SingularityNET Partners With NR Capital to Disrupt Supply Chain Finance

Through SingularityNET’s AI capabilities, supply chain finance can be disrupted via AI analysis and automation at scale.

3 min readJan 9, 2018


We’re excited to join forces with Singapore FinTech firm, NR Capital, to develop revolutionary new AI-driven solutions for the commodity finance. These SingularityNET agents from our collaboration will be used to drive and automate global trade.

“We are very excited to work with SingularityNET and Six Kin Development, world leaders in AI and Machine Learning technologies. We all share a common vision in the application of AI to improve the efficiency of real world economy processes. This collaboration will greatly assist us in our goal to revolutionize and disrupt the existing way that bulk physical commodity shipments are managed.”
Tom James, CEO, NR Capital

As a provider of AI Consulting Services and the local representative of SingularityNET in Singapore, Six Kin Development is providing the needed resources and capabilities to fuel this partnership.

“We’ve had the pleasure of getting to know NR Capital and Tom James over the past few months through our engagements in various technology oriented community events, and I’m thrilled that we’re now able to team up, along with SingularityNET, and take our relationship to the next level. The commodities trade finance ecosystem is poised for disruption, and Tom and his team are putting together an impressive strategy for revolutionizing the business. We look forward to supporting them in this endeavor!”
— Scott Jones, Managing Director, Six Kin Development

(L-R) Surina Jones, GM Six Kin Development; J.J. Ho, Director, NR Capital; Tom James, CEO NR Capital; Scott Jones, SingularityNET Partner and MD Six Kin Development

Commodity Trade Meets Supply Chain

The commodity market covers all commerce of raw and primary products, divided between hard commodities such as gold and oil and soft commodity agricultural products such as wheat and coffee. Within the metal commodities market, copper and iron amount to $91 billion and $115 billion respectively, while the oil market alone amounts to $1.72 trillion.

“These markets are inefficiently managed today due to an inability to process the vast volumes of data. Through SingularityNET’s AI capabilities, supply chain finance can be disrupted via AI analysis and automation at scale.”

SingularityNET’s Role

Any AI-driven innovations in commodity finance could create billions in value. SingularityNET gives the world access to AI to automate entire supply chains across industries and nations. The value created, as well as corporations in desperate need for supply-chain automation, could be staggering.

In a joint Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signed in December 2017, NR Capital, SingularityNET and Six Kin Development agreed to collaborate in pursuit of several objectives, including digitization of supply chain and application of Artificial Intelligence to fully automate and improve efficiency for the commodity trade finance business. The partners will also explore how to leverage SingularityNET’s decentralized AI marketplace to expose these new AI services to previously unreachable consumers around the world. We look forward to sharing the fruits of this partnership with the community going forward.

This partnership with NR Capital marks the first of many finance-AI collaborations for SingularityNET. We are creating the network infrastructure for a world of open and interoperable AI. This vision requires financial AI in force, and our partnership with NR Capital takes us one step closer to making SingularityNET the AI infrastructure for the financial world.

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SingularityNET has arrived, and we’re glad you’re a part of it,
The SingularityNET Team

