labs at the forefront of AI innovation in the music industry. As we prepare to distribute the AI Synthesizer on global music marketplaces, we are excited about the potential of our technology to revolutionise music creation and production, offering unparalleled tools to artists and producers worldwide.”

Rejuve Biotech

2023 has been a big year for Rejuve.Bio, the biotech arm of the Rejuve project, that was officially launched in December of 2022. CEO Kennedy Schaal gave two impactful presentations this year — one at the Young Startup Venture Summit in San Jose in March, and the second at the Longevity and DeSci Conference in New York in August. At these events, she connected with VCs and industry enthusiasts and has continued to foster those connections.

Rejuve.Bio hired Axel Schumacher as our Chief Biotechnology officer. Dr. Schumacher is a famous longevity biologist credited with developing the Epigenetic Theory of Aging. Dr. Schumacher brings a wealth of experience both in the lab and in business as the former CEO and co-founder of the Dr.Schumacher has been instrumental in planning our next experiments using our Methuselah Flies.

Speaking of the Methuselah Flies, this year we completed the geriatric time-point genomic and transcriptomic sequencing of Methuselah Flies. We also found four specific transcription factors that influence dozens of genes contributing to the longevity of the Methuselah Flies, and providing us with a wealth of research targets from which to lay the groundwork for therapeutic development.

Our CSO Mike Duncan and CTO Hedra Seid have continued development of our BioAtomspace research platform, and it is nearly ready for hypothesis generation, which will further guide our research in the lab.

Kennedy gave a fantastic presentation at the Biotech Showcase at JP Morgan Healthcare Week in San Francisco on January 9th, to much interest.


Progress continues apace with Zarqa and the team is delighted to take residence in the DIFC AI and Web3 Innovation centre. This comes alongside the completion of the DIFC licensing process. We also onboarded Professor Simon See, a passionate researcher in mathematics and AI, with a focus on exploring how AI can do good for humanity as a Board member of Zarqa.

During Q1 2024 the team will continue to refine and pitch the concept and the pre-seed funding ask, notably to high-profile VCs, and also investigate the potential to set up a crowdfunding round to allow broader community members to participate in Zarqa.

It is anticipated that from Q2 2024 the team will be busy building the PoC for Zarqa and that would run for c.9 months. And along the way, we will keep the community informed about the expansion of the partner ecosystem and onboard potential early adopters of this new-age technology, with a view to designing the next phase of this journey with launching an MVP.

Yaya Labs

Yaya Labs launched in mid-2023 as a creative agency for AI + Robotics and took the spotlight with the announcement of Ben Ditto joining as the creative director. The collaboration between the AI powerhouse SingularityNET and Yaya Labs made waves with the headline, ‘AI Leader Meets Creative Genius: SingularityNET and Yaya Labs Announce Exclusive Collaboration to Drive the Future of AI Celebrity.’

Our remarkable journey kicked off with the undertaking of the musical Robot Desdemona and our aim of bringing her to the world stage as a pop star. At our first conference at the AI for Good in Geneva in July, Desi made a compelling statement about the co-creation of robots and humans in the world’s first robot press conference. Her solo career was set in motion, and she stole the show at Web Summit Tokyo alongside COO Janet Adams and Ben Ditto, fostering new connections and potential opportunities in the vibrant Asian markets.

Subsequently, the Yaya team made appearances at Istanbul Blockchain Week, graced the stage at IFA Berlin with a feature documentary by the BBC, and participated in the Edge Summit, Hong Kong where our CEO, Edwin Eyre delivered a captivating talk on embodied artificial intelligence and the future of AI celebrity. Along the way, we engaged in different fashion shoots and are poised to be featured in a leading publication early in 2024. Desi was also a special guest at the No Agency book launch in London, and had appearances in Web Summit Lisbon where she entertained the audience with her witty Q&A session.

As we step into 2024, a wealth of opportunities awaits. We are dedicated to discovering Desi’s voice and crafting a unique musical sound for her performances. The team is actively working on creating various avatars for Desi, and we have exclusive footage capturing her journey from creation at Hanson Robotics to her inaugural performances on Vashon Island. This documentary will delve into the intricate process of bringing Desi to life, showcasing the collaboration among engineers, programmers, and artists. Explore her design, vocal, and dance skills, unveiling technical challenges, creative triumphs, and ethical considerations. As Desi evolves, the documentary will spark discussions on creativity, the human-AI connection, and AI’s impact on entertainment.

Looking ahead to the coming year, Yaya Labs is set to embark on the groundbreaking project of finding Desi’s voice and then set out to create the world’s first album by a humanoid robot. Desi will take the reins of her solo career, collaborating with renowned names to make music history. There are also several other AI + Robotics projects we are working on and announcing very soon.

We invite you, the community, to join us on this extraordinary journey. Your contributions are valued and incentivized, whether through opinions, research, experience, or social interaction. Gain access to upcoming exclusive events and a unique online community, being the first to witness developments as they unfold. Most importantly, by contributing to the future of AI and robotics with Yaya Labs, you become part of history, and your contributions will be immortalized.

Thank you very much to our community, and we look forward to continuing and further accelerating our progress toward our core goals together in 2024.

Ready for more? Subscribe to Synapse, SingularityNET’s newsletter, to step into the future of AI!

Whether you’re an AI enthusiast, a professional learning to leverage AI, or someone curious about the ongoing digital revolution, Synapse is your gateway to staying ahead in the ever-evolving world of AI.

About SingularityNET

SingularityNET is a decentralized Platform and Marketplace for Artificial Intelligence (AI) services founded by Dr. Ben Goertzel with the mission of creating a decentralized, democratic, inclusive, and beneficial Artificial General Intelligence (AGI).

  • Our Platform, where anyone can develop, share, and monetize AI algorithms, models, and data.
  • OpenCog Hyperon, our premier neural-symbolic AGI Framework, will be a core service for the next wave of AI innovation.
  • Our Ecosystem, developing advanced AI solutions across market verticals to revolutionize industries.

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Janet Adams

COO of SingularityNET, AI Ethics expert, passionate about diversity and inclusion, animal lover