SingularityNET X-Lab Shortlist

Alethea AI Official Announcements
Published in
8 min readJun 17, 2019

Blitzscaling An Open Ecosystem: SingularityNET X-Lab Announces Its Shortlist

Announcing the inaugural, promising 8 start-ups for the X-Lab.

Less than a month ago, we announced the launch of SingularityNET X-Lab, a blockchain based AI startup accelerator that would provide technical, financial, and infrastructural support as well as general mentorship to newly formed teams. Along with the announcement, we issued a call to any teams out there innovating in the field of AI and/or blockchain to submit their projects for consideration. The turnout has been incredible.

It has been encouraging to discover that the new generation of shortlisted companies and nonprofits see the openness and distributed nature of the SingularityNET platform not as a limitation but as a critical addition to their efforts.

Spearheading the ecosystem’s development

The following projects and teams have been shortlisted by SingularityNET. A shortlist indicates our interest to further the discussions with these projects and to move them through to our final stages of the process.

  1. HyperGAN

Logos generated with examples/colorizer.

HyperGAN comes at a time when talks about General Adversarial Networks (GANs) are flooding the AI field and creating much noise in the public through applications such as the generation of perfectly realistic non-existing human faces. HyperGAN is an open source generative adversarial framework. Once trained, these networks can be deployed for real time inference on commodity hardware. Its applications range from classification through a generator, to recoloring an image and even next frame video prediction. They currently have generators running in realtime on Android smartphones.

What is more, the team behind HyperGAN consists of two developers that have been passionate about GAN’s since Ian Goodfellow’s groundbreaking 2014 paper, and other open source contributors. You too can contribute to the project on Github or join them on Discord.

“HyperGAN is a solid project with a clear potential to help various AI agents on the SingularityNET network” — Dr. Goertzel

2. Autonio — Automated Nexus of Intelligent Operations

Autonio Foundation is a non-profit decentralized organization providing crypto trading tools and infrastructure — NIO Suite.

The NIO Suite consists of three flagship products available to traders: AutoNIO, an algo-trading terminal; NIOdex, a smart decentralized exchange; and NIOnet; Autonio Ecosystems AI Network.

“SingularityNET X-Lab can offer the perfect environment for us to build NIOnet, our AI Network designed to power our algorithmic trading terminal allowing smart automation of existing trading strategies and offer market sentiment insights allowing traders to make smarter trading decisions.” — Ali Raheman, Co-founder of Autonio.

3. Sensor.Link

Sensor.Link is born of an idea to create an unbiased, unfalsifiable and independent security registry for sensor data and associated services that can be interrogated and cited as a reference in case of disputes between legal entities that use software and machine learning based systems to make critical decisions.

The team behind Sensor.Link, which has over 20 years of experience in ML and some recent experienced in working on blockchain projects, has developed an API that allows companies deploying ML-based products in the public space to be transparent in their use of AI by guaranteeing data authenticity. This is achieved by anchoring sensor records to the blockchain.

“We want to expand our reach and get in contact with companies and public officials that are currently building the autonomous vehicle space to let them know that it’s possible to employ Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) in a fully transparent and auditable way. We believe that SingularityNET is a great platform for us to gain visibility.” -

The project’s API has recently reached a milestone by launching on the Ethereum mainnet.

4. OddBot

OddBot is focusing on robotics for a sustainable future in agriculture. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by all United Nations Member States, provides a “shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future”. At its heart lie 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), of which “Life on Land” and “Responsible Consumption and Production” are core objectives which OddBot has the potential to address. The team behind OddBot has built a ‘Weed Whacker’ robot that aims to autonomously detect and distinguish weeds from crops and remove weeds mechanically. Most importantly, their robot makes the use of chemicals and human labor for weeding tasks obsolete.

The OddBot team is particularly interested in multiplication of their robot’s abilities via the use of SingularityNET’s services (better computer vision and crop disease and automated crop diagnosis can be particularly interesting in this case) and logging the transactions to have an audit trail on what their robots did and why they did it, on the blockchain.

If you are interested in helping Oddbot by becoming a tester, please visit their page and help them create a better future for us all.

As we issued the call for projects to submit their thesis to the X-Lab accelerator, some of our SingularityNET colleagues with entrepreneurial verve applied to have their individual projects incubated by the Foundation and built out leveraging the Ai-services to be built on the SingularityNET platform.

5. Rejuve
Rejuve’s mission is to accelerate longevity therapeutics by connecting individuals, medical clinics, biology labs and AIs. An offspring for-profit with its own proposed cryptographic token, Rejuve has been carefully incubated since early 2018 within the SingularityNET Foundation. Rejuve relies on SingularityNET AI, and leverages the novel economic logic of its own RJV Token to incentivize contributions of data, therapies and insights from network members in order to accelerate the fight against involuntary aging.

