SingularityNET Latest Ecosystem Updates: July 2023

Haley Lowy
Published in
13 min readAug 3, 2023

Robots in Geneva, Desi in Tokyo, Sohpiaverse Launch, and updates from Rejuve.AI, Nunet, TrueAGI, and beyond.

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Greetings Singularitarians,

July has been an expansive month, with new partnerships and collaborations, significant progress across the organization and the ecosystem, and crowned with the highly successful launch of the Sophiaverse project. Decentralizing Sophia’s AI systems was one of the first use cases of a decentralized AI Platform — Sophia helped kick off the SingularityNET project, and we are thrilled to see her now blazing a trail to her own metaverse. In parallel, Desi is the center of a new SingularityNET collaboration, ‘Yaya Labs,’ which will explore the unlimited possibilities of AI Celebrity — and how AI celebrities can serve as a bridge to a positive future of human and AI collaboration.

AGI progress continues to accelerate, and SingularityNET itself is in a state of metamorphosis — decentralizing into its vision of a democratically owned and governed global AI Platform, while the Platform itself is in a state of redesign and retooling for maximum utility in the new AI landscape.

To learn more about all of these exciting developments, read on:

· Ecosystem News & Updates
∘ → SingularityNET
∘ → TrueAGI
∘ → Sophiaverse
∘ → Deep Funding
∘ → Rejuve.AI
∘ → Nunet
· Latest SingularityNET & Ecosystem Updates and Events —
∘ → AI for Good Global Summit 2023
∘ → WebX Asia
· Mindplex Podcasts and Pubcasts in July
→ Mindplex Podcast/Pubcast Episode 10:
→ Mindplex Podcast/Pubcast Episode 11:
→ Mindplex Community Podcast ‘Dream Wonders’ Episode 1:
→ Mindplex Community Podcast ‘Dream Wonders’ Episode 2:
· Inside SingularityNET — Ecosystem Leaders Meeting, July 2023
· SingularityNET In the News
· About SingularityNET

Ecosystem News & Updates

The pace of AGI development is rapidly accelerating as MeTTa, DAS, PLN, and other OpenCog Hyperon components approach alpha implementations. Decentralization initiatives continue to accelerate, building on the momentum of the SingularityNET Decentralized Summit, with the rapid growth of the ambassador community and the opening of Round 3 of Deep Funding (see more below).

In addition, great strides continue toward staking on Cardano (including some ground-breaking innovations addressing the new challenges of the Cardano blockchain) and a heavy focus on platform redesign and upgrade to better suit the changing needs of decentralized AI services. Platform refocus includes building the tools for “The Blockchain Layer 3: The Internet of Knowledge, a Key Ingredient of Beneficial Decentralized AGI” — more on which will be shared soon.

Partnerships and collaborations are blossoming for SingularityNET and across the ecosystem, as expertise in blockchain and decentralized AI and next-gen AGI solutions are sought across market verticals. SingularityNET is entering its next phase of growth and orienting to become a thought leader, solutions provider, and a critical web3 Platform for the next stage of AI expansion.

Activity around TrueAGI is heating up as enterprise demand for next-gen AI solutions grows. The project has launched its newsletter, so community can get all the latest news and announcements from TrueAGI as they begin their next phase of growth — sign up to receive highlights about AGI research and development areas and the development of the AGI-as-a-Service framework for business implementation…and be in the loop for upcoming announcements!

Sophiaverse’s Token Generation Event (TGE) was held at the end of July and was a huge success. We are grateful to everyone who participated and supported our mission to decentralize the future of AI development through gaming. Your support and passion are what made this event possible. If you missed the TGE, you can still be a part of Sophiaverse by applying to Sophia’s AI Lab Whitelist. Thank you again for your support!

