Jenny von Podewils

How to accelerate your company at times of technological change / Co-Founder at Leapsome


Jenny von Podewils is a Co-Founder at HR tech startup Leapsome. Leapsome is a software platform for continuous feedback, agile performance management & OKRs and personalized learning for fast growing companies. Integrations with Gmail and Slack ensure that the platform is actively used. Data shows that Leapsome can reduce talent churn costs and boost productivity and organizational agility. Existing customers include corporates & tech companies across Europe.

Jenny is an alumna of the Universities of St. Gallen and Oxford, as well Singularity University, and previously worked in media, cleantech and tech.

Jenny von Podewils will be sharing insights at this year’s SingularityU Germany Summit on June 4 & 5, 2018 in Berlin.



SingularityU Germany Summit
SingularityU Germany Summit

@singularityu Summits empower leaders with cutting-edge technologies. Join us at the 3rd conference on June 4 & 5, 2018 in Berlin