SingularityNET Operations Update — Q3+ 2022

Janet Adams
Published in
14 min readNov 2, 2022

Greetings Singularitarians,

A special note from our COO, Janet Adams:

Welcome to the Q3 plus October Operations update. As always, there has been an unrelenting stream of commitment from the SingularityNET teams to drive the foundation and ecosystem forward with no let up during the Summer months and into the Fall. I remember in my time in banking how much everything would slow down for August; well no such thing here in SingularityNET-land — our passion and motivation never let up.

Some highlights from an action-packed four months for me were:

  • Publication of the 2021 financial report and follow-up AMA where it was great to get a chance to engage with so many of the community — thank you for your questions and comments. You can find the full recording here
  • The AGI-22 Conference — feedback from attendees has been magnificent and the quality of the talks and speakers was world-class
  • The forward momentum towards AGI with our MeTTa programming language progressing on or ahead of track, and feedback from developers has been very strong
  • A lot of positive feedback for the Rejuve app in beta-testing
  • Strong technical progress on SophiaVerse AI — adding curiosity and non-contradiction elements into SNET dialog system
  • The London community event in September with the two Davids (David Hanson and David Lake) and the two robots (Desi and Sophia), along with several members of the SingularityNET team (team photo below) was very well received
Group picture taken at the London event
  • Continued ramp-up of our partnership program with some exciting new partners signed and detailed technical discussions kicking off on a number of fronts
  • Invigorated focus on the SingularityNET AI Marketplace with a material number of narrow AI services under development (22) and support for training models implemented
  • Completion of the SingularityNET Supervisory Council Decentralization Report and progress toward our decentralization program
  • The Mindplex magazine content and podcast are now polished off and getting ready to launch with all legal, security, and compliance testing completed
  • Rare-Bloom in Denver was an action-packed event on SingularityNET street with NuNet, SingularityDAO, Hypercycle, and Jam Galaxy with our good friends from Cardano, strengthening the special bond we share and show-casing our Jam Galaxy band and creative AI models to the Cardano community. See Ben’s keynote here on bigpey’s Youtube channel
  • Early exciting results from our machine learning analysis on data from the long-lived Methuselah flies progressed with our Genescient partnership
  • And last but definitely not least — implementation of the technology tools for the SingularityNET Phase 2 Loyalty rewards and agreement of principles — see below for details

As always we are very grateful to you, our community, for your followership and engagement with the project and our many spin-offs…thank you!

Roadmap Update

As always, the roadmap only portrays part of the story of all the work underway. We had a lot of progress from July to October outlined below with a big push underway in Q4 across all fronts!

Roadmap Notes:

A major priority for Q4 is getting the staking portal launched on Cardano. While significant progress has been made, there have been some technical issues delaying the release in Q3. The developer team is quite confident that the new staking portal will be up-and-running in Q4. Read more on a related topic: Loyalty airdrops further below.

Second, AI/AGI-related work has undergone a reprioritization, due to the positive developments around MeTTa; MeTTa, for those unfamiliar, is SingularityNET’s in-house developed language that enables all OpenCog Hyperon AI systems to dynamically collaborate based on the common knowledge base of the Atomspace. The organization is increasing our efforts to integrate OpenCog Hyperon with our robot and avatar Dialogue systems, to gain a competitive advantage in the field. We have temporarily de-prioritized our Hyperon work on Minecraft (specifically upgrading our APIs to the latest version), in favor of this work.

SingularityNET, support of training models for AI Agents on the platform -

This important new process on SingularityNET’s decentralized AI platform is enabling AI consumers to train generic models on the platform on their own data. The first iteration has been finished and is released for the general public! You can give it a first try on this test service.

Mindplex Magazine launch

Final issues and audits have been cleared, fascinating additional content has been generated, and internal testing is complete. It’s almost live now and we are looking forward to your reaction. Keep an eye out for!

Cogito, White paper, and website presentation
The details behind the new ecosystem tracer coin project have been published. Curious about what a tracer coin is and how it differentiates from a stable coin? Read all about it on the Cogito website. The next quarter is focused on the demo of their first tracer coin.

