SingularityNET Operations — Q2+ 2023 Update

Janet Adams
Published in
28 min readSep 4, 2023

Learn about SingularityNET’s latest updates on our Roadmap, HR, Partnerships, and Decentralization, new executive team members, plus an update from our COO Janet Adams

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Greetings Singularitarians,

It’s been a super successful quarter+ here at SingularityNET, as we’re sure you all will have noticed, and we have a lot to share with you! We are excited to share the Update from the COO, to answer some of our most frequent community questions, and update all the progress on our quarterly milestones, HR, partnership advances, and progress toward organizational decentralization. Let's dive in!

· Update from the COO: The Singularity draws closer…
Community Questions
· Milestones Update — Q2+
· Notes on the roadmap:
OpenCog Hyperon
AI-Domain Specific Language (DSL)
The Decentralized AI Platform
AI services released on the platform
Blockchain Team and Cardano migrations
Deep Funding
Rejuve Network (Rejuve.AI)
Rejuve Biotech
Cogito Protocol
Jam Galaxy
Twin Protocol
· HR Update
· Partnerships
Partnerships Dashboard
· Decentralization
Community DAO and the Supervisory Council Election
Grassroots Governance Community Forums
Ambassador Program

Update from the COO: The Singularity draws closer…

It is, once again, a great pleasure to share the Q2+ Operations update with you, our loyal community supporters, who have been with us over the years, as well as the ones who have just arrived. Welcome to SingularityNET to our 6,000+ new followers on our social channels, and thanks for coming on board at this most exciting time!

The pace of change at SingularityNET never fails to inspire and motivate me; the progress is continuous. Now in early September, after a period of significant growth and restructuring at SingularityNET, I am delighted to share with you our Q2+ Operations update and highlight some of the major developments of the months from April to August.

To begin, a very big shout out and massive thanks to all of you who partook in the recent successful token launches of Cogito, HyperCycle, and SophiaVerse, who became the latest SingularityNET incubated spin-offs to successfully launch, joining Rejuve, NuNet, and SingularityDAO as standalone projects in the SingularityNET Ecosystem. A special thanks also goes out to the respective teams as well as various supporting staff across SingularityNET and SingularityDAO for their hard work.

All of the spin-offs are designed and founded with the purpose of creating AI agents for the SingularityNET marketplace as they mature, and supporting the thriving SingularityNET ecosystem, powering us forward towards our goal of beneficial Artificial General Intelligence.

Moving on to SingularityNET Foundation capability — as announced in July, we are very excited to have onboarded two new, very dynamic executives onto the SingularityNET executive leadership team with the appointment of Loic Claveau as our new Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) and Alex Blagirev as our new Strategic Initiatives Officer (SIO). Loic has made his mark quickly, taking hold of and restructuring the marketing team, while Alex has been driving rapid partnership strategy and partnerships aimed at strengthening SingularityNET's position in the AI service market and driving increased utility of the AGIX token. We have a few words from each of these fantastic new executives below.

Loic Claveau -

“Coming to SingularityNET feels like a blessing, being surrounded by so many great minds, and of course, bathing in the light of Ben has left an incredible feeling. It’s not often that your CEO is a true visionary so I am trying to learn as much as I can from him. As for the Marketing Department, as Janet quickly mentioned, my very first step is to build the foundation of the team by doing a gap analysis:

“Our ambitions” - “Where we are” = “What we need.”

We are now filling that gap with the right talents. We are building an amazing content pipeline and strengthening the ways we communicate with you, our community, through different types of activities. As I always say, if content is King, engagement is Queen…and you know who the real boss is (the Queen, of course 🙂!) So expect more content, of course, but also a specific focus on engagement from us in the coming months.”

Alex Blagirev -

“There is a great opportunity to advance our strategic initiatives and work together alongside the SingularityNET ecosystem. I am looking forward to expanding operations and implementing new frameworks for the ecosystem and community that focus on building AGIX utility and bringing new strong names from across industry. We want to keep the balance between flexibility in movement, avoid bureaucracy, and ensure our new friends have a seamless connection with SingularityNET.”

Our work to enhance our executive capabilities extends across the ecosystem, and we are thrilled to announce that we have completed a merger process between our music spin-off, Jam Galaxy, and Museverse. Museverse, a music metaverse & XR initiative backed by Deep Funding in 2022 — is led by Patrik Gudev.

Patrik Gudev, CEO of Museverse and Jam Galaxy, presenting on the Rare Evo Event Main Stage in August

As our Jam Galaxy plans mature and progress towards a Token Generation Event, the merger introduces a valuable dataset of sounds, a portfolio of strategic partnerships, and a brilliant executive leadership team with a great passion for revolutionizing the music industry. This merger enhances our music proposition and seamlessly integrates Jam Galaxy (decentralized music platform), Musaic (AI music tools), and Museverse (metaverse & XR) into a coherent structure.

