Welcome To The New Beginning

Announcing the private launch of the Beta version of SingularityNET platform on the Ropsten Network.

Alethea AI Official Announcements
3 min readFeb 6, 2019


Private Beta Launch

In late 2017, after the SingularityNET community came together to make the Token Generation Event of SingularityNET a resounding success, our journey began with the commitment that our community members will be able to govern the decentralized network democratically.

Our journey over the past year was not easy. The SingularityNET team spent countless nights working away on the challenges, and the SingularityNET community has supported us in every possible way.

A part of our journey ends today.

Today, we are excited and proud to announce that the Beta version of SingularityNET Platform is live on the Ropsten Network!

The test phase of the Beta is currently active on the Ropsten Network (one of the testnets of the Ethereum network), and selected volunteers and community leaders have been given access to this private version of the Beta for stress testing.

Our commitment to ensuring that our community members participate democratically in the development of the SingularityNET platform is reflected in the fact that the comments and suggestions of these community volunteers will be listened to and will eventually shape the evolution of the network moving forward.

Three Phase Launch

The private Beta launch on the Ropsten Network marks the start of the first phase in the planned three-phase launch of the Beta version of the SingularityNET platform on the Ethereum network.

The details of the three-phase launch plan are:

Phase 1: On February 4th — we launched the Beta on the Ropsten Network, and selected volunteers and community leaders were given access to it for stress testing.

Phase 2: On February 11th — we will make this Test Network Beta available to the public to receive their feedback and to further stress test the Beta.

Phase 3: Finally towards the end of February, after acting on the feedback from our community, we will officially launch the Beta version of the SingularityNET platform on the Ethereum network.

The launch of the Beta marks the end of one part of our journey and the beginning of another. We look forward to the feedback and comments of our community members, and we are eager to start the next stage of our journey to democratize AI with them.

Join Us

SingularityNET has a passionate and talented community which you can connect with by visiting our Community Forum. Feel free to say hello and to introduce yourself here.

We hope you will join us in our mission to democratize AI and to use its transformative powers to enact real, positive and lasting change. The best way forward is to come together and work practically towards creating a better future.

We are proud of our developers and researchers that are actively publishing their research for the benefit of the community; you can read the research here. For any additional information, please refer to our roadmaps and subscribe to our newsletter to stay informed about all of our developments. You can connect with our passionate and talented community by visiting our Community Forum.

