SingularityNET Community Update: Setting the Stage for a Global AGI

We’re at the center of an international arms race for AI tech.

3 min readJan 30, 2018


Connecting the pieces for a global AGI

TLDR; Development, outreach, and adoption are moving quickly. We are more confident than ever in the impact SingularityNET can have on the future of AI and humanity. Because 2018 will be a pivotal year, users can now refer to the community-governed Reddit page for in-depth discussion.

Dear community,

The past month has proven extremely fruitful for SingularityNET. We completed our Token Generation Event (which sold out in 66 seconds), spoke at the World Economic Forum in Davos (where we established a powerful network of influencers), and forged several valuable partnerships, including:

Advancing Toward a Global AGI

Long before building SingularityNET, our veteran team was familiar with the countless concerns surrounding the massive growth in AI spending and capabilities. Through their work as AI researchers, Fortune 500 executives, and blockchain developers, they could see how pervasive AI could consolidate power and wealth like never before.

But what if we could destroy this bleak future, and build one where everyone could participate in the power of AI? That’s why we built SingularityNET.

We believe that the work we accomplished this month will help us realize this future faster than ever believed possible.

We’re Just Getting Started

Over the last few months, SingularityNET has received dozens of integration opportunities with respected blockchain projects, multi-national corporations, research institutions, and leading AI developers. Our team has been working hard behind-the-scenes to finalize these agreements, some of which may prove explosive for the blockchain industry.

There is an arms race for cutting-edge AI tech, and SingularityNET is positioned at the center of that opportunity. In January alone, we met with major executives, government officials, and academic researchers. In our conversations, it was clear that every global leader understands the powerful impact AI will have, as well as the importance of having access to the latest tech and resources.

While many of these integration opportunities will take time to formalize, we are more confident than ever in the impact SingularityNET can have on the future of AI and humanity.

Preparing Our Community for 2018

This year will be a pivotal year for SingularityNET, and we want our community involved as deeply as possible.

Already, our community at large well exceeds 100,000 members. Due to the massive achievements scheduled for 2018, we want to provide a communication platform better positioned for active discussion. While we will still be using our Telegram channel for official announcements, users can also refer to the community-governed Reddit page.

Because it is community-governed, we can’t endorse all activity that occurs there. Still, we believe that this subreddit will prove valuable in hosting long-form, in-depth conversations around future announcements.

Insightful discussion has already begun. We particularly enjoyed this analysis of future SingularityNET applications.

Our team will be regularly participating, and we’re excited to see how the community evolves alongside our network.

Trading Talk Update

Our team is focused on delivering our 2018 milestones. That is why we’ll be actively discouraging the use of “trading talk” in our Telegram channel.

This will be a year of action for our platform, and we want to tap into our community’s thoughts regarding the fundamentals of our vision, rather than daily price fluctuations. We recommend that all trading discussions be taken elsewhere so that we can better tap our community’s collective intelligence.

Thank you for being part of SingularityNET,
The SingularityNET Team