Patrik is now CEO of Jam Galaxy, alongside the highly dynamic and driven COO Matej Zimak, who are driving up a storm of activity. Recent engagement at the WebX conference in Tokyo, located in the world´s second-largest music market, has set the stage for potentially transformative partnerships with key music labels and distributors in Japan. This success was followed by a great showing at the Rare Evo Cardano Community Event, where Patrik shared future project plans on the event Main Stage, and the booth hosted an opportunity to community to Jam together, and share the connection of music.

The SingularityNET, Jam Galaxy, and Yaya Labs Team celebrating Desdemona’s first steps as a pop star at WebX Tokyo in July

Finally, wrapping up the restructuring news, I was honoured to welcome Rachel Lyons as our new VP of Operations. Rachel has a broad and demanding role, responsible for all operations and finance processes from planning, resource management, and HR, to payments and financial reporting… and everything in between! Rachel has been coming rapidly up to speed, and her focus is on creating resilient, stable, and scalable operations and processes to power SingularityNET through our next phase of evolution in the AI revolution. Rachel has already made her mark with the implementation of a new travel booking system and approval processes, the design of a suite of front-to-back finance processes, and the restructuring of the HR and finance teams, including a new cost effective outsourcing arrangement for payments and record-keeping. Rachel will continue to build resilience across our operational processes over the coming months to be prepared for massive scaling as the current positive AI landscape would suggest with McKinsey recently forecasting that generative AI could add the equivalent of $2.6 trillion to $4.4 trillion annually to the global economy. SingularityNET is uniquely positioned with skills across the most important AI methods to flourish in this accelerating revolution.

Other highlights from an action-packed quarter for me were:

- Yaya Labs — Announcement of our collaboration with world renowned creative director Ben Ditto to make Desdemona Robot a star in popular music, culture and fashion.

- Partnerships —we are very proud to have announced our partnerships with World Mobile, VeChain, HAQQ Network, Earthwise, and Purecipher. There is so much potential from these partnerships in increasing SingularityNET’s reach into telecoms, credit, sustainability, ethics, blockchain and cyber security (read more in the partnerships update!).

- 2022 Financial Report — has been completed and is undergoing board approval currently; this was a little delayed by the intense focus on token launches and restructuring activities but is now undergoing final approval

- The UN’s AI for Good summit in Geneva — our robots stole the show at the world’s first robot press conference, and we made many new friends while advocating for decentralisation as the path for ethical AI and AGI for the benefit of humanity.

- SingularityNET Platform Strategy — We are undertaking a deep and thorough review of our Platform in relationship to the emerging AI landscape and our optimistic timeline for AGI or AGI-ish breakthroughs; as well as our upcoming initiation of the Cardano Platform Port. We are taking our new executive’s fresh input into account and formulating a robust strategy direction that brings all our many efforts and initiatives into a laser focus aimed straight at our mission. We will be announcing a renewed platform strategy for SingularityNet with a strong focus on Knowledge Graphs as LLM plug-ins — more coming soon on this!
→ (See a preview in my Rare Evo Mainstage talk!)

- Deep Funding — Round 3 announced with a new pool dedicated to RFPs!

- AGI Progress — And most importantly, we continue to power rapidly towards AGI with strong progress on our OpenCog Hyperon and MeTTa functional programming language — read on!

Community Questions

The community has been asking fantastic questions over the past quarter, and we’d like to take a moment to answer some of the recent community subjects:

Q: What is the status of Staking on Cardano?

Cardano staking has completed its final audit; our team is working intensively on bringing staking live as quickly as possible while also ensuring the security and efficiency of the many innovations created for the Cardano chain. In addition, we are collaborating with the SDAO team on building the front-end portal and ensuring the user experience is as straightforward as possible. We expect this before the end of Q3.

Q: What is the status of the airdrops for launched Phase 2 projects?

Our focus during H1 has been on supporting the launch of ecosystem spin-offs during this period of rapid growth. We are making great progress.

Behind the scenes, we are working to plan and coordinate the airdrop and claiming process across projects. Our goal is a maximally efficient and seamless experience for the community. We’ll provide more details shortly on timelines and procedures as they solidify.

Our vision remains to enhance alignment across the ecosystem to deliver shared value. We appreciate your patience as we lay the operational groundwork.

Qs: What will Zarqa do for SNET?

A: Buy the GPUs required to create massively powerful AI and compete with big tech in this interim pre-AGI period where resource-hungry methods dominate.

