Kerby Revelus: The Man Who Killed His Sisters

Fablesofmymind (Aneesha K)
Sinister Secrets
Published in
12 min readFeb 5, 2024

Image courtesy: The Patriot Ledger

Trigger warning: This piece contains graphic descriptions of murder and may be disturbing/triggering for some people. Reader discretion is advised.

Murder is a heinous crime and committing one without any motive makes it even more cruel. On March 28, 2009, 23 year old Kerby Revelus shocked the world when he brutally murdered not just one but two of his sisters, 5 year old Bianca and 17 year old Samantha, in Boston, Massachusetts. His horrifying act ended in his own death before he could kill his third sister, 9 year old Sarafina.

The tragedy of this case has caused many to question the events that led up to the attack and what could have been done to prevent it.

Kerby’s Childhood

Photo by Tina Floersch on Unsplash

Not much is known about Kerby Revelus’ childhood. He was a Haitian American from Milton, Massachusetts. He was known to be introverted and quiet, and his academic performance was average. Kerby, a 2004 graduate of Milton High was a self-described agnostic. He had a profane MySpace page. His profile read

so the haters can see how im (sic) doin

Some neighbors and school friends revealed that he often used to talk to himself and had certain odd behaviors. He was often found talking to himself.

The Revelus family was a close-knit unit and the parents ensured their children had the best of education and upbringing. They lived in a well-known neighborhood. Kerby’s mother, Regine Revelus, 42, worked at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, and father, Vronze Revelus, 45, was a bus driver for Local Motion.

His sister, Jessica, had moved out of the house to raise her baby in a safe environment. This had happened after an argument with Kerby had gone out of hand. He had punched her and she called the police. This shows that Kerby had temper problems. According to Boston Herald, here’s what Jessica said about Kerby after the murders.

“Samantha would stay away from him. No one was scared of him, he just has a temper. Anything would set him off.”

Jessica also told the police that Kerby worked at Toys “R” Us over the holidays previously but had been jobless after that. Kerby wasn’t on talking terms with his father, the reasons for which are unknown.

Samantha and Sarafina had come to live with the Revelus family from Haiti in 2005 after Samantha’s father — Kerby’s mother’s half-brother — passed away. Sarafina’s father, his nephew, could no longer take care of her. Both the girls came to Massachusetts in hopes of a better life but unfortunately, met with a tragic and early end.

Kerby’s Criminal History And Mental Health Issues

Photo by Stefano Pollio on Unsplash

Because of Kerby’s temper issues and violent behavior, he had already been to prison twice since 2006 for gun charges. According to his family, jail time worsened his temper and violence and the family couldn’t recognize him owing to his worsening attitude. He was a changed person, for the worse.

It is speculated that Kerby had a history of mental health issues including depression and anxiety. After his previous arrests, he had become even more disheartened as he was having trouble finding a job. His behavior had become increasingly erratic in the weeks leading up to the attack on his sisters, and his family had become concerned about his mental health.

Because of this Kerby’s attitude had changed towards his family too. Despite previously being close to his sisters and overall being a loving brother, he had become more cold and aloof. He really adored his youngest sister Bianca. But slowly, he had started becoming more and more distant.

The Brutal Crime

Photo by Jr Korpa on Unsplash

In March 2009, Kerby Revelus brutally murdered his two younger sisters, ages 17 and 5, by slashing their throats in their family’s suburban Massachusetts home. Samantha and Bianca lost their lives in a horrific manner.

Kerby was known to have a temper, and there had been instances of escalating verbal and physical aggression towards his sisters but none of them ever imagined this would lead to brutal and senseless murders.

On 28th March 2009, an unbelievably gruesome scene unfolded at the Revelus home. Kerby Revelus fatally stabbed Samantha with a kitchen knife. Their grandmother lived on the first floor and was in the basement doing laundry at the time. She had no idea what was happening in the house. The children’s parents were away at work.

Samantha was the first to dial 911 at 5pm after she was attacked. She told the police that she was bleeding and dying. A terrified Sarafina quickly took the phone from her and told the police that her brother was hitting them. After stabbing Samantha, Kerby went for Bianca and stabbed her too. It was the little girl’s 5th birthday and a birthday cake with five candles on it was sitting on the kitchen shelf, a cake that little Bianca never had a chance to cut. A day that was meant to be celebrated turned into a tragedy.

