Why Nick Godejohn Shouldn’t Be Serving Life in Prison

Fablesofmymind (Aneesha K)
Sinister Secrets
Published in
4 min readJan 8, 2024

Image courtesy: People

The Gypsy Rose Blanchard case is one of the most talked about cases in recent times. After Gypsy Rose Blanchard’s release in December 2023, many are celebrating her freedom while some others are really skeptical about her future. Then there are people like me who are questioning the stark difference in the sentences of Nick Godejohn and Gypsy Rose Blanchard.

Disclaimer: I am not excusing Nick Godejohn’s crime or Gypsy Rose Blachard’s crime in any way. They both committed a heinous act and even though medical conditions and abuse play a role in people’s actions, I in no way intend to use that as an excuse for Dee Dee’s murder. However, I do have a major problem with the sentences both Gypsy Rose Blanchard and Nick Godejohn received and I’m here to talk about that.

I watched both Gypsy and Nick’s entire interrogations. You can watch Nick Godejohn’s full interrogation here and Gypsy Rose Blanachard’s full interrogation here.

After watching these interrogations, it is evident that Nick Godejohn doesn’t understand the gravity of situations because of his mental condition. He speaks the truth without hesitation and doesn’t ask to lawyer up. He doesn’t realize the weight of the consequences that will follow. He doesn’t understand his fundamental rights properly. His mental capacity is very visibly diminished and that can be seen right from the start when he talks about the ham sandwich.

The investigator could clearly see that despite being 26 years old, Nick doesn’t talk like one. While he might sound like he knows many things, there is glaring evidence that he is not fully capable of understanding where this is going. We can understand it from the way he thinks coercion = punishment.

It was up to the investigator to understand whether he was really mentally capable of protecting his rights while also telling the truth, but it seems like she was in a hurry to just get done with the case quickly. She was too eager to get to the truth, which given her job is understandable, but what about when you’re faced with someone like Nick Godejohn? Is it not your responsibility to read your person of interest well and decide if they have the mental capability to understand everything? While he read the Miranda rights and signed the documents, it was very clear he didn’t understand the depth of what it really meant and how his decision would affect him.

He told the entire story of how everything happened, leading up to Dee Dee’s murder and what happened afterwards. He has multiple mental illnesses and it is evident when he says he has many personalities and his “evil” side committed the murder. Nick’s mother later revealed that he has Autism Spectrum Disorder. He has Asperger’s Syndrome.

Was he manipulated to commit the murder? Yes. Was Gypsy Rose Blanchard manipulated all her life by her mother? Also, yes. Which is why this whole case is so very complex. Both individuals committed this crime, this murder. Gypsy Rose was the mastermind who planned her mother’s murder. She gave Nick money to come to Springfield. She provided him with gloves and the knife. Nick murdered Dee Dee while Gypsy hid in the bathroom.

Why did she choose Nick? Because he was a vulnerable individual. Was it Gypsy’s fault? No. She too was a vulnerable girl who was abused and manipulated by her mother all her life, which is why she probably has some of her mother’s manipulative traits. She doesn’t know any other way to do things. All in all, it was the coming together of two mentally vulnerable individuals and disaster was just waiting to happen. Why were the sentences so starkly different?

Gypsy got 10 years in prison while Nick received life in prison WITHOUT THE POSSIBILITY OF PAROLE. This decision is not Gypsy’s fault. She has no role to play in what the judge and jury decide for Nick. But how did Nick end up getting life in prison without parole? He is mentally unstable and yes, if he gets manipulated so easily, there is a high possibility of him committing another crime. But shouldn’t this mean that he spend his time in a mental health facility instead of prison? Shouldn’t it have been maybe, 20–30 years in prison and mental health facility thereafter for life? I believe the strictest could’ve been life in prison with the possibility of parole.

I do not understand life in prison without parole for Nick Godejohn. Yes, he deserved to be punished, both him and Gypsy did, but his sentence against hers seems way out of proportion. While Gypsy is now out and getting a second chance at life despite being the mastermind behind planning her mom’s murder, doesn’t Nick too deserve mental health help and a chance? Why is it so different for him?

I urge you to watch Gypsy Rose Blanchard’s full interrogation as well and let me know your thoughts when you compare it against Nick’s.

I honestly feel sad about the entire case and for everyone involved. This is one of the most complex cases I’ve ever come across. While I understand each one’s perspective, reasons and vulnerabilities, I don’t understand the sentencing. I don’t think I ever will.

What are your thoughts on this?