Born in Swatow and raised in Hong Kong, Rejuve is lead by Dr. Dominic Man-Kit Lam, a globally acclaimed scientist, philanthropist, award-winning artist, educator, a medical professor, and trendsetting entrepreneur.

6. NuNet
NuNet is a computing framework that provides globally distributed and optimized computing power and storage for decentralized networks, by connecting the owners of data and computing resources with network processes in demand of these resources. NuNet is designed to be an extremely flexible network, encompassing mobile consumer devices, edge computing and IoT devices, alongside with PCs, servers and data centers allowing seamless interoperability among its components.

Based on concepts and architectures already developed within SingularityNET since early 2018, NuNet is designed to host distributed computational processes executed on decentralized networks such as SingularityNET as well as other networks participating in the Decentralized AI Alliance (DAIA). NuNet is designed to serve as an open global marketplace of decentralized platforms of services, data and computing resources.

NuNet fosters diverse already operational and future marketplaces of algorithms, AI workflows, data and computing architectures by leveraging geographically dispersed heterogeneous resources to serve unique configuration requirements, lower operating costs and increase accessibility of both providers and clients anywhere. It provides a unified platform that bridges between the evolving ecosystems of decentralized applications and global IT infrastructures by enabling individual processes to express and publish their specialized computational requirements, bid for resources а and know-how, as well as to spot-sell their functionalities and capacities across diverse ecosystems.

NuNet realizes a meta marketplace economy that will be supported 1) by a native token, interoperating and compliant with the tokens and other value exchange mechanisms already implemented within the ecosystems supported by the NuNet framework; and 2) by a governance paradigm geared towards establishing rich collaborations among human as well as AI agents over an open-ended, heterogeneous globally connected infrastructure.

NuNet will serve as a commercial ecosystem supporting a growing number of businesses in need of highly customizable and dynamically distributed computing as well as purpose-optimized workflow design for low cost distributed computing behind their decentralized applications. Finally, NuNet has, by design, an ulterior directive to support the global benefit of humanity by introducing initiatives and projects where NuNet participants can donate resources and know-how towards solving critical global problems.

7. Area 51

Area51 provides a new and powerful toolset for the exchange of information between people and AI-powered interactive virtual characters. This will include intelligent synthetic personalities, digital influencers, virtual companions, synthespians and personality-driven UX experiences for hardware and software.

Area51 will provide:
· ontology for representing information regarding a human user’s personality, experience, social interactions, emotions and behavior
· AI tools for using information about an individual and their situation to guide the behavior of a virtual character
· A semantic communication protocol for interaction between humans and virtual characters.
· A token-based ecosystem for compensating people for use of the data generated through their interactions with virtual characters, and regulating access to advanced features of virtual characters

These ingredients work together to enable an audience-centric approach to bring personality and intelligence to a variety of entertainment, technology, and business applications.

Area51 is designed to interoperate closely with the SingularityNET decentralized AI platform and the Ocean decentralized data platform, and in general to support interoperability with a variety of blockchain-based computing networks. In particular, the AI functionalities required by the first-generation Area51 characters will be derived via AI agents running in the SingularityNET platform, via back-end automated conversion of Area51 and SingularityNET AGI tokens. Never before has the power of sophisticated blockchain-based AI and data architectures been deployed for the purpose of creating entertaining, useful and lifelike virtual characters.


Through their commitment to contribute to the SingularityNET ecosystem, each of the teams that we mentioned are taking their first steps into the collaborative environment that the SingularityNET community powers. It is our hope that in addition to the assistance they will receive from the SingularityNET team, they will also inherit the collective attention, help, feedback and scrutiny that makes our platform so vibrant and robust.

Ultimately, the prosperity of these projects will feed back into the ecosystem and contribute to the higher performance of the network as a whole.

Join Us

We believe the creative potential of our platform lies in its ability to facilitate synergy. In turn, the enhanced cooperation mechanisms of the platform are bound to increase the number of AI services being offered exponentially. We invite you to become a part of this movement to redefine the market for AI services and reveal the latent qualities of decentralized networks.

If you are looking to monetize your AI services or create new ones, we invite you to learn more about the nature of our platform and what its Beta version has to offer by visiting the SingularityNET developer portal.

We are proud of our developers and researchers that are actively publishing their research for the benefit of the community; you can read the research here. For any additional information, please refer to our new roadmap. To stay informed about all of our developments, please subscribe to our newsletter. You can connect with our passionate and talented community by visiting our community forum.