Q: How will Zarqa and SNET interact?

A: Zarqa will expand the name and reach of the SingularityNET foundation and ecosystem.

Q. Will Zarqa detract from SNETs success?

A: No, we are in a time of massive expansion and acceleration of AI and the AI market globally. No matter how fast the SingularityNet ecosystem expanded in any direction, we couldn’t be extractive from each other — we build all our ventures for synergies and to support SingularityNET in reaching its goals.

Q. How will the platform be successful if Zarqa is developing AGI?

A. Zarqa is not developing AGI, but advancing the integration of symbolic methods with LLMs; a fundamentally different architecture than our AGI approach.

Q: Where is the value of AGIX tokens gonna come from if Zarqa is the one holding all the cards?

A: Zarqa’s models will run on the SingularityNET marketplace with the AGIX token as utility, the potential is staggering. ChatGPT was the fastest growing product in the history of humanity, imagine what an actually smart, neural-symbolic, knowledge grounded LLM could do for token utility.

Q: What part of the ecosystem controls the developments and products, especially AGI if it is developed from the ecosystem

A: Our advanced neural symbolic AI projects fit together as a synergistic whole, supporting one another and the long-term mission-critical vision of SingularityNET to develop decentralized, democratically governed AGI running on the SingularityNET Platform.

OpenCog Hyperon and SingularityNET are committed to the principles of open-source software development and decentralized deployment, most critically in relation to AGI breakthroughs — this technology is too powerful to be in the control of any limited group.

Q: Interaction between AGIX/NTX/HypC and other ecosystem tokens

A: The underlying tech and business models of Nunet, HyperCycle, and SingularityNET form a robust decentralized tech stack that will interact in a variety of configurations, depending on the use case.

Ben’s overview of the vision for our decentralized tech stack:
“ Overall, what we are doing is creating an overall tech stack for decentralized deployment of AI processes across distributed compute networks — and Nunet and HyperCycle are building separate aspects of this tech stack, which will productively operate together in a variety of complementary ways.

  • NuNet has a tokenized economy for compute resources, customized for AI processes that need compute resources, and a framework allowing AI processes to be automatically deployed on a variety of different compute infrastructures.
  • HyperCycle has a ledgerless blockchain infrastructure, powered by TODA plus SingularityNET reputation systems, that efficiently handles micro-transactions between AI processes forming parts of a combined distributed decentralized AI system… it can run as a Layer 0 ( a basic comms protocol), a Layer 1 (autonomous blockchain) or a Layer 2 (a side chain of e.g. Cardano interacting closely w. smart contracts running on Cardano but doing critical AI operations more efficiently on the sidechain).
  • SingularityNET is a protocol for AI agents to communicate about their inputs, outputs, data, and requirements… mostly agnostic to what platform these agents run on.”

NuNet is intended to be pivotal in helping smooth and abstract away the complexities of unknown or mismatched hardware that HyperCycle rings may run on in the future. At the same time, both projects are designed to operate collaboratively or independently for maximum flexibility. The interoperation of the projects, and the variety of ways they and their token structures will augment each other, is continuing to dynamically unfold as the project themselves continue in their development.

Q: Will HyperPG also connect customers to Nunet?

A: The ultimate intention is to have Nunet compatible with HyperCycle ring architecture; utilization of Nunet in a given architecture will depend on the HyperCycle ring’s implementation and use case. HyperPG is a particularly optimized ring structure, which will be flexible and scalable and can be implemented in a variety of contexts. Down the road, these should include contexts where utilizing an underlying Nunet architecture is an attractive option.

As Ben put it succinctly, “There is no in-principle reason why HyperPG shouldn’t include nodes that combine HyperCycle and Nunet as an option! This also doesn’t have to be the first thing HyperPG launches however (and it won’t be).”

The technical details are still in development, as the entire technology is innovated from the ground up, but the opportunities only continue to broaden.

Q: How will HyperCycle and Cardano interact?

A: As Ben shared, “While HyperCycle has some advantages to Cardano on a fundamental level, it’s still pre-alpha in many ways (though building on some mature ingredients like the TODA file code). As we move fast toward a beneficial Singularity, HyperCycle will be heavily focused on interoperability from the start; and can focus on building a rich ecosystem of DApps, etc, later.

In addition, interoperability between HyperCycle’s core unique smart contract language (Opencog Hyperon’s MeTTa language) and an external chain’s smart contract language can be done much more richly if this external language is also a functional language. This rules out Solidity but not Plutus (basically Haskell). Interoperability with Plutus (Cardano’s smart contract language) will be super-fast due to Hydra, even for complex cases; and it will often be viable to formally prove that combined MeTTa/Plutus code carries out its specified function correctly.

