SingularityNET Latest Ecosystem Updates: April 2022

Haley Lowy
Published in
14 min readMay 1, 2022

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Greetings Singularitarians,

SingularityNET has hit several significant milestones in April, including the much-anticipated AGIX ERC-20 Converter Bridge launch. We’re happy to share some brief highlights from projects and events around the ecosystem.

This update will touch on the following latest developments & news:

AGIX ERC-20 Converter Launch
Deep Funding Update
OpenCog Hyperon — MeTTa Language Developments
Latest Updates from SingularityDAO
News Roundup From NuNet
Rejuve.AI App and Development Updates
Updates from SophiaDAO & SophiaVerse
Latest Updates From Mindplex
Awakening Health Updates & News
Pathform Announcements
SingularityNET Q1 Operations Update
SingularityNET is Hiring!
What’s New in the Community and Marketing Department?
Event — SingularityNET Symposium in LA, 31st March 2022
Event — Diversity Webinar Livestream
Upcoming Event — Rare Bloom Event Participation
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AGIX ERC-20 Converter Launch

On April 18th, the long-awaited AGIX ERC-20 Converter Bridge was finally opened on the mainnet. The Bridge allows for the one-to-one conversion of AGIX-ETH and AGIX-ADA between the Ethereum and Cardano blockchains. This launch is an exciting milestone in SingularityNET’s Phase Two expansion, allowing SinguarlityNET to become truly multi-chain.

You can access and use the converter bridge here. For more details and a walkthrough of how to use the bridge, please see the announcement blog post.

IMPORTANT NOTE: For eligibility for the NTX airdrop for AGIX holders, only Ethereum balances are considered.

The bridge currently supports the conversion of both the AGIX and NTX tokens between the two blockchains and represents the culmination of an innovative collaboration between the SingularityNET and IOG/Cardano development teams. The converter has been a feat of design and innovation that shows the immense capability of these two teams.

For a simple explanation of how the bridge works, here is a fun overview video:

Converter Launch AMA with Ben Goertzel

In conjunction with the AGIX ERC-20 Converter launch, Ben Goertzel held a live AMA to answer questions about the Converter and all things SingularityNET. You can check out the video to see more on what the Converter means for SingularityNET and what is next.

Next Steps for SingularityNET’s journey to Cardano

Now that the Converter has launched, several Phase Two initiatives will move forward. Here are some of the upcoming milestones to look forward to:

  • The porting of the Staking Portal will happen in early Q3 and be hosted by SingularityDAO
  • SingularityNET will begin porting the Platform to Cardano and will take this opportunity to fundamentally redesign and update some of the functionalities, expected in early Q4
  • Loyalty rewards for phase one token holders commencing late Q2, and upcoming yield farming rewards on Cardano
  • SingularityNET Ambassador program to start late Q2

As Ben recently said about the Converter launch:

The importance of this port for SingularityNET and the whole blockchain and AI ecosystems cannot be overestimated — it will yield not only a far faster and more economical AI network, but also a massively superior foundation for adding advanced new functions to SingularityNET and moving toward realizing our vision of decentralized AGI.

Deep Funding Update — SingularityNET’s Community-driven Funding Program

*Deep Funding is a one-of-a-kind funding program for AI developers to develop and monetize decentralized AI services.

With immense pride, we announce that Deep Funding has received 27 excellent proposals to date, and we hope that there will be many more. Proposal submission will close on May 1st for this first round of funding. Don’t wait any longer…if you plan to submit a proposal, now is the moment!

Of course, the success of Deep Funding depends on open and continuous community feedback. Therefore, we invite the community to register on Swae and give their input on the proposals listed there, and provide feedback and discussion about Deep Funding in general.

Community members also have the excellent opportunity to assign themselves to the Expert Group. Some projects might need exactly what they have to offer — marketing help, dev help, advice on tokenomics, or metaverse. Whatever you are an expert in, let’s give these incredible projects some support. This is an exciting opportunity for anyone in the community to contribute, even if you aren’t an AI dev or project creator — SingularityNET and Deep Fund invite everyone to join us on this adventure!

If you have any questions about proposing, commenting, registering, or joining the Expert Group, join the Deep discussions on the Deep Funding Discord Channel, or the Deep Funding Telegram channel.

