The Birth of Decentralized AI

Announcing the launch of the main net Beta version of the SingularityNET Platform on the Ethereum Network

Cassio Pennachin
5 min readFeb 28, 2019


We Are Live!

The creation of a truly decentralized network requires much more than lines of clever code.

When the SingularityNET Foundation shared its vision of democratizing AI in late 2017, a community came together to make this vision a reality. Since then, we have emphasized that democratic governance is an essential aspect of a network’s decentralization.

We launched the SingularityNET Beta in three phases.

In the First Phase, we launched the Beta on the Ropsten Network and gave its access to various community leaders and volunteers. In the Second Phase, we made the Test Network Beta open to all members of the SingularityNET community. We have taken into account the feedback that we received and are immensely grateful to everyone who contributed.

We procured the services of Solidified, which is the world’s largest audit platform for smart contracts and have now had our code audited and approved.

We believe that the global mind cloud that will emerge with the rise of AI should not be owned and governed by any single entity. With this launch of the world’s first decentralized network of AI on the Ethereum Network, we mark the birth of decentralized artificial intelligence.

By enabling anyone to access and utilize AI services from anywhere, and by unleashing the creativity of AI developers from all over the world, SingularityNET will be the bedrock upon which the powers of AI will be democratized.

How To Access the Beta

We are aware that not all members of our community are well acquainted with the Ethereum network. Here is a quick guide on getting started:

Step 1: Install MetaMask

MetaMask is a Google Chrome browser extension that allows market participants to interact with the Ethereum blockchain and its decentralized applications. To install the extension, please click here.

Step 2: Get Ethereum and AGI Tokens

Unlike the previous test network versions, the SingularityNET Beta on the Ethereum Network requires Main Net Ethereum and the ERC-20 AGI Tokens to function. So while the AI services are visible to everyone, only those with the Ethereum and AGI Tokens will be able to use them.

Furthermore, to allow for thorough testing of the services, all of the AI services on the marketplace are currently set to cost a minimal amount of AGI Tokens. To read more about the utility of the AGI Token, please click here.

Step 3: Check out the Beta!

You can now go ahead and visit the Beta by clicking here!

To ease the process of familiarization with the SingularityNET Beta, we have published a beginner’s guide that gives step-by-step directions on how to use the platform. To access the guide, please click here.

To make the process of utilizing the Beta as smooth as possible, the SingularityNET Team has also created a video tutorial that explains how to use the SingularityNET Platform:

It is a part of our journey that lies ahead to nurture a user-friendly and intuitive payment ecosystem around the platform. We are also aware that the speed, reliability, and costs of Ethereum blockchain interactions dictate that any scalable system built on top of it must minimize not only the gas costs but also the delays introduced by the block mining times.

To achieve that goal, the SingularityNET platform utilizes various tools (such as the SingularityNET Daemon, CLI and SDK) to abstract away all the blockchain interactions. In the same vein, the platform also utilizes a multi-party escrow contract and has atomic unidirectional channels for payments.

AI Services

As of now, all of the services that are currently available on the SingularityNET platform have been uploaded by members of the SingularityNET team, although most of them integrate existing third-party AI tools and algorithms as a showcase of what’s possible with the platform. We are actively working on several advanced AI services that we plan to upload on the network shortly.

It should also be noted that to make our marketplace compliant with regulations without compromising on openness, we have implemented a fully decentralized registry of the AI services available on the platform.

While we build up the marketplace to be compliant with regulations, some of the AI services that are on the decentralized registry might not be visible on our marketplace. Other third-party entities are free to decide whether or not to show these AI services on their end-user interfaces.

To see the complete list and details of the AI Services that are currently available on the SingularityNET Beta, please click here.

A New Beginning

As always, we look forward to listening to our community members and incorporating their opinions into the decentralized network as it evolves. To show our appreciation, we have created several SingularityNET Beta wallpapers as gifts for the community members — to download the wallpapers please click here.

In particular, we would like to express our gratitude to these community members who helped us during the private launch of the SingularityNET Beta.

A heartfelt shout out and thank you goes out to Simon Schürrle (@SitiSchu), Eddy Gerhardt (@pythonEd #A095F Volunteer), Aderson Osoria (@Daimen1), Jasmine Smith (@Zolgo), Rustam (@RustamRI), Tiny (@TinyInt), Petr #A095F (@definitelycrazy), Koen Yup Koen (@kns306), Robin (@w1kke), Daniel #A095F (@Esarion), Omali (@mfsynth), Zack (@Take_a_Hike), Goose (@The_Exegesis_Of_Goose), and Catoshi Meowtoo (@EndOfFiat2020).

Lastly, Dr. Ben Goertzel and The Crypto Lark recently sat down to discuss the launch of the SingularityNET Beta, its various features and what’s next for the decentralized AI Network.

The launch of the Beta on the Ethereum Network marks the end of one part of our journey and the beginning of another. Our end goal has always been to build a decentralized marketplace of coordinated AI services, and we invite you to be a part of our journey to democratize AI.