HyperCycle will initially be used to form a decentralized infrastructure for Opencog Hyperon AGI, and of course may be used early on for other critical applications like high-frequency token trading, ecosystem-wide cross-application reputation management, and decentralized LLMs running on edge devices + repurposed crypto mining farms. But these initial HyperCycle agents will gain practical value via interoperating with DApps on other blockchains carrying out a variety of functions; and interoperability with Cardano DApps will be the highest value here. In other words, HyperCycle will be able to impersonate an Eth sidechain too, but in its guise as a Cardano sidechain it’s going to have higher degrees of efficiency and verifiability, both of which are very important.”

Milestones Update — Q2+

Notes on the roadmap:

OpenCog Hyperon

  • We are making good progress towards releasing MeTTa to the open-source developer community in the next few months.
  • A Space API and its Python wrapper have been fully implemented and improved, and an example of a “neural space” with its own pattern matching via GPT-3.5 calls has been provided. This example shows flexibility in using custom spaces (in addition to the Distributed Atomspace) as well as possible directions toward neural-symbolic integration and mixing MeTTa with DNNs.
  • The Hyperon Python module has had an overhaul in the way it is installed, and its C API has been improved.
  • In addition, new features and general improvements have been introduced to our Minecraft mod, Vereya, and its Python wrapper, which allowed us to compare our AI agents to the Voyager agent, which uses GPT4 for learning skills, for planning, for reasoning. The results are presented in the blog post.

AI-Domain Specific Language (DSL)

  • We have seen more and more LLMs enter the market over the last quarter, providing new, powerful tools that we can apply to AI-DSL. Therefore, we are integrating these into the AI-DSL.
  • MeTTa has now replaced Idris, which was our long-term goal, and this was completed in Q2. This will still enable AI-DSL to easily call, compose, verify, specify, and possibly synthesize AI services to create new AI service compositions that can be published on the marketplace.

The Decentralized AI Platform

  • We have performed significant testing and improvement of the functionality of free calls on the platform and introduced advanced features.
  • The functionality of the SDK has been expanded, as well as continuous implementation of AI model training functionality on the platform.
  • Our support team has been working with various service providers, using their experience to enhance the adaptation process for organizations and services. We’re seeing increasing ease in adding new services to the platform.
  • The number of projects onboarding to the SingularityNET Platform/Marketplace has risen steeply, including Deep Fund, Ecosystem Spin-off, and other projects. One more Deep Funding team “AcademGene” is currently finalizing its onboarding, and about ten teams are currently at various stages of the onboarding process. In the course of supporting new onboarders, we collect statistics on difficulties arising in the process of onboarding and continuously improve our manuals.

Teams currently onboarding to the Platform:

  • AI-DSL
  • Mindplex
  • Zero2AI
  • Museverse
  • AcademGene
  • Temporai
  • Mesh AI
  • Carbix / Avatar 2 Human Learning

AI services released on the platform

The platform services have continued to increase every quarter this year. In January, the marketplace listed 68 services which has increased to 84 services.

  • During Q2 and through the end of August, the platform services team developed and partially implemented a new system for scaling services in a cloud environment.
  • In addition, a number of services have been updated and modified to bring better stability, including:
    → Textual Emotion Recognition
    → (Neural) Abstractive Summarization
    → Hate Speech Detection
    → Abstractive Question Answering
    → Punctuation and Capitalisation Restoration
    → Significant work has also been done to update the Image Generation service and introduce a new basic Speech Synthesis architecture for various languages.
  • The development of the ML-Backend part for training AI services for image generation and speech synthesis using customer data was continued.

Blockchain Team and Cardano migrations

  • The Cardano Staking project has been the focus and challenge of the blockchain development team, tackling novel and unique challenges to ensure a smooth, safe, and robust system for our community. The program code and architecture were extensively tested, and additional areas of optimization and security were identified and addressed.
  • The portal has passed it’s audit and is entering final beta testing prior to release.
  • In addition to the work on the blockchain code, the staking team has also developed part of the front-end functionality for the SDAO portal, which includes the ability to connect a plethora of Cardano wallets.
  • The blockchain team has been providing support for existing blockchain services across the ecosystem, as well as preparing current spin-offs for future launches.
  • A demo version of GCOIN was developed as part of the Cogito project on the Cardano blockchain network; this demo was launched and presented to the community to show how tracercoins will work when launched.
  • In addition, after the Cogito TGE, the utility token CGV was integrated into the SingularityNET token bridge.