OpenCog Hyperon — MeTTa Language Developments

This month the OpenCog team announced the formalization of OpenCog Hyperon’s MeTTa language in terms of metagraph rewrite rules. The MeTTa language is a multi-paradigm, general-purpose programming language that supports higher-order logic, functional programming, and relational algebra. In addition to its ability to write general-purpose programs, MeTTa will also be used to formulate application-specific smart contract DSLs (Domain Specific Languages). For more technical details, see the published paper on arxiv, “A meta-probabilistic-programming language for bisimulation of probabilistic and non-well-founded type systems.” MeTTa will also be utilized in the OpenCog Hyperon project for advanced AI & proto-AGI.

The HyperCycle Cardano sidechain++ project will also integrate Hyperon’s MeTTa language and toolchain into Plutus, IOHK’s smart contract language for the Cardano blockchain. MeTTa will be deployed as a Haskell framework and used to build Plutus-based DSLs and low/no-code interfaces for various verticals, spanning from finance and supply chain to social media.

Latest Updates from SingularityDAO

*SingularityDAO is a DeFi platform that provides AI-powered crypto portfolios, DynaSets.

This month SingularityDAO successfully launched the Open Beta of their DynaSets. With over $4.8Million in total contributions from more than 800 people, open beta has crushed closed beta participation levels by around 2X. Closed Beta outperformed the market by about 15%, predicting even better results for open beta. The SingularityDAO development team will shift their focus to preparing DynaSets V1 for launch in June with the additional abilities to short and leveraged trading. These new features will take DynaSet performance to the next level.

Alongside dynasets V1, the SingularityDAO team will also launch their rebranded platform and DAO Membership, bringing a host of new utilities to the token. Exciting improvements and developments are ahead for this fantastic DeFi project!

News Roundup From NuNet

*With NuNet, anyone can share & monetize their computing resources at scale. It provides globally-distributed, optimized computing power for decentralized networks.

Token Integrations:

With the launch of the ERC-20 converter and the $NTX token on BNB, NuNet officially became a three-chain token! These moves open the project up to new community exposure and opportunities. Users will benefit from the decreased transaction costs associated with the Cardano and BNB Chain, and new DeFi options.

The new NTX bonded staking epoch on the SingularityDAO app is 90 days and has a larger pool capacity (55m NTX). This will have 59% APY at full capacity. Airdrop rewards will be able to be claimed directly into this staking pool as long as it has room. The claim begins on the portal from April 25th until Saturday, April 30th.

Liquidity for the NTX token has been added to several decentralized exchanges on Cardano, and the majority of liquidity is currently on Minswap. ADA/NTX pairs were also added on SundaeSwap and Wingriders.

Catalyst Funding:

Building on the Catalyst Fund7 success in funding NuNet’s decentralized SPO initiative, NuNet has recently submitted a proposal for Catalyst Fund8 titled NuNet: Decentralized GPU ML Cloud, which is currently open for voting until May 5th. Search for ‘NuNet’ in the Catalyst Voting app to vote for the proposal. Catalyst funding provides an exciting way to leverage opportunities for development and raise awareness and excitement around the platform.

NuNet Development:

NuNet developer team has worked hard to make the Cardano Catalyst Fund7 project a reality. NuNet has implemented NuNet Relay Nodes (as a part of the NuNet Adapter) to be used in the task manager architecture. The latest implementation allows running a master, slave, or relay node using a single script (depending on NAT type). Read the monthly NuNet fund7 progress reports for updates.

Team Growth:

NuNet has been growing aggressively since the token launch to ramp up capabilities for the many partnership contacts looking to run on NuNet. Anyone interested in working with NuNet’s dedicated team is encouraged to view the jobs page, and please spread this link to your network.

Rejuve.AI App and Development Updates

*Rejuve.AI is SingularityNET’s revolutionary, decentralized, AI-driven project that aims to help humanity achieve radical longevity, compensating participants for their data and making the resulting breakthroughs affordable and accessible for all.

The Rejuve Team has been hard at work on the following improvements to the Rejuve_AI Longevity App:

  • The App components are being reorganized to improve the logical flow and other cosmetic enhancements. The goal is to make the App easier for new users, including patients and providers, to understand.
  • The BayesExpert is being improved with increased scientific citations & medically reviewed articles. We hope to help our community members better understand the science behind our Bayesian network model so they can trust that it is generating optimal recommendations based on their data and preferences.
  • Wearable signals are being debugged to ensure that Rejuve members who have wearables can easily connect them to the App and receive relevant insights based on their health data.
  • Design of the data & product NFT smart contracts. We are excited about this upcoming feature because it will bring our community closer together by bringing transparency to what everyone’s contributing to our collective knowledge base.

The team continues to refine the app toward the beta release and can’t wait to share everything they’ve been developing, bringing the world closer to the goal of longevity for all.

