SingularityNET Ecosystem Discord server + AGIchat on the Future of Work

Peter Elfrink
Published in
2 min readFeb 1, 2022

Greetings Singularitarians,

We’re happy to announce our Discord server going live today. This has been requested by quite a lot of you, and to kick things off we are starting an AGIchat campaign on the future of work!

How to join Discord

Simply follow the invite link to join and once you have joined the server, make sure to go to the #verify channel, where you need to click the ✅ to prove you are not a bot. That’s all there is to it. All SingularityNET spin-offs have their own section. Have a look around and join the conversation!

AGIchat on the Future of Work

As the Future of Work becomes a topic reaching a wider and wider global audience, it would be good to have an AGIchat series on the topic. Here’s an introduction by Dr. Gabriel Axel Montes:

“Humanity is at a precipice with the increasing information complexity, accelerating digital transformations, and global challenges. These compounded factors will have ramifications on the future of work (FoW) and how humans find meaning and purpose and contribute value in our lives. As these changes accelerate, our children and future generations will inherit a different world.

As a community participating in the building of the new economy (Web 3.0), reflecting on the changes afoot is beneficial to preparing for a complex future full of uncertainty. SingularityNET will be involved in crafting the FoW, and we invite community input and participation in this wide-ranging and nuanced discussion through our #AGIchat series. We will offer daily questions that are on our minds, for your engagement. We look forward to your input!”

Yours in AGI,

Dr. Gabriel Axel Montes

We’ll kick off the AGIchat today with the question:
“What kind of work will be the LAST to be automated?”

Join us on discord or our forum and share your thoughts with the community!

To learn more, visit the website, the AI Publisher, AI Marketplace, and Developer Portal…make sure to join the SingularityNET telegram community and get involved!