A number of AWS-based network infrastructure solutions have been developed and deployed, which are now awaiting blockchain integration. Solutions include cloud infrastructure solutions for GCOIN testnet demonstration, for the demo version of the JamGalaxy portal, and for the Multi-Chain Wallet Binding Tool. The further work plan includes finalizing the software code for staking, including the smart contract code, as well as the front-end and back-end code. As well as the refinement of the required functions for the MVP of the JamGalaxy project.

Deep Funding

We have finished our governance rounds with a number of interesting ideas that were, however, not matured enough for a voting event. With only one proposal completely ready, we decided not to organize a whole voting event around this but instead to start preparing for Deep Funding Round 3 which was launched in the first week of August.

DFR3 comes with a number of smaller changes but also with one important innovation: A pool dedicated to RFPs (Requests For Proposal) issued by SingularityNET. This pool alone has a maximum allocation of $530,000 in AGIX. The complete reward Pool of DFR3 is $1,530,000 in AGIX!

Another exciting topic is the development of our own proposal submission portal, fully integrated into our existing WordPress environment. We are very happy to see the community sharing our enthusiasm when we offered a preview of what to expect. We hope the new portal will give a better user experience and better-formatted proposals, lead to fewer projects that are not eligible, and facilitate improved communication between Deep Funding staff and participants. While the development of the new portal is going well, we decided (in consultation with the community and the Supervisory Council) to do one more round on our current portal while continuing our work on the development and testing of the first version of the new environment. Curious? Take a look at this governance call, where we explained the reason for the new portal and gave a demo of its features.

Last but not least, we are creating a Deep Funding Community Focus Group that will act as a sounding board and mediating body between internal staff and the community. With a smaller group than our usual Governance calls and with a higher communication frequency, we hope to be able to have more in-depth discussions and prepare for many important decisions that are still to come. We are grateful for the many applications we received and are looking forward to kicking off the new process by the end of August/start of September.

Rejuve Network (Rejuve.AI)

  • Rejuve.AI has had an exciting quarter, starting with the continued development of the Longevity App, including UX/UI enhancements, bug fixes, the addition of new question sets, and continued work to complete the Bayes Expert upgrade. The Beta Testers have increased to 2000, with it now being permanently open until launch.
  • The Rejuve Team expanded by 7 members: Marketing Director, Full Stack Developer, 2 Data Scientists, Medical Content Writer, Graphic Designer, and Financial Controller, with hiring still underway. The Team attended Web3Live London, featuring a Keynote by CTO Dr. Deborah Duong.
  • Progress has been made in Rejuve’s collaboration with TruDiagnostic, beginning to create chronological age predictive algorithms based on DNA methylation, proteomic, and metabolomic data, which also marked the beginning of the Generative Cooperative Network (GCN).
  • In addition, RejuveAI participated in a Twitter Space and Telegram AMA, reaching new communities. They also announced a partnership with, enabling people to book flights, hotels, and experiences in RJV tokens. “

Rejuve Biotech

  • Last quarter’s anticipated sequencing has been completed, which included individual paired DNA and RNA sequencing for a set of Geriatric Methuselah flies.
  • The results from the sequencing are currently being analyzed, but so far support the identification of 4 specific transcription factors that are up-regulated in the Methuselah flies. These 4 TFs influence dozens of other genes that are implicated in cellular metabolism, developmental biology processes, DNA binding, and circadian rhythm, just to name a few — all things that are very important in healthy aging.
  • The next milestone is to continue this experiment with 2 additional time points — juvenile and pre-reproduction.
  • On the AI front, the FlyBase database has been successfully imported into the BioAtomspace, and the team is running simulations for hypothesis generation and testing.
  • Rejuve Biotech’s social media following continues to grow as excitement over the AI+longevity space accelerates.
  • Finally, Kennedy spoke at the Lifespan.IO Longevity+DeSci Summit for Ending Age-Related Disease in New York, August 10–11, alongside such longevity luminaries as Aubrey de Grey (who is also a member of the Rejuve.BIO Scientific Advisory Board), Hans Keirstead, and Morten Scheibye-Knudsen.

Cogito Protocol

  • Cogito Protocol announced a pivot to offer tokenized real-world assets (RWA) — GFUND being a tokenized green bond index fund, SFUND tokenized sovereign bonds (starting with T-bills), and XFUND tokenized AI/tech equity. All of them will be structured as a registered and regulated fund to ensure compliance
  • Cogito is actively onboarding the stakeholders of the fund (lawyer, broker, custodian, fund admin, auditor, etc), aiming to offer the product by the end of the year
  • Product development remains in progress
  • Over the next 6–12 months, their focus will be on three key areas:
  • Launching the mainnet on Ethereum
  • Increasing market outreach through ambassador programs and business development.
  • Promoting product adoption and usage through various partnership programs.