Deep Funding has just shared some exciting new details for the upcoming Deep Funding Round 3. DFR3 comes with a number of smaller changes but also with one crucial innovation: A pool dedicated to RFPs (Requests For Proposal) issued by SingularityNET. This pool requests the developer community to submit proposals addressing specific tooling, services, and platform initiatives. These proposals were created by the Deep Funding Staff and SingularityNET tech team, inviting community teams to collaborate on specific features required for the platform and support of Deep Funding — further decentralizing the growth of the organization.

The complete reward Pool of DFR3 is $1,530,000 in AGIX. Read more about the new pool and the four defined RFPs in this article. Stay tuned for more details of DFR3, and join the Deep Funding Discord discussions.

To accelerate the development of the Rejuve Data NFT on the Cardano blockchain, the Rejuve team has applied for Cardano Catalyst Funding / FUND 10 with a proposal titled “Aligning Incentives through Novel Social Value Token Models” in which the concept of dNFT has been generalized to an AI model that measures a social value, in this case being the proportional contribution to products.

The Rejuve team counts on your support for their proposal. If you believe in the potential of the dNFT, please provide feedback and vote for their proposal on the Catalyst portal. And don’t forget to check out their weekly longevity app development updates on their blog.

The Nunet team has made a series of exciting Catalyst Fund 10 proposals. These proposals build on the success of their Project Catalyst-funded Decentralized GPU ML Cloud use case and aim to develop Nunet’s decentralized cloud computing platform. We are looking forward to seeing your valuable feedback on these proposals to help the Nunet team prioritize their development efforts and ensure that they are building the right products for the community:

Latest SingularityNET & Ecosystem Updates and Events —

SingularityNET, as a global leader in the fields of beneficial, decentralized AI and AGI, social robotics, and AI plus blockchain implementation, is regularly sought out to provide thought leadership across a range of critical topics on emerging technologies. During July, our Foundation and Ecosystem leaders were invited to showcase our advanced AI-robotics expertise in Geneva, and to kick off a reimagining of AI celebrity personality in Tokyo:

AI for Good Global Summit 2023

SingularityNET, SingularityNET Ecosystem, and SingularityNET friends and supporters at the AI for Good Global Summit in Geneva

The 2023 AI for Good Global Summit, organized by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), offered a unique opportunity for the SingularityNET Foundation and ecosystem to reaffirm their support of the United Nations SDGs in identifying practical applications of AI, providing scalable solutions that accelerate progress for global impact. As Dr. Ben Goertzel highlighted,

“The obstacles to following a path toward beneficial AGI are less technical than social and economic, which is why gatherings like AI for Good are so important, pulling together diverse minds to think about both the risks and the tremendous opportunities at hand.”

To overcome these difficulties requires dialogue between global civil society groups, members of the private sector, policymakers, organizations like SingularityNET, and trustworthy organizations like ITU to gather views on a wide variety of societal challenges and regulatory approaches to strike a balance between international and national AI guardrails, future-proof policy initiatives, and ensure equitable access to the benefits of frontier technologies.

We are grateful for the opportunity to participate in the 2023 AI for Good Global Summit, and we look forward to continuing to work with our partners and other AI stakeholders to ensure AI and AGI technologies are used for good and build a better future for all of humanity.

WebX Asia

Janet Adams, COO of SingularityNET and Maya Labs, with Ben Ditto, Creative Director of Maya Labs, and Desdemona Robot; on stage at WebX Tokyo, discussing AI Personality for the Ethical Era

WebX Asia 23 brought together world-class Web3 players and industry leaders in Tokyo. The perfect setting for announcing an exclusive collaboration with Ben Ditto, an internationally renowned artist, who has joined SingularityNET in a new venture named Yaya Labs.

This partnership is designed to bring together the power of excellence in creativity and technological innovation, with the aim of exploring the future of ‘AI celebrity’ through the Desi social-robotics platform.

The collaboration comes at a time of great debate about the socio-ethical implications of AI in the creative industry. Hollywood writers and actors have raised their voices to protect the future of creative professions against the rise of generative AI, warning of the imminent danger of AI replacing human talent and identity.

