SingularityNET Supervisory Council Election — Ideation phase

Jan Horlings
Published in
5 min readApr 26, 2023

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As part of SingularityNET’s progressive decentralization process, we are pleased to move forward on the Supervisory Council elections! So far, the Supervisory Council has been a relatively quiet advocate of the community. In the configuration of the SingularityNET Community DAO, the renewed Supervisory Council will form a middle layer between the executive team and the community. Their role will be essential in the both the definition of the outlines, as well as the actual governance of this new entity. Therefore, before starting the actual election process, we would like to hear from the community what your needs and expectations are concerning the new Supervisory Council in the context of the new SingComDAO.

The Foundation has defined their expectations of the new Supervisory Council in the initiation document. The current members of the Supervisory Council have given their perspective during their talk on the Decentralization Summit. Now it is your turn to tell us what qualities you would like to see in the new Supervisory Council and what goals and tasks you would most like them to work on.

This blog outlines a predefined list of topics that will be presented as ‘pools’ on our ideation portal. In these pools you can submit your expectations in the form of proposals. It is equally helpful to give feedback to the proposals already added. In fact we would like to avoid having proposals that are largely overlapping, so in case you have a similar but slightly different idea, it is more efficient to add your ideas as feedback to an existing proposal and collaborate in defining the final format.

Steps leading to the election:

  1. We invite everyone to study the Decentralization report, our SCDAO initiation paper, and the presentations given during our Decentralized Governance Summit.
  2. We invite everyone to submit any ideas or proposals on their expectations of the new Supervisory Council, on our proposal portal, and discuss by giving feedback or inline comments.
  3. We will have a discussion session where people submitting ideas can clarify and we can all discuss.
  4. The SingularityNET team will synthesize the feedback into a requirements document, that aims to reflect the voice of the community.
  5. (optionally) In case of much debate, we could have a final session, based on the ‘consent’ principle. Consenting does not mean you are in favor of a decision. It only means that you have no strong arguments against it.
    In this final meeting, we can reserve some time for people that do have very specific and concrete arguments against parts of the requirements document. Similar to the Town Hall sessions people can reserve a time slot in advance and we will ask the speakers about their main objection and the reason for objecting. Based on the nr. of entries (if any) we will try to make a pragmatic time-boxed schedule.

The status of the document
Note that, while the resulting requirement document is an important guide, candidates are not bound to this. In their candidacy submission, they may deviate from the defined requirements, and give arguments on that. E.g. if we all expect that the required time per week will be 10 hours, a candidate might say that they can only offer 5 hours, but give arguments why they believe, in their case, that this will be enough.

The status of this consultation
NB: the input collected will be treated as a community consultation, and the foundation will use this input in defining a balanced and realistic requirements document. Of course, in case of high engagement and compelling arguments, there is an equally high likelihood of these proposals finding their way into the requirements document. There is however no predefined process or guarantee for this and the Foundation will ultimately use its own best judgment in creating the final version of the document.

Topic 1: Proposals related to the council’s key responsibilities

This is perhaps the main topic, collecting input on the community’s expectations. What activities would you like the new Supervisory Council to be most active in? Consider topics like:

  • Having an ombudsman role in case of complaints or concerns
  • Critically guiding the beneficial nature of our mission
  • Overseeing the treasury management
  • Defining ethical standards for the platform
  • Guiding in legal matters
  • Connecting and networking
  • Proactive engagement with the community
  • Etc.

Based on the input we get and the popularity of certain responsibilities over others, we’ll come up with a list of requirements, AND make an estimate of the time involved to do this properly.

Topic 2: Proposals related to the length of the commission

For how long should we be commissioning the renewed Supervisory Council? That’s what this pool is about. There are 2 main perspectives to take into account here:

1. The work and mandate of the Supervisory Council might evolve from SeedSingComDAO to early SingComDAO to matured SingComDAO. This might be a reason to call for a shorter period.

2. If we are aiming for highly profiled individuals, they may be more interested in making an effort if the commission period is longer.

Topic 3: Proposals related to the compensation of the SC members

This is a very sensitive topic. Especially since it is also related to the outcome of the other pools; key responsibilities, the time allocation required for these, and the length of the commission. Without going into specific details, In this pool, we can start the discussion by asking some more fundamental questions, such as:

  • Should the Supervisory Council be compensated for their efforts at all? Or should it be a voluntary, not remunerated role?
  • Should the compensation be somehow relative to the efforts involved, or should it be largely symbolic?
  • Should the compensation be a flat fee or based on an hourly rate?
  • Should we define the compensation in AGIX or based on a Dollar value?
  • Should the compensation be the same for everyone everywhere, or should it also reflect local averages of the candidate’s residence?

Topic 4: Proposals related to voting mechanisms

How should we be voting?

  • 1 token 1 vote (there is a risk of a few individuals having an uncommonly large impact)
  • Quadratic voting, balancing the impact of large token holders (there is a risk of wallet splitting
  • KYC supported voting, where we can go for 1 person 1 vote or add a defined extra weight based on their token balance
  • Who should be able to vote?

Topic 5: Other proposals

Maybe you have a proposal that doesn’t fit very well in any of the other 4 pools. Since we don’t want to rule out any proposal in advance, you can add your proposal in this pool.

Join the ideation on the Supervisory Council Election

The missions on Swae run for two weeks and are open for ideation right now! We’re looking forward to your thoughts and contributions during this phase!

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