  • Mindplex’s operations have entered a space of accelerating activity and progress.
  • The platform has successfully attracted more than 10,000 users across its various outlets — the Magazine, Twitter, and Telegram. Notably, Mindplex has secured the renowned R.U. Sirius as a regular columnist. Furthermore, the team has recently hired expert blockchain and crypto journalists who will commence covering stories on related topics from July onwards.
  • AI development:
  • Mindplex has embarked on the integration and development of generative AI technology to address the growing significance of this field.
  • The platform has identified and initiated the development process for enhancing the Reputation AI.
  • Integration of the Mindplex Recommendation AI into the SingularityNET Marketplace is nearing completion.
  • The platform will also add two more AI tools that will enhance the audience’s experience in terms of understanding and measuring the credibility of content and interaction with content and other users.
  • Finally, we are excited to share with you that Mindplex has finalized the smart contract for its utility token and Content Factory tool — stay tuned for details this fall!


  • Global appetite for better LLM performance continues to grow as industries adopt and build on this powerful technology.
  • It is increasingly apparent to researchers and developers globally that the current LLMs need symbolic knowledge and reasoning to be trustworthy in critical applications. There is a need for neural-symbolic LLMs.
  • Zarqa’s final shape and funding are still in stages of crystallising, but the team is already building foundations for integrating symbolic reasoning into advanced LLM architecture:
    → Large-scale LM training training mastering
    → Large-scale OCR training mastering
    → Large-scale Music Separation training mastering
    Large-scale NMT training mastering — Arabic
    → Codegen-AMR fine-tuning
    → Kubernetes-based AWS AI inference scaling mastering
    → Serverless AWS AI inference scaling mastering
    → Middle-scale rescoring LM training mastering
    → Large-scale Emotion Recognition training mastering
    → Large-scale LM fine-tuning mastering
    → LLM prompt-tuning mastering
    → Inference optimisation for scaled Speech Synthesis

Jam Galaxy

  • As part of the ongoing expansion and evolution of the SingularityNET music ecosystem, this quarter has been a transformative period for Jam Galaxy. The project welcomed new additions to the leadership team and significant structural adjustments, enriching Jam Galaxy’s collective capabilities and setting the course for robust growth and innovation.
  • In June, Patrik Gudev and Matej Zimák came on board as CEO and COO respectively, infusing the team with their extensive experience and knowledge from the music industry, algorithmic music generation, and corporate and web3-oriented venture capital experience. Their entrance has deepened the team’s expertise, supplemented by the integration of key skills in marketing and fundraising through strategic collaborations with several talented professionals.
  • Following this augmentation, the project took a deep dive into knowledge transfer, team interaction, market research, and a thorough evaluation of the current state of technology and development.
  • Jam Galaxy’s development team is building the core functionalities of te web app, and thereby setting the groundwork for the MVP — the Creator Portal.
  • Jam Galaxy’s marketing team has effectively expanded its audience reach, primarily targeting Twitter and Telegram users. They are now devising strategies for more artist-centric and mainstream platforms like Instagram and TikTok.
  • Moving forward, the team’s immediate goals encompass finalizing the rebranding process as well as developing and integrating enhanced technical features into the Creator Portal. These improvements are poised to substantially elevate the value for artists and music professionals using the portal.
  • In collaboration with Musaic, Jam Galaxy is forging multiple partnerships in Japan and the US to enhance their data-sourcing capabilities. This will enable them to develop cutting-edge AI music tools for artists and other key players in the music industry.
  • Jam Galaxy is revolutionizing the music creation process and redefining the way musicians and fans interact, create, and thrive together. To support this vision, the focus is on key technical areas such as online jamming, AI-powered music tools, and leveraging blockchain technology.


  • TrueAGI is at the forefront of developing Artificial General Intelligence to be 1st to market with AGI-as-a-Service to revolutionize Enterprises across the globe in all industries. Our current focus is on corporate growth, acceleration of RDT&E(Research, Development, Testing & Evaluation) tasks to achieve milestones sooner while maintaining acceptable risk and aligning with potential clients under our early adopter program.
  • We are continuing to build exciting new partnerships and engagements with world-class companies in support of our technology stack and enterprise goals.
  • Our team is also building massively scalable AGI hardware that enables absolute performance from the unique methods in AGI-as-a-Service to further revolutionize the value to enterprises and humanity. Whether used together or individually, businesses can use them in standalone and/or plug mode with their applications and IT systems or integrate them with their existing models, data, and large-scale infrastructure. AGI-as-a-Service will provide solutions horizontally across almost every vertical market segment that has the potential to achieve the most significant market penetration in industry history.
  • Our outreach has grown to keep pace with our increased activities and achievements. Stay tuned for more exciting news on our path to AGI. TrueAGI continues to revolutionize the field of AI by developing benevolent AGI that is trustworthy, ethical, safe, and secure and will positively benefit and evolve with and in support of humanity.