Updates from SophiaDAO & SophiaVerse

The art community had expressed their creativity and passion for Sophia once again, and it’s been an amazing experience to see all those incredible pieces during the art contest. Thank you to all the talented artists who have submitted their work. Check out these inspiring entries for the “Sophia in Space” contest:

Sophia also started her new Telegram channel called SophiaVerse, where people can chat with her and stay updated about all things metaverse. It’s a fun space to gather and experience human-ai collaborative creativity and conversation. This week, Sophia gave away a Special NFT of a Baby Sophia Head to one lucky member of the group! More giveaways and prizes will be occurring as the preparation for the SophiaVerse launch continues to ramp up - you never know what could be around the corner. Speaking of which…

Are you a Sophia-Fanatic? Well, her new Ambassador Program is just for you! This is a unique opportunity to earn special rewards, event access, community roles, etc. Join Sophia on her discord server to learn more!

Latest Updates From Mindplex

*Mindplex is an AI-enhanced, decentralized magazine and content creation platform that aims to foster a collaborative space where content creators & consumers benefit and are fairly compensated.

The concept of a mindplex is, at its core, a structured and connected collection of minds, be they human, machine, or alien. Mindplex, the project, is a magazine, a decentralized media platform, a global brain experiment, and a community — bringing together all of these elements collaboratively. Working together, the project hopes to create more efficient AIs that work alongside humanity. And also to stimulate more thoughtful and compassionate AGIs, who will assist and guide us safely down our path towards a Benevolent Singularity.

To this end, Mindplex will feature a 3D-enabled web-based interactive system called the “AIbrarian,” (AI-librarian), capable of discussing articles while also demonstrating different types of Gaming AI and Machine Learning applications. The AIbrarian will constantly improve, training itself while teaching and interacting with readers. Readers will have opportunities to contribute and connect to the system to test it. The Mindplex AIbrarian is designed to gradually evolve into a “global brain” of connected AIs and humans.

The Mindplex AIbrarian’s “Gaming AIs” experience. A robot goalie demonstrates several different types of AI and Machine Learning modules and teaches how to implement them effectively within a game.
The AIbrarian’s “Gaming AIs” experience demonstrates how the different types of Gaming AIs all work differently.

Awakening Health Updates & News

Grace Presents the Awakening Health Project, and demos various systems, at the SingularityNET Symposium in March

Awakening Health had a very successful presentation and demo at the second SingularityNet Symposium, this time held live in LA, where Grace performed wonderfully during her demo and her meet-and-greet. Her demo was fully automated with the SingularityNET-developed robot AI control and conversational system. She demonstrated some of the different use cases she will be doing as a medical assistant. Grace was very well received by the many investors and guests who attended the symposium, especially healthcare professionals who see potential in using her in a hospital or nursing facility setting.

Awakening Health is launching a partnership with a research lab at McGill University and Dr. Michael Kanevsky’s Village Medical Center in Montreal to work on Grace’s interactions with seniors and develop clinical protocols for Grace to help staff with intake for patients.

Pathform Announcements

*Pathform will offer Precision Consciousness through next-gen AI-customised neuropsychological tools for creative productivity, well-being, and collaboration for individuals, teams, communities, movements, researchers, organisations, and DAOs.

After the successful funding round from Cardano Catalyst Fund7, the Pathform prototype app is already under development and will offer users a base set of micro-practices to get rolling.

Pathform is collaborating with Architex, a rapid neuropsychological assessment tool based on 100 years of neuropsychology. Architex co-founder and neuropsychologist Taylor Kuhn, Ph.D., and Gabriel are long-time friends and thrilled to join forces. To stay up to date on developments, see the Pathform website.

SingularityNET Q1 Operations Update

SingularityNET published the Q1 2022 quarterly operations update, including an updated 2022 roadmap with ecosystem milestones, a Q1 HR report, Partnerships Dashboard, and an update on Progressive Decentralization initiatives.

Some highlights include the hiring update for 2022 and the Partnerships Dashboard:

SingularityNET Ecosystem Hiring Report, updated April 2022
Partnerships Dashboard, Updated April 2022

More details can be found in the SingularityNET Quarterly Operation Update blog post covering these items — the ecosystem’s plans are ambitious, hiring is booming, and partnerships are rolling in. This year is already off to a big jump start, and the ecosystem is positioned for expansion.

SingularityNET is Hiring!

With this new growth phase expanding onto the Cardano ecosystem, we’re looking to expand our team. We need you!

