Esther Galfalvi has accepted the role of “Decentralization Program Lead” for SingularityNET

Published in
4 min readAug 30, 2023

The SingularityNET Foundation is pleased to announce the acceptance of Dr. Esther Galfalvi as “Decentralization Program Lead” for the organization and community. An accomplished researcher and organizational leader, Esther joins the Foundation to spearhead our transformative decentralization initiatives.

Since its inception, the Foundation has had an expansive and multi-faceted vision. At the heart of this vision is our progressive shift from foundation-based governance to more decentralized and broad-based community governance. In its progressive evolution to this new form of governance, SingularityNET must become a full-fledged “digital biological organism” with minimal centralized activity and a higher level of control in the hands of the community.

“I believe that AI has the potential to make breakthroughs in many intractable problems that face humanity today. I also believe that it has tremendous destructive potential in the hands of profit-driven and power-hungry corporations. I want to help in any way I can to ensure that developing AI and AGI is ethical, fair, and contributes to a more just and compassionate society,” said Esther. “The first step, I believe, is making sure that the people whom it affects can have a say in what is made, and how.”

Esther, a graduate of KCL (BA), RHUL (MA), and LSBU (PGDip), has recently submitted her Ph.D. at the University of Derby on careers education and digital platform work. She is intimately familiar with our progressive decentralization plans, having co-authored the first SingularityNET Decentralization Report with the Foundation’s Supervisory Council. The report provides unique insights into how to successfully lead transformative initiatives in Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) and gives an overview of coordination and technical governance methods.

“Decentralization is not just a technical endeavor; it’s a profound cultural and organizational shift. With Esther at the helm of this program, we reaffirm our commitment to a vision where community voice and collaborative intelligence drive the evolution of SingularityNET. Together, we journey towards a future where technology is truly for and by the people,” said David Orban, Chairman of the Supervisory Council.

Esther also coordinated the Decentralized Governance Summit earlier this year in April. The Summit brought together community members and experts in decentralized governance to share their knowledge about decentralized governance and artificial intelligence. The Summit also saw the launch of the first steps of the decentralization process in the (now updated) Initiation Document.

Over the last two years, we have seen an important shift toward community governance. The Foundation has actively involved the community in the decision-making process by holding several governance events (Supervisory Council elections, Phase 2 vote, loyalty rewards pool allocation…) and launching community-driven initiatives such as the Deep Funding initiative and the Ambassador program. Now greater shifts are in the making, where we will need our entire community to come together to shape the future of SingularityNET.

In her new role, Esther will engage with the SingularityNET community on a granular level. She will work with the new decentralization taskforce and with the community. She will oversee the next supervisory council election and the appointment of the decentralization taskforce. She will open new dialogues with the community about their wishes and expectations of what decentralization means for SingularityNET and what it means for creating AI. She will work with the decentralization taskforce and Supervisory Council to create a blueprint for the Community DAO’s first iteration based on input from the community, and oversee its implementation. She will also take care of community wellbeing, providing opportunities for connection outside work, human communication, and personal wellness.

“At SingularityNET we are pushing the boundaries of what is possible with our development of advanced AGI accompanied by advanced decentralized governance,” commented Janet Adams, COO of SingularityNET. “By driving an innovative decentralization programme alongside our technology advances we aim to ensure that the powerful technologies of the future will be governed by the widest group of humans possible from every walk of life across the planet, to thereby provide the greatest positive impact to the highest number of people.”

In the coming weeks, SingularityNET will hold a Twitter Q&A with our new Decentralization Program Lead, an education series with blogs and interviews with decentralization experts, and a series of virtual listening sessions to engage the community for ideas and feedback. As ever, our community is central to our progress toward democratic and decentralized governance.

About SingularityNET

SingularityNET is a decentralized Platform and Marketplace for Artificial Intelligence (AI) services. Our mission is the creation of a decentralized, democratic, inclusive, and beneficial Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), democratizing access to AI and AGI technologies through:

  • Our Platform, where anyone can develop, share, and monetize AI algorithms, models, and data.
  • OpenCog Hyperon, our premier neural-symbolic AGI Framework, will be a core service for the next wave of AI innovation.
  • Our Ecosystem, developing advanced AI solutions across market verticals to revolutionize industries

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