Jeffrey Epstein: One of Many Monsters in a Man’s Clothing

Fablesofmymind (Aneesha K)
Sinister Secrets
Published in
3 min readJan 22, 2024

Jeffrey Epstein’s meticulously crafted facade hid a monstrous reality, one that sent innocence tumbling down the dark road into his dungeon. He’s one of the most glaring examples of how power dynamics can help someone evade punishment for decades. It is said that life isn’t fair and we don’t live in an ideal world, but where does one draw the line?

The man started his journey by conning people. He went all the way up the success ladder that was built on fraud and lies. He met so many influential people along the way but none called him out for his wrongdoings. Instead, they applauded his ambitious nature, turning a blind eye to who he was. They let him grow and they let him get away with it.

It’s like the Swiss cheese model. A chain of wrong events was set in motion way before the calamity occurred. It’s not just one thing that went wrong. It’s layers and layers of loopholes that came together and led to the destruction of so many lives.

Who is to blame? Jeffrey Epstein stands right at the top of this whole pyramid. Who put him there? How did he have the audacity to go on sourcing minors for his disgusting acts? How did he get away with his horrific crimes for so long? How did he have the… Well, I can go on and on and on but I don’t think I’ll find all the answers, even after watching the Netflix Documentary – Jeffrey Epstein: Filthy Rich

Hindsight is 20/20 but am pretty sure, just like remorse and empathy, Epstein lacked hindsight too. All he had was selfishness, narcissism, and escapism. After all, he chose death over accountability. Cruel to the core. How could nobody see him for who he was? Or was it that they saw the real monster Epstein was but chose to ignore it because of his stupendous wealth? It’s more than just that.

Those who were his “friends” had transactional relationships with him, relationships of obligation, and relationships based on their secrets that only Epstein knew. He was in a game of chess with powerful people, holding their most vulnerable secrets as a weapon against them. They couldn’t whisper a word against him because if they did, he’d roar out their dirty and nasty secrets to the world.

What’s truly appalling is that some people allowed injustice and cruelty to foster to save their ugly faces. He didn’t just hold the power of money, he also held the power of something bigger: the secrets of others like him.

Jeffrey Epstein is one of the many monsters that got caught. That too after decades of trying to escape his reality. He thought he could get away with everything as long as he had money. He was so wrong. Eventually, the truth always catches up. You can’t run away from your reality. You can’t run away from you.

Epstein could outsmart his former employers and the former prosecution, but he could never outsmart the truth. It’s always bigger than you. It’s bigger than a million lies. It’s bigger than any bribed system. It’s bigger than the law. What I really should be saying is that the truth is the law but as I said earlier, we don’t live in an ideal world.

My only question is, how many more such truths are hiding in plain sight but masked under a veil of wealth and power-laced secrets? Only time will tell.

