TrueAGI Roadmap Phase 2 🚀 Mid-2021 Progress Report — 9th and final part

Conor O'Higgins
Published in
3 min readSep 3, 2021

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Market Gap

Companies need AI that goes beyond what today's standard Machine Learning and Deep Learning models can do. While human-level AGI is still in the works, every small step towards AGI provides new tools that enterprises can use to optimize their operations and extend their capabilities.

Value Proposition

TrueAGI will provide enterprises of all kinds with hosting, data-ingestion and customization of Hyperon systems. Hyperon is the next generation of OpenCog, the leading open-source AGI project, which has been used in a variety of applications including in financial prediction, biomedical research analytics, text analytics, and the control systems of the Sophia and Grace humanoid robots. TrueAGI services include traditional cloud-based hosting, decentralized blockchain-based hosting (leveraging Hyperon's integration with the SingularityNET platform), and hybrid scenarios. Full launch of TrueAGI services is currently slated for 2023, following limited 2022 Insider Preview releases. TrueAGI staff are collaborating with SingularityNET and the OpenCog community on moving the Hyperon implementation forward, and concurrently on building the toolset needed for providing scalable enterprise-grade Hyperon services.

Go-to-market Approach

We’re in active discussions with potential enterprise customers now covering multiple key verticals including: healthcare robotics, smartphone personal assistants, supply chain optimization, etc. There is also continuing activity with potential investors and joint venture partners.

Hyperon development continues toward a pre-alpha version followed by a limited demo using Minecraft later this year, discussed more in part 1 of the update.


That concludes our nine-part update on the progress of SingularityNET’s family of projects. Check out the previous parts here –

  • Part 1 on the SingularityNET platform and our AI research
  • Part 2 on SingularityDAO, combining AI and DeFi
  • Part 3 on NuNet, a decentralized computing platform
  • Part 4 on Rejuve, an anti-aging spinoff
  • Part 5 on Mindplex (formerly Xccelerando), a media platform
  • Part 6 on Awakening Health, humanoid robotics in healthcare
  • Part 7 on SophiaDAO, nurturing an artificially-intelligent mind
  • Part 8 on Singularity Studio, populating the platform with more AIs

We started by saying that each project is capable of becoming a disruptive, winning platform in its domain – we hope that if you’ve read this far, you will have come to the same conclusion.

All of this would not have been possible without our community's support for the Phase 2 proposal. This proposal gives trust and confidence to current and future token holders which makes all the token launches more likely to succeed, as SingularityDAO has already proven. The structural nature of the token supply enables the foundation to expand our operations and professionalize our processes, even in a volatile crypto market.

It’s exciting to see ideas take form as full-fledged companies, some already enjoying a considerable measure of success, some on their way, and all creating synergies within the SingularityNET ecosystem. The AI that is being developed by OpenCog Hyperon and AI-DSL has particular potential to become truly disruptive on a global scale when implemented in SophiaDAO, Awakening Health and made available on our platform.

To the Singularity and beyond! 🌔🌔🌔🚀🚀🚀

