World MoveIt Day 2019 @ OMRON SINIC X

Felix von Drigalski
Published in
3 min readNov 28, 2019

At OMRON SINIC X, we use MoveIt to work with our collaborators in universities and research institutes and plan high-level operations. For example, in our the World Robot Summit 2018 Assembly Challenge we used MoveIt to assemble machine parts and use tools (see ideo below), and extended it with the ability to plan using subframes (points of interest) of grasped items — the first step on the way to planning assembly operations. To support the open-source community, on November 20 we hosted World MoveIt Day, an international hackathon for the MoveIt code base!

Our WRS solution screwing in a plate with custom screw tools
Our office entrance with the poster

The event was hosted at the our office in Hongo-3-Chome, neighboring the University of Tokyo. We provided hands-on access to our Franka Emika Panda and UR5 robots, the hacking space and a bottomless supply of coffee. Our co-organizers from the Tokyo Open-Source Robotics Association (TORK) provided lunch, snacks and t-shirts, while Connected Robotics brought an xArm to the venue!

Full house coding at our office!
Participants using MoveIt to control an xArm and a Panda.
Thanks to our friends at TORK for sponsoring the buffet!

The event (Japanese) was fully booked out, but we were connected by video stream to other participants like the ROS-Industrial office in Singapore. Results of our local event included reviews to TrajOpt, tutorial translations and this pull request. And at the end of the event, participants who presented their progress received T-shirts and MoveIt stickers!

Swag for courageous participants who presented their results
Commemorative group photo

See you next year!

