Gypsy Rose Blanchard: Divided Opinions

Fablesofmymind (Aneesha K)
Sinister Secrets
Published in
3 min readJan 1, 2024

Image courtesy: ABC News

A victim of Munchausen by Proxy, Gypsy Rose Blanchard from Louisiana lived a life devoid of freedom; and by that I mean devoid of freedom to even eat and walk. Her whole life was a lie and the abuse and trauma she endured damaged not only her physical health but mental and emotional health as well.

You can watch this documentary that details the case from start to finish.

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From a young age, she was wheelchair bound despite having fully functioning legs and lived with a feeding tube despite being able to eat normally. Her mother, Dee Dee Blanchard, took her to hundreds of hospitals for treatment of and surgeries for illnesses like cancer, muscular dystrophy, epileptic seizures and many more. The problem was that in reality Gypsy had none of these illnesses.

She was a healthy individual who could walk, eat and talk like most of us. Her mother gained attention and financial aid from neighbors and other people all her life. She used her daughter and faked her illnesses.

At 23 years old, Gypsy Rose and Nicholas Godejohn, her boyfriend, planned Dee Dee’s Murder in 2015. Nicholas stabbed Dee Dee 17 times at her home while Gypsy Rose hid in a bathroom. The two fled the scene later that morning but were later found.

Image courtesy: Fox 10 Phoenix

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Gypsy Rose was sentenced to 10 years while Nicholas got life in prison without the possibility of parole. Gypsy Rose Blanchard completed her sentence in 2023 and is now a free 32 year old woman. She has over 5 million followers on her Instagram account in just a week of her release and over 4 million followers on her TikTok Account.

Image courtesy: People

While several people are happy about Gypsy Rose Blanchard finally being free from all the abuse and torture she endured all her life, several others are against glorifying murderers. They say while she was tortured and abused, murder isn’t the answer. She should’ve sought help.

Those who are in favor of Gypsy’s fame say that she had grown up living a life that was a complete lie which is why couldn’t differentiate right from wrong. Hence, the murder. She deserves to live a free life finally, and deserves the adulation she’s receiving.

There are also those who feel that Nicholas Godejohn’s life sentence is particularly harsh when compared to Gypsy Rose Blanchard who was the mastermind behind all of it. Many say that since Nicholas is autistic and Gypsy Rose manipulated him into executing her evil plan.

Here are a few differing opinions from around the internet:

What are your thoughts on the Gypsy Rose Blanchard case?