Jam Galaxy is moving along in fast strides, building their network along with the Jam Galaxy platform, and planning to release a huge series of music-related services on our platform in the next year. Whenever they have some time left you may find them jamming along with Desi and Ben, and the rest of the band, showcasing our innovative AI music tools and providing exceptionally effective and unique marketing for the Jam Galaxy platform and our prowess in humanoid robotics that capture the heart and soul of their audience.

Platform Utility Dashboard — Pipeline of AI services on the Platform

We are putting extra focus on publishing new and improved services on our platform, many of them being developed by our spinoff projects.

The diagram below shows the recent new and updated services on the platform.

Platform — AI Services Q3/Q4

At the start of Q3, there were 53 AI services on the SingularityNET marketplace. Since then 6 services have been updated, and 15 brand-new services have been deployed! That gives a total of 68 active services on the platform. We also plan to add or modify another 21 services this year.

Some examples of new or improved services that are currently present on our platform and that you can try out for yourself for free, on the SingularityNET Marketplace are highlighted below:

​​The Neural Image Generation service gives low-level access to the popular image generation models of Dall-E and Stable Diffusion via the SingularityNET marketplace User Interface. Select the service of choice, input just a few keywords or a longer text, and the service will generate 3 different images. Test both services and experiment with different wordings to get a feeling of the endless possibilities.

The Philosophic Texts Generation service will generate philosophical texts based on any thought that you submit. Our ‘neurocognitive philosopher’ will continue and develop your prompt in a philosophical way, expanding and developing the given reasoning or idea. The model is based on a unique corpus of 2 million (!) paragraphs of philosophical texts, collected from books, scientific essays, articles, and publications in philosophy journals.

The model contains so many diverse contexts and masterpieces of philosophical thought that the results of generation are not always predictable and most likely you will get different results each time you submit the same text to the input of the model. Give it a try, and see whether the results will make you smile or make you think (or perhaps both!).

The Abstractive Question Answering service generates open-ended answers to any given question you will submit, based on multiple knowledge sources using different search engines to get proper answers in real-time. Answers will range from a single word to a fairly long explanation depending on the type of question.

There is some significant technology behind this simple interface. The open, evolving neurocognitive architecture includes generative neural networks and a knowledge base that can be continuously updated and extended. We will continue to update and improve the service, by adding new (domain-specific) knowledge bases and task-oriented scenarios, improving the quality of the answers in multiple ways and adding new modules and functionality.

These are some examples of new/ updated services that are available right now; other new services include:

  1. Multiple Paraphrase Generation
  2. Speech Emotion Recognition
  3. English Speech Recognition
  4. English Speech Synthesis
  5. Semantic Similarity Binary
  6. Neural Image Сaptioning
  7. Handwritten Text Recognition
  8. Korean Speech Synthesis
  9. Printed Text Recognition
  10. Speech Commands Recognition
  11. Chinese Female Singing
  12. Textual Emotion Recognition
  13. Neural Abstractive Summarisation
  14. ShortQA -> Extractive Question Answering (change)
  15. Entity Detection in Text -> Named Entity Recognition (change)
  16. Neural Machine Translation

There are more to come, so stay tuned!

Phase Two Loyalty Rewards

We’re pleased to share the eagerly awaited details of the Loyalty Rewards program. In the Phase Two proposal, a special “Loyalty Rewards” pool was created, setting aside 5% of minted tokens each month. These tokens were allocated to recognize and reward the Phase One token holders for supporting the Phase Two initiative; as well as creating an opportunity to incentivize and reward community growth with new token holders on the Cardano blockchain.

Initiating the distribution of these tokens has been a priority since the launch of the Converter Bridge. The portal designed for this program now is ready for community launch. Full details on the loyalty rewards can be found in this blogpost. Below you’ll find an overview of the program.