The police arrived within a minute of the 911 call. Kerby was so out of control with his violence that even the police’s arrival didn’t stop him. The police officer who arrived at the scene heard noises from inside the locked second floor apartment. He asked for the door to be opened but when nobody did that, he broke open the door. He was horrified at what he saw.

Kerby was decapitating Bianca right in front of the police. It was a terrifying scene that can haunt someone’s mind forever. And the worst thing is that it didn’t stop there. He went on to Sarafina and started stabbing her. The police asked Kerby to stop and get on the floor but he didn’t. Eventually, the police shot him dead and that was the end of it all.

What Was Kerby’s Motive?

The motive? None. There was no motive behind this absolutely senseless slaying. It was a fit of rage. That’s how little the value of life was for Kerby. Why was he angry?

According to the authorities, these murders came about 24 hours after Kerby had gotten into a fistfight with a neighbor. The cause of this fight is unknown. This agitated Kerby and he was angry for hours after that which could have led him to unleash his violent attacks on his sisters. According to reports, Kerby had an argument with his sisters about his fight with the neighbor. His anger flared up further and it led to him killing his sisters. Were there any red flags about his violent behavior before 2009? Yes.

In September 2004, he was charged with assault and battery after another sister, Jessica Revelus, then 17, called police and said her brother, then 19, had punched her in the face during an argument over a phone bill. Kerby Revelus had admitted he punched his sister, and had told police he was upset with her because she owed him some money, according to a Milton police report.

Jessica Revelus had declined medical attention and told police she did not want to get a restraining order against her brother. Kerby’s behavior in this incident was a major red flag. If he could punch his sister over a phone bill, he could do anything dangerous in a fit of rage. There was clearly a mental health problem if his temper flew off over small issues. Kerby was dangerous.

He was also arrested for assault and battery in 2004 after an involvement in a fight with a group of teenagers. Then in December 2005, Kerby was charged with carrying a firearm without a license after he tried to buy alcohol at a liquor store in Randolph. The store clerk had called the police when he saw a pistol magazine in Kerby’s pocket. Later, the police found the magazine and a handgun in Kerby’s possession. He was sentenced to six months in prison.

According to a neighbor, the Revelus family had lived in the neighborhood for more than 20 years and were nice people. They were of Haitian descent, just like many other residents in the neighborhood. The neighbor said this tragic incident didn’t make any sense to them as the family has always been really nice, the parents and the kids.

It’s shocking for anyone who comes across this story. The first officer to arrive on the scene was shocked and horrified claiming that the scene was beyond any human being’s comprehension.

The Aftermath

The aftermath of the tragedy that occurred in the Revelus household has been deeply felt throughout the community. Families are now left to mourn the untimely loss of two young girls, and many are still in shock as to what led Kerby committing such a devastating crime.

The whole incident has the capability to sit in your mind for a long long time. It’s very disturbing to say the least. The whole neighborhood was affected and so were the officers involved in the case. It was necessary to provide counseling sessions to help everyone cope with the nightmaric incident that changed many lives in March 2009.

The Revelus family lost three children that day: Samantha and Bianca who became victims of their son, Kerby who was then shot by the police. All three shared a single funeral service and were buried together.

Mourners flocked to the Jubilee Christian Church in Boston’s Mattapan neighborhood. The coffins of 5-year-old Bianca Revelus and 17-year-old Samantha Revelus brought people to tears and were displayed with the coffin of their brother, Kerby Revelus, who killed both of them. The Church echoed with songs in Creole and prayers in French.

The family didn’t demonize Kerby Revelus. In fact, they felt it was a very tragic incident as they had seen Kerby being a loving big brother to his sisters all his life. In a funeral program, they described Kerby as a doting brother to 5 year old Bianca, who always showered her with hugs and kisses and listened to her stories while she sat on his lap. Here’s what the family said:

“When Bianca would fall and cry he was the first one by her side and protecting her from harm’s way. Bianca was his world. And for Kerby being a great big brother to Bianca was easy.”

The community came together to mourn the loss of the two young girls. Local vigils were held for those affected and for the community to come together in support.

A two-hour grief counseling session was held at the children’s schools on the Sunday afternoon of 29th March and on Monday, 30th March for more students and employees.