Twin Protocol

  • TWIN Protocol continues to make exciting progress and is now targeting the token generation event (TGE) for Fall 2023, so mark your calendars, and please start following TWIN on Twitter and Telegram to keep up with all of our exciting news. We need your support in building our community and to be ready for launch.
  • Each month, TWIN continues to advance their technology and build out the ecosystem of dApps and technologies that will enable TWIN. Our proprietary wallet is in its testing stage and will be ready soon, along with the TWIN dApp. We have designed an innovative hybrid Web3 and Web2 payments & rewards system that will help introduce TWIN to both crypto adopters and non-adopters, greatly extending our reach and audience.
  • We are negotiating our first commercial usage of TWIN with a key ebooks website and believe that bringing books and authors to life using TWIN Protocol will showcase a very compelling use case for the TWIN technology.

HR Update

We continue to strengthen the SingularityNET organization, the current headcount is 140 compared to 141 as of 31 March 2023. The change reflects a number of factors — primarily a balance between a number of new hires and volunteers becoming full-time and the shift as Rejuve, Hypercycle, and Cogito have launched and are now hiring their teams through their own funding.

This coming quarter, HR will focus on centralizing and streamlining the HR function and processes by implementing automated tools to handle manual bookkeeping, resource planning, forecasting, and management tasks. We will significantly reduce the turnaround time for HR activities through 3 key initiatives:

  • Restructuring
  • Introduction of a responsibility matrix
  • Comprehensive reporting

Additionally, the recruitment process will be standardized and accelerated by implementing an improved and detailed scorecard for the hiring process. This enhancement will result in a more seamless hiring and onboarding experience.

Beyond operational enhancements, we are excited to elevate the people and culture aspect of the organizational HR practices to better align with our diverse and dynamic global workforce.

The recent changes to our Operations structure will play a pivotal role in fortifying our existing processes and establishing more robust methodologies. These improvements will contribute to the overall success and effectiveness of the department as a whole and to the SingularityNET organization and the SingularityNET Ecosystem.

At this time, we have the following open positions for SingularityNET:

To keep updated on new opportunities, please check our job page regularly:


During Q2+, SingularityNET has established collaborations with a variety of great partnerships.

  • The WorldMobile collaboration is geared towards leveraging SingularityNET AI in the realms of Customer Service and Decentralized Finance. Especially exciting is the potential to develop a micro-lending service to extend assistance to those underserved by conventional institutions in the fields of mobile communication and finance.
  • A VeChain strategic collaboration was announced, uniting Blockchain and AI with the potential to radically change how the global economy operates, offering powerful enterprise-grade tools to tackle challenges in the field of sustainability and traditional businesses.
  • An partnership with HAQQ was introduced, which will provide broad opportunities to bring together ethical AI with the Islamic finance market, reputation, and advanced ethical blockchain oracle.
  • A strategic partnership with EARTHwise will bring together diverse elements of gaming and the use of gamification and AI to advance progress on the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
  • A new community OpenAIS (Open AI Saftey/Artificial Immune Systems) was founded by SingularityNET in collaboration with longtime collaborators PureCipher and the Machine Perception and Cognitive Robotics Laboratory (MPCRL) at The Florida Atlantic University, to develop ethical safeguards for AI development
  • Yaya Labs — Lastly, SingularityNET formed a groundbreaking partnership with Ben Ditto, a renowned creative director, to embark on the ambitious project of propelling Desdemona the Robot to the heights of AI celebrity and global stardom. Yaya Labs is SingularityNET’s latest spin-off and is a creative agency specializing in the realm of AI and robotics; Ben Ditto has assumed the role of Creative Director (via a partnership with his company ‘Concrete’) to leave a lasting impact on the world stage as Desdemona becomes a pioneering AI celebrity.

Edwin Eyre, Partnerships Manager, has recorded a discussion about the partnership with Ben Ditto recently, which will be shared with our community soon, to explore just a taste of the opportunities this partnership will create.

As we look ahead to the coming months, we have an array of exciting announcements in the pipeline. We are eager to share details about the partnerships we have been diligently working on, unveiling the remarkable achievements resulting from these collaborations. The SingularityNET community can expect groundbreaking developments, novel use cases, and enhanced functionalities that will further expand the reach and impact of our platform.