Overview of Loyalty Rewards pool guidelines:

Eligibility snapshot: May 28th, 2021, at 08:00 AM UTC+0 (the AGI-AGIX Hardfork snapshot)

AGIX-ADA Loyalty Reward Tokens from the first 12-month minting cycle, total: 8,294,401 AGIX

  • Distribution will be proportional to wallet balance during the snapshot, plus a 20% bonus for stakers
  • The rewards will be made available over a period of 6 months starting November 22nd
  • Token holders can claim their amounts each month or the total at the end of the period
  • No registration will be required
  • If your address received AGIX during the hard fork, it will be eligible to claim
  • Allocated tokens will stay available to claim for 3 years from the start date

AGIX-ADA Loyalty Reward Tokens from second 12-month minting cycle, and beyond

The Phase Two plan details: “The utilization of the Loyalty Reward token pool after the first year may be changed via democratic vote of token-holders.“

Tokens for the second 12-month minting cycle are being accrued since July 2022. The community will be a critical partner in designing an optimal system for the distribution of Loyalty Reward Tokens from year 2 onwards. The loyalty rewards blog post shares full details on how this collaborative design process will take place in Q1 2023, outlining the timeframes and how to participate. We’re looking forward to your input.

Q3 HR Report — Hiring and Open Positions

Organizational Headcount has increased from the end of the previous update through the end of September from 134 to 144:

SingularityNET Headcount as per end of Q3

The HR Team has been focusing on its key areas:

  • HR Operations
  • Support and Engagement
  • Training and Resources Allocations
  • Recruitment
  • Services Support to the Ecosystem companies

Current open positions:


  • Blockchain Developer


  • Controller (with Crypto experience)
  • Legal Counsel
  • Risk and Compliance Officer

To apply or to see the open positions at any time, please check the SingularityNET jobs page. If you are interested in any of our open positions, please send your resume to We love to hire from the SingularityNET community, who already understand the critical importance of the ecosystem mission. We are working continuously on engagement and outreach events to build a diverse and inclusive global organization that can represent the needs of all communities.

Q3 Partnerships Update

At the beginning of Q3, we set out with a vision of growth — for our platform, community, services, and global presence. We’ve been working hard to that end, and have announced new partnerships including CoTI, Genescient, Smart Places, and Top Clan. Additionally, we have a strong focus on moving forward on partnership goals with our existing partners. Our partnerships cover a broad range of fields and the team is very excited about the journey ahead with each relationship we have formed.

Partnerships Deep Dive

Starting with this Q3 update, the partnership team will be providing deep dives into individual partnership projects to provide greater detail on the range of ways SingularityNET is collaborating with this great list of partners. To kick off, here is a preview of the upcoming partnership with Museverse, led by CEO Patrik Gudev.

Museverse and SingularityNET

Museverse is building a music platform that aims to inspire musicians around the world and give them a new way to create music in virtual reality. It is an ecosystem that will provide artists with an immersive experience of producing music in the metaverse.

Museverse will build AI solutions on the SingularityNET marketplace. Museverse’s plans include:

  • Projecting real musical instruments into Virtual Reality. As a winning proposal from the first round of Deep Funding, Museverse is working on projecting real piano into Virtual Reality with integration into the metaverse. Standard keyboards very often have different amounts of keys which brings the need to provide an AI solution that would solve the struggle of analyzing what type of piano every individual has. Additionally, there is a need to bring AI solutions for accurate calibration of the real piano with the virtual one. Museverse’s plan is to continue developing similar solutions for other musical instruments such as drums, guitar, and others.
  • Using AI for generating new sounds and chord progressions. Museverse wants to support user creativity to generate new, unique sounds for producing music in virtual reality. Users could be inspired by finding a new original combination of how they can make music.
  • Using AI for a tokenomics architecture, which would be a backend system for the distribution of rewards to artists performing in the metaverse. Using AI image segmentation applied in counting the number of users present in the metaverse concert will be automatically processed in a redistributing system of rewards to the wallet of the artists.

Edwin Eyre, partnerships manager, recently interviewed Patrik from Museverse — Watch the full Interview with Patrik for more details.

