SingularityNET Announces a For-Profit Spin-Off Singularity Studio

Ben Goertzel
Published in
4 min readNov 7, 2018

Singularity Studio will create and market enterprise-level products and infrastructure based on SingularityNET’s decentralized AI platform.

In yet another addition to this week’s list of milestones, SingularityNET is thrilled to announce the creation of a spin-off entity called Singularity Studio Ltd. The new, for-profit offshoot will focus on creating enterprise software based on the SingularityNET platform, in addition to the infrastructure needed to scale those products.

To avoid any confusion with the naming and affiliations, here is a brief recap of the organizations and where we are heading:

SingularityNET’s platform is a full-stack AI solution powered by a decentralized protocol. The company was co-founded by myself while I was the chief scientist of the robotics firm Hanson Robotics and leader of the software team behind humanoid robot Sophia. SingularityNET also counts AI, software engineering and blockchain experts like Cassio Pennachin, Simone’ Giacomelli and Hilen Amin among its management team. The beta version of the SingularityNET decentralized AI platform has been announced for launch in February 2019.

On the other hand, Singularity Studio will be an entirely new entity which will create a general purpose software suite enabling SingularityNET-based AI analytics for the enterprise. Singularity Studio will be partially owned by the SingularityNET Foundation.

Regarding its utility: it will enable the use of SingularityNET in a hybrid-cloud setting; on-premise SingularityNET sub-networks will cooperate with the primary public cloud-based SingularityNET network. The software suite will be equipped with modules addressing specific vertical markets, beginning with health tech, fintech, biotech, the Internet of Things, and human network analytics. The core aim is to create scaled, widely adopted commercial products whose back ends are centered on the SingularityNET platform and SingularityNET Foundation’s IPs.

Cost-effectively scaling these new enterprise products will require significant infrastructure work, such as enabling the SingularityNET platform to run on a bare server farm and removing the dependence on services like AWS or Google Cloud (which exists, for now, on the back end of the SingularityNET beta platform). Meeting this challenge head-on will lead to broader adoption of the platform and associated AI tools, and a new revenue stream from infrastructure-as-a-service.

In a series of announcements I shared at the Web Summit, I noted that when we started SingularityNET, we gathered some of the leading minds in AI and blockchain with a simple goal: to catalyze the emergence of beneficial general intelligence across the world’s computing networks. We believe the best way to do this is to democratize access to AI technology and let anyone fully contribute to, and take advantage of, a global network of AI algorithms, services, and agents. This spin-off is a step towards bringing that same level of AI democratization to the doorstep of enterprises, and we’re couldn’t be more excited about it. Once Singularity Studio is fully up and running, this will do wonders to drive utilization of the SingularityNET platform and get our AGI tokens flowing through the veins of the world’s enterprises.

SingularityNET’s Chief AI Officer Cassio Pennachin also expressed his views on this new endeavor, highlighting that Singularity Studio will bring about another impressive team and that it will be essential to drive wider enterprise-level adoption:

“Ben and I spent more than 15 years working together leading teams providing AI services for large enterprises, prior to the formation of SingularityNET […] Our VP of Solutions Hilen Amin and a number of our other team members have similar backgrounds. Drawing on this experience, we’re going to build a great team for Singularity Studio that is going to provide tremendous value to enterprises in multiple markets including fintech and biotech and IoT. Growing a platform like SingularityNET requires driving adoption on both the demand and supply sides at once; and Singularity Studio will give a big jump on the demand side, getting corporates to rely on our decentralized network for their AI needs rather than going the conventional big tech route. The more usage there is of the SingularityNET by large corporations or anyone else, the more appealing it will be to AI developers to put their AIs in the network. In short, we expect Singularity Studio to seed exponential growth in the utilization of the SingularityNET platform and toolset. Which is exactly what we need in order to divert the momentum of the world’s AI ecosystem away from conventional big tech and toward the decentralized ecosystem.”

To conclude, the SingularityNET founders believe in open source and decentralized control, so that no single individual, corporation, or government will be able to dominate AI as it becomes increasingly more generally intelligent and capable. To achieve that goal and become a real decentralized alternative in the market, Singularity Studio will provide the necessary scaling infrastructure and generate more interest among corporate actors.

Next Steps

The final legal structure of Singularity Studio is still in process; SingularityNET’s executive team is consulting with their advisors and the AGI token-holding community.

SingularityNET plans to reinforce and expand its collaborations in order to shape the coming AI Singularity into a positive one, for all. To read more about our other partners, click here.

The best way forward is to come together and work practically towards creating a better future. We hope you will join us in our mission to democratize AI and to use its transformative powers to enact real, positive and lasting change.

SingularityNET has a passionate and talented community which you can connect with by visiting our Community Forum. Feel free to say hello and to introduce yourself here. We are proud of our developers and researchers that are actively publishing their research for the benefit of the community; you can read the research here.

For any additional information, please refer to our roadmaps and subscribe to our newsletter to stay informed about all of our developments. You can connect with our passionate and talented community by visiting our Community Forum.