Stay tuned for these upcoming announcements as we unveil the remarkable progress we have made and continue to push the boundaries of what is possible with decentralized AI.

Partnerships Dashboard


Community DAO and the Supervisory Council Election

We were proud to announce that Esther Galfalvi has accepted the role of “Decentralization Program Lead” where she will coordinate the activities of SingularityNET’s decentralization initiative.

We look forward to the vote for a new Supervisory Council in Q3, and the election process will begin in the coming weeks. A Decentralization Blueprint will be developed by a dedicated Task Force. The Task Force will consist of the newly elected Supervisory Council; a number of domain experts; and SingularityNET representatives. We look forward to working closely with our community members to speed up and enhance our decentralization process! Stay tuned for the next in-depth communication about the Supervisory Council election process.

Grassroots Governance Community Forums

In efforts to better understand the challenges of decentralization, some members of the decentralized community participated in the first of what we hope will be many Governance Forum Sessions. These are a series of workshops initiated and hosted by the Governance Guild funded by Project Catalyst. These workshops bring together the wealth of experience from multiple groups in different decentralized ecosystems to discuss best practice, and collaborate on solving persistent challenges in decentralized governance.

SingularityNET representatives helped facilitate the first workshop on 15th July, and we expect a fruitful relationship going forward. July’s workshop discussed tooling for decentralized governance, as well as more specific challenges such as absence of funding for governance and leadership; trust and democracy; and handling collective uncertainty and trepidation around taking action in a decentralized environment. The high-level summary is available here.

Ambassador Program

The SingularityNET Community Ambassador Program is a place where community members can collaborate on a broad range of topics, all related to spreading the word on the SingularityNET ecosystem in a decentralized way.

We currently have 12 workgroups. Here’s a list for a quick overview: Education, Translation, Strategy, Incubation, Governance, Writers, Video, Onboarding, Process, Treasury, AI Sandbox, Archive. It’s a bit much to fully detail all of them; you can find out more about each workgroup in their respective channels on the discord server.

Our weekly meeting schedule is action-packed, with about 10 to 12 weekly meetings. You can find the schedule (and add it to your own calendar) here. Besides Discord, our Dework page is the main hub for keeping track of activities. Think of it as a web3 trello board! We have had 105 contributors so far.

One of the newly established workgroups is the Archival workgroup, which helps keep track of all that’s happening in our program. The archive gitbook provides an overview of meeting outputs.

Furthermore, to stay up to date you can find our recorded meetings on the Ambassador Youtube channel.

We’ve been experimenting and learning with regard to our budgeting, and for Q3 shifted from role-based allocations to a proposal model, where workgroup leads put in fund requests for their workgroups budget. The ambassador program gets funded by the Supervisory Council, which currently allocates a third of its allocation to us. The funding for the second year of the ambassador program has recently been approved, for which we’re very grateful. This allocation amounts to 57,648 AGIX on a monthly basis for the coming 12 months.

Right before the start of the quarter, we started to use the treasury management system by Catalyst Swarm. This treasury system captures all rework tasks and the assigned users into the metadata of the unchain transactions. This brings traceability, transparency, and accountability. You can find the treasury dashboard here (it’s in beta currently).

There’s a lot of experimentation happening on decentralized governance, from NFT-based voting in our Video workgroup, to the Governance workgroup issuing their own Cardano native tokens to reward contributions and engagement. The workgroups have the freedom to experiment and learnings are shared across the programme. Additionally, the incubation workgroup has just kicked off a new initiative to invite domain experts within the DAO space to sessions, sharing their knowledge and insights.

There are plenty of challenges as well, we’re in the middle of redefining the overall hierarchical structure, our onboarding process needs further refining, and maintaining and scaling engagement is always on the radar as well. Collaborations with Deep Funding are smooth, and we’re looking to work with Rejuve and SophiaVerse in Q3.

If you’re interested in helping out, hop onto the Discord server and find the #getting-started channel in the ambassador section there. Hope to welcome you soon!

About SingularityNET

SingularityNET is a decentralized Platform and Marketplace for Artificial Intelligence (AI) services. Our mission is the creation of a decentralized, democratic, inclusive, and beneficial Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), democratizing access to AI and AGI technologies through:

  • Our Platform, where anyone can develop, share, and monetize AI algorithms, models, and data.
  • OpenCog Hyperon, our premier neural-symbolic AGI Framework, will be a core service for the next wave of AI innovation.
  • Our Ecosystem, developing advanced AI solutions across market verticals to revolutionize industries.

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Janet Adams

COO of SingularityNET, AI Ethics expert, passionate about diversity and inclusion, animal lover