Partnership Dashboard

We continue to have a strong pipeline of partnerships, as shown above, and we have updated the partnership dashboard to include a category view breakdown of SingularityNET’s partnerships. The categories are the following:

  • Strategic Partnerships
    A relationship between non-competitive companies whose products or services complement each other. Typically the relationship leads to one or more substantial collaboration projects benefiting both partners. The companies mutually benefit from the partnership through shared momentum and amplification.
  • Revenue Generating
    Generally, this type of partnership takes the shape of a concrete collaboration with clearly defined goals and deliverables, with agreed-upon transfer of value for deliverable creation.
  • Collaboration Partner or Technical Partner
    Partnerships that have a more exploratory nature. While there may be no concrete project scope yet, there is a commitment to explore and initiate certain spheres of activities that are mutually beneficial.
  • Ecosystem
    Partnerships initiated by and with our ‘spinoff’ pods, such as Rejuve, Cogito, or Mindplex. These partnerships are often more specialized in nature and targeted to the goals of the spinoff. When a spinoff becomes independent, it will also take responsibility for the management and development of these partnerships.
Signed partners by category

Decentralization efforts

Governance Experiment on Deep Funding

A concrete step toward decentralization was the very recent governance experiment on Deep Funding.
During the past 5 weeks, about 15 proposals for governance changes in Deep Funding Round 2 were submitted and discussed. As outlined beforehand, we have filtered this down to 2 questions that we have presented for a vote by our community. As a reminder, here are the questions and the answers:

Question 1: Should we create a pool for searching and onboarding existing AI services?

Possible answers:

  1. Yes, it makes sense to have a specific pool for existing services as an alternative to envisioned services or complete solutions.
  2. Yes, but let’s not limit this to a pool, but dedicate a full round to this approach!
  3. No, although onboarding existing services is important, stimulating this should not be the purpose of the Deep Funding treasury.

Question 2: Should we have a small pool in round 2 just for projects in the ideation phase?

Possible answers:

  1. Yes, even though there is no immediate impact on the platform, it enables people to bring the best ideas to maturity and get early feedback.
  2. No, if the team is not able to create a proposal with sufficient detail, they are probably not ready to get funded at all.

Please find more information on the context of these questions as well as other changes we are planning for Round 2 in this article.

The results — a cliffhanger!

At the time of writing the voting period has just closed and we are in the process of calculating the results. We will write a full article on all details, but for this occasion, we will give you a sneak peek of the results:

Result Question 1:
We have a clear winner here! A strong majority has voted for answer A.
This means, in round 2 of Deep Funding, we will create a special pool for existing services!

Result Question 2:
The jury is still out! There is such a small difference between the number of votes for answer A and answer B that the extra weighting gained by the reputation score of some contributors on our portal may just be enough to flip the outcome!

We are actually quite happy with this situation since it shows at such an early stage that reputation matters! We will get back to you on the final results as soon as we have completed the calculation framework of the first version of the reputation rating system of Deep Funding, in collaboration with interested community members.
So, on this cliffhanger, stay tuned for our next blog on the final results of the vote ánd the distribution details of the 100.000 AGIX we awarded to the contributors based on their reputation score. Many thanks to all participants that contributed on our portal!

This closes the first Community Governance event on our portal, but Round 2 of Deep Funding is around the corner and we will continue our conversations on rules and processes afterward. We are looking forward to the continued conversations with all interested community members on our portal and our social media channels (Telegram or Discord)

For more in-depth information, please visit our blog.

Decentralization report

The Supervisory Council is pleased to present their decentralization report, which gives an overview of Decentralized Autonomous Organizations and other forms of decentralization. The report gives a brief tour of voting models and identifies some key challenges. One set of challenges involves difficulties around technical implementation (e.g. hacks and voting inequalities), while other challenges are coordination problems. The report touches on organizational theory to help understand core needs to move safely towards decentralization and look to other models of decentralization to provide insights into how DAO self-leadership can be managed. Further, the report examines on-chain pods, off-chain models such as Holacracy, community-based models such as cooperatives and distributed cooperatives, and Teal organizations. Finally, the report offers recommendations for the progressive decentralization of SingularityNET in the future.

Do read the blogpost where you will also find a link to the full report.

Stay Up to Date With the Latest News

That wraps up this Operations update for Q3. There will be ongoing updates on all of these initiatives moving forward. Join the conversation, and follow SingularityNET for the latest news and updates:



Janet Adams

COO of SingularityNET, AI Ethics expert, passionate about diversity and inclusion, animal lover