The officers involved in the case were also adversely affected by the scene. They were placed on administrative leave and received counseling from the Boston Police Department.

The tragedy also sparked a larger discussion about the importance of mental health awareness, especially among young people. Several organizations have since highlighted the need to address mental health issues before they lead to tragedies like this one.

And it’s not only about addressing mental health issues but also about the importance of accessible and adequate mental health services and resources, particularly for young people. The current state of mental health care in the world is inadequate, and Kerby’s acts of violence were a reminder of the need to prioritize mental health support so that people don’t resort to violence.

Kerby Revelus’ heinous act serves as a stark reminder that violent crime is a real and present danger in our society. The untimely death of these innocent victims made people aware of the importance of reporting and addressing any kind of violence or rage-related actions as they could build up and lead to tragic outcomes.

Remembering the Victims

Kerby reduced his sisters’ lives in years but never in value. The young and wonderful girls had a whole life ahead of them. He took it all away for nothing. These girls were loved and admired by not only their families but also their school or college mates and friends.


Samantha’s classmates called her Princess and it became her nickname. The young and talented girl was known for her grace, class and friendliness. She was one of about 20 students who had been at the school Saturday afternoon to rehearse for a poetry jam on Thursday.

One of her classmates recalls while sobbing: “She had a stage presence like you couldn’t believe. She had just a soft voice and everyone would lean in to hear what she was saying.”


The little five year old Bianca was an active child who was full of life. She loved going to school and telling stories, especially to Kerby. She was very close to her brother, never knowing that he would end up taking her life one day.

Unfortunately, the date of her birth also became a date of her untimely death.

The Parents of The Victims

Vronze and Regine Revelus were devastated. They lost three children in one day. They left for work just like they do on any other normal day never knowing the loss they will have to bear once they get back.

In an interview with Boston Herald just three months after the tragic incident, Vronze and Regina revealed that they instilled three things in their children: An abiding faith in God. A respect for others, and most importantly, to always stick together as a family, no matter what. The tragedy didn’t change any of it for them.

During this interview, little Sarafina, the survivor of this gruesome incident, was also present. When asked who taught her to cook, she softly replied: “Kerby”.

When they were asked why, they had no answer. The word haunted them just like it does everyone else. They expressed how they wished they hadn’t been working that day then maybe all of this wouldn’t have happened.

Vronze expressed how he can never be okay after what happened. Understandably so. It’s hard to go through this kind of a catastrophic event in one’s life. Something you never saw coming or even imagined in your wildest nightmares. It’s almost like living in a nightmare, hoping to wake up one day.

Regine also said that she had called home that fateful day and asked Kerby to remind his sister Samantha to check their grandmother’s blood pressure. Kerby had sounded absolutely normal. He also had plans to take Bianca and Sarafina to park later in the evening. It’s unfathomable to them that all of this happened when everything seemed and sounded so normal, just like any other day.

Regine said in the interview that Kerby was having trouble finding a job after his brief jail time. He was depressed about it as he felt like he wasn’t doing enough to take care of his family. Regina had tried her best to never make him feel that way. But he continued to feel depressed about it.

She added that Kerby loved his sisters a lot and they loved him very much too. He would get Bianca ready for school in the morning. He would make her breakfast and comb her hair and drop her to the bus stop. Which is why it’s so hard for them to answer the question “why”.

They believe that God has a plan, especially for Sarafina. There’s a reason why she survived. They have never returned to the same home after the gruesome incident. Their lawyer and friend, Ernst Guerrier, helped them find a new house in Milton.

The three of them continued their therapy sessions before Vronze and Regine returned to their jobs.

Final thoughts on the implications of this crime

The tragic story of Kerby Revelus killing his two younger sisters is a reminder of the dire consequences that can result from mental health problems like depression and rage-related attacks. This is a problem that plagues many families, but often goes unseen. It is essential that we pay close attention to the warning signs of any kind of violence and abuse, and take action to protect victims before tragedy strikes.

His actions were unbelievably gut wrenching but just like the question “why”, there’s one more question that comes to mind: Could all of this have been prevented if there was better access to therapy and counseling? Or if the signs were caught early on?

We might never have an answer to “why” in this story, but the other question definitely has an answer. What do you think?

Thanks for reading. I’ll come back with another true crime story next week. Until then, feel free to suggest which story I should in the near future.