However, we believe the intersection between creativity and technological innovation is a positive step. By using AI and robots to create unique and captivating experiences, we can show that transformative technologies can be used to augment human creativity rather than replace it. By showcasing the beneficial face of AI, Yaya Labs will create a bridge between humans, AI, art, and decentralized technologies.

Desdemona (Desi) is leading the way to a new era of AI celebrity — and exploring the unbound potential for AI personality to grow, evolve, and connect with humanity at large. In the future, we expect to see more and more AI celebrities emerge, each with their own unique talents and personalities. These AI celebrities will have the potential to revolutionize the way we interact with entertainment, fashion, and culture — and SingularityNET and Yaya Labs are paving the way for this evolution in positive mass culture.

You can follow Desi’s journey on Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok. Be sure to check out her latest content and stay up-to-date on her upcoming projects. The future of ‘AI celebrity’ is here, and it’s looking bright!

Mindplex Podcasts and Pubcasts in July

Don’t forget to check out the newest content on Mindplex Magazine. Sign up now, we’re looking forward to your contributions!

→ Mindplex Podcast Episode 10:

  • Episode 10 of the Mindplex Podcast — In this episode, co-hosts Ben Goertzel, Lisa Rein, and Grace Robot speak with Dr. David Hanson, the Founder and CEO of Hanson Robotics. Dr. Hanson is a world-renowned expert in AI and robotics. He has created some of the most advanced humanoid robots in the world, including Sophia, the world’s first robot citizen. They discuss with Dr. Hanson the potential of AI to benefit humanity, the challenges of developing beneficial AGI, and the ethics of AI and robotics.
  • SingularityNET’s 10th episode livestream of the Mindplex Pubcast featured a thought-provoking discussion with Dr. Hanson about his work on humanoid social robots and the biology and neurobiology of embodiment.

→ Mindplex Podcast Episode 11:

  • Episode 11 of the Mindplex Podcast — This episode features a lively discussion with Toufi Saliba, the CEO of HyperCycle, and Dann Toliver, the CTO of HyperCycle. The Mindplex Podcast team discusses with Toufi and Dann how HyperCycle is leading the world into a new era of AI and explores their development progress, partnerships, and community initiatives.
  • During SingularityNET’s 11th episode livestream of the Mindplex Pubcast, Co-hosts Ben Goertzel and Lisa Rein were joined by Toufi Saliba and Dann Toliver to discuss how collaborative AI works and the concept of emergent behavior and explore how HyperCycle’s infrastructure supports the emergence of artificial general intelligence.

→ Mindplex Community Podcast ‘Dream Wonders’ Episode 1:

→ Mindplex Community Podcast ‘Dream Wonders’ Episode 2:

  • Episode 2 of the Mindplex Community Podcast — Episode 2 featured an insightful discussion between Dr. Mihaela Ulieru and Johnny Shekinah, Founder and CEO, and Kevin Foxe, Executive Producer, of Mandala about the vision behind Mandala and awareness and governance in the metaverse.

We hope you enjoy these new episodes! Stay tuned for more exciting content from Mindplex in the coming weeks!

Inside SingularityNET — Ecosystem Leaders Meeting, July 2023

The July 2023 Ecosystem Leaders’ Meeting “Inside SingularityNET” was an excellent opportunity to hear from the project leaders about their progress, expectations, and next steps. Here are some of the highlights:

  • CPO Jan Horlings shared the latest on Round 3 of our community-driven Deep Funding program and reaffirmed the Foundation’s commitment to running as a completely decentralized institution through the SingularityNET Community DAO.
  • CTO Sergey Shalyapin shared the latest on AGIX staking on Cardano and discussed our ongoing work to improve the onboarding experience on the platform.
  • CSO Dr. Matt Iklé provided an update on the development of Hyperon’s Distributed Atomspace (DAS) and the porting of the BioAtomspace.
  • Chief AGI Officer Dr. Alexey Potapov discussed some of the latest advancements in AGI theory and frameworks presented during the AGI-23 Conference and shared an update on the development progress of the MeTTa interpreter.
  • Community Lead Peter Elfrink proudly highlighted the efforts of the SingularityNET Ambassadors, who have been instrumental in helping to develop the program and empower the community.
  • Marketing Lead Haley Lowy reflected on the 16th annual AGI Conference AGI-23, where researchers and practitioners from across disciplines gathered to discuss their work and collaborate toward creating intelligent machines at the human level and beyond.
  • NuNet Marketing and Community Lead Jennifer Bourke highlighted Nunet’s impassioned work to help decentralize Cardano from the hardware up. She also discussed some of Nunet’s future development plans.
  • CEO of Cogito Protocol, Cloris Chen, reflected on their successful TGE, discussed the ongoing GCOIN beta, and provided a mainnet timeline for releasing their first tracercoin.
  • CEO of Rejuve.AI, Jasmine Smith, shared a status update on the development of the Rejuve Longevity App and discussed the upcoming SingularityNET community airdrop.
  • CEO of Rejuve.Bio, Kennedy Schaal announced that she would be speaking at the LifespanIO 6th annual Longevity & Desci Summit and highlighted the synergy between the Rejuve biotech and Rejuve.AI teams.
  • CEO of Mindplex, Hruy Tsegaye, proudly shared the launch of the Mindplex Community Podcast and shared some exciting updates, including adding new functionalities and onboarding new content writers.

SingularityNET In the News

The SingularityNET team has been featured in several interviews and articles in July:

  • CEO Ben Goertzel and Jon Krohn from the SuperData Science Podcast discussed the potential for beneficial decentralized AGI to transform society in a 3–7 year timeframe. They also explored the societal impacts of Artificial Super Intelligence (ASI), and how it could be used to create a more just and equitable world.
  • COO Janet Adams sat down with Gillian Millar to share her vision for AI for Good and discuss the importance of providing women and girls with equal opportunities in the AI field. Janet highlighted the need for more female role models in STEM and called for greater investment in education and training programs in the developing world.
  • CEO Ben Goertzel and Veronica Manuel from Ocean Protocol discussed the potential of decentralized AI and AGI technologies and the importance of making them accessible to everyone. They also explored the gamification of the new species of Neoterics.
  • CEO Ben Goertzel joined Don Reddin on the Off-Chain Podcast to discuss the latest advancements in AI and the importance of developing a morally-accepted decentralized AGI. They explored the challenges of ensuring this technology is used for good and highlighted the need for inclusive AI planning and development.
  • COO Janet Adams spoke to UN News about the importance of ensuring that frontier technologies like AI and AGI are intentionally inclusive. She also highlighted how these technologies can help advance the SDGs by creating a future that allows for human thriving.
  • CEO Ben Goertzel and Chris Bockman discussed how we can ensure that AI and social robotics are used for the benefit of humanity and the planet. They explored the ethical implications of AI and highlighted the need for responsible development and deployment.
  • Sophia, Desdemona, and Grace robots were featured in a UN article that highlighted the contributions of social robots to achieving the shared goals of benevolent AGI. The article focused on the potential of our robot trio to promote equality, justice, well-being, and industry innovation and to help create a more peaceful and inclusive society.

Thanks for reading along and joining us on our ambitious journey!

We are proud of the work our teams and our community have done in July, and we are excited to continue leading the way in the field of beneficial decentralized AI and AGI.

About SingularityNET

SingularityNET is a decentralized Platform and Marketplace for Artificial Intelligence (AI) services. Our mission is the creation of a decentralized, democratic, inclusive, and beneficial Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), democratizing access to AI and AGI technologies through:

  • Our Platform, where anyone can develop, share, and monetize AI algorithms, models, and data.
  • OpenCog Hyperon, our premier neural-symbolic AGI Framework, will be a core service for the next wave of AI innovation.
  • Our Ecosystem, developing advanced AI solutions across market verticals to revolutionize industries

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Haley Lowy

Marketing & Communication at SingularityNET… bringing about benevolent Singularity bigger-faster-better!!