How to thrive as a leader in a world of technological disruption and constant change?

Join us at the third SingularityU Germany Summit conference in June 2018 learn more about Exponential Leadership.

Antonia Werner
SingularityU Germany Summit
3 min readFeb 20, 2018


Our world today is shaped by fast moving technologies, digitization, globalization, demographic and social change. The pace of these changes is accelerating, while companies and their executives are struggling to keep up with these challenges. That is exactly why we’d like to give you a first introduction on the purpose and power of exponential leadership in times of technological disruption and constant change.

We live in a world of exponential change

The world we live in is an extraordinary world of technology in an explosive period of growth and change. However, we don’t only live in times of volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity (VUCA) but times of great chances and progress. Never before have there been more people with access to knowledge and therefore the possibility to make a positive impact on the world.

As Peter Diamandis, Co-Founder and Chairman of Singularity University put it:

“Today the world’s biggest problems are the world’s biggest business opportunities. Become a billionaire, help a billion people.”

Many of today’s most pressing challenges can be solved by making use of exponential technologies. Those technologies include artificial intelligence (AI), augmented and virtual reality (AR, VR), data science, digital biology and biotech, medicine, nanotech and digital fabrication, networks and computing systems, robotics, and — robocars. These technologies are already reshaping major industries and many aspects of our personal lives.

Exponential change calls for exponential leadership

For business leaders these technologies can be seen as massive opportunities but also as a great threat to their existing business models. For leaders to thrive in a constantly changing world and to make the best use of the above mentioned technologies they need to replace old thinking with a new framework: Exponential Leadership. Today’s and tomorrow’s leaders need to be welcoming to change, in order to push the imaginable boundaries of their business models. They’re responsible for establishing a new vision for the future and creating an organizational climate and culture that encourages learning, adaptability, and speed. Thus, an exponential leader embodies the skills and mindset of four different roles.

Futurist, Technologist, Impact-Driver, Innovator

As a Futurist you need to have a deep understanding of emerging trends and be able to integrate them into you corporation. To anticipate and solve future challenges you need to have the mindset of a Technologist — someone who understands how to deal with technological, ethical and moral implications of individual and converging exponential technologies.

Lastly it is crucial to be an Innovator and Impact-Driver — someone who is able to embrace the entrepreneurial spirit to build new solutions and envision enormous opportunities that are unlocked in combination with exponential technologies to create meaningful impact for your organization and society.

By combining all these skills, leaders can not only improve their capacity to anticipate change but make proactive choices leading to a more prosperous future.

In order to help future leaders unlock their potential Singularity University’s aim is to empower individuals and organizations with the mindset, skillset, and network to build breakthrough solutions that leverage emerging technologies to solve humanities challenges of today and tomorrow.

Curious to elaborate deeper on the topic of exponential leadership and change? Find us on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter for more daily insights!

Pascal Finette, Singularity University’s Chair for Entrepreneurship and Open Innovation will be opening this year’s Summit on June 4 & 5 in Berlin with an inspiring talk on Exponential Leadership!

Check our program for details and join us!



Antonia Werner
SingularityU Germany Summit

Passionate about content creation and all topics related to technology. Working for red Onion and SingularityU Germany Summit.