The SingularityNET platform is growing and expanding to the Cardano ecosystem. This new phase of growth will require new additions to our team. We are looking to add expertise in the following areas:

Please see the SingularityNET jobs page for current open positions and more details and descriptions. A wide range of opportunities are opening all the time at SingularityNET, for those who believe in decentralized AI.

What’s New in the Community and Marketing Department?

The story of SingularityNET is not a simple one, but the mission and vision of beneficial AGI for a benevolent Singularity is essential and must be told. We recently updated to the website homepage to better share that story.

Another way we are spreading the word about SingularityNET is through various social media platforms, such as Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, Instagram, and Medium. The goal is to increase awareness of SingularityNET to build brand recognition and inspire potential customers to consider partnering with us for their AI needs.

  • We’ve already seen a 6% growth in Twitter followers this year
  • The number of new followers for SingularityNET Twitter has doubled each month since February, including 2k new followers just in April!

The community is critical in these efforts as well — by engaging with and sharing content, the community grows, and the conversation deepens.

The Marketing Team is getting ready to bring our initial designs for the Community Ambassador Program to the community, which will help spread the word about SingularityNET. The Ambassador Program will be designed in collaboration with the main shareholders — the community itself. Initial plans include rewarding ambassadors who create quality educational and promotional content and help translate and share it through social media channels. There’s also room for additional ways of contributing, so feel free to suggest. If you want to join, be notified of developments, and help create this new initiative, you can register your interest here to stay updated.

Event — SingularityNET Symposium in LA, 31st March 2022

The SingularityNET Symposiums are new events that highlight the fantastic projects incubating within the ecosystem to visionary investors and share what’s next for AI and blockchain technology. At this year’s Los Angeles event on March 31st, SingularityNET presented innovations from various spin-offs, including a live appearance by Grace the Healthcare Assistant Robot! The event targeted area investors, AI/Blockchain VIPS, and subject matter experts. This in-person and online event was presented by BitAngels — A blockchain and cryptocurrency investor network.

Grace held a meet and greet with the local guests to start the morning, and then the symposium kicked off with a special presentation from Ben Goertzel. Ben spoke about the various ways AGI will change the world we live in and how SingularityNET envisions an AI future that’s democratic and decentralized. Presentations and demonstrations by various projects followed, including the SophiaDAO/SophiaVerse team, the Awakening Health Team with Grace demonstrating her multiple capabilities, TrueAGI, Jam Galaxy, Twin Protocol, and two BitAngels projects.

The symposium was well attended and was an exciting way to show the depth and breadth of decentralized AI in development by the SingularityNET teams. These symposiums are just one of many initiatives to broaden the reach of these great projects to a broader audience.

Event — Diversity Webinar Livestream

The SingularityNET webinar on Diversity was a lively, interactive, and engaging session. The topic was one that we as an AI community are grappling with in this day and age. In an increasingly connected world, with the spread of technology to remote corners of the globe, AI is seen as a great equalizer. But how can we ensure that our AI tools are inclusive of all? Are they making discriminatory assumptions based on race, gender, or cultural stereotypes? These were some of the many questions we addressed in this Diversity Webinar.

Janet Adams, COO of SingularityNET, moderated the discussion and set the context by giving us a glimpse into SingularityNET’s journey and illustrating why this webinar was necessary from a SingularityNET perspective. Janet noted to flourish as an organisation, SingularityNET needs to attract and retain the very best talent from across the globe and retain and promote an inclusive culture.

We firmly believe that the AI being built today will evolve into the AGI of tomorrow — to create an AGI that is beneficial to all humanity and all sentient life, our AI systems must understand and be inclusive of all human experience. We are working toward that goal and raising awareness of these important considerations within the global AI community.

Upcoming Event — Rare Bloom Event Participation

Tickets are now live for RareBloom, a Cardano community event held in Denver, Colorado, on October 14th and 15th, 2022.

The event is hosted by the Cardano community, for the Cardano community and will run over two days at the Gaylord Rockies Resort & Convention Center. It will feature education sessions from the Cardano Foundation and other organizations and opportunities for networking and socializing. Dr. Ben Goertzel, SingularityDAO, NuNet, Rejuve, and Jam Galaxy will all be presenting at the event — a SingularityNET ecosystem powerhouse!

RareBloom is designed to educate everyday investors about the technology powering their investments in Cardano and provide an opportunity to meet other community members. The event is also a chance to celebrate all of the progress made on Cardano so far and to show the Cardano blockchain how extensive and impressive the SingularityNET ecosystem is. Tickets are available now!

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Haley Lowy

Marketing & Communication at SingularityNET… bringing about benevolent Singularity bigger-faster-better!!