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Why we built, Sink In?

Aman Gupta
Sink in
Published in
3 min readJan 6, 2018


Every product starts with a Why. Why was it built? Why was it needed? Why should we use it?….. Sink also has a story of WHY.

Long ago, Internet was started just as a project to share the information between the interconnected computers in a network and after being a long journey, we are fully aware where Internet stands today. Internet has not just become a solution for us rather it has become an integral part of our life. It is hard to imagine a world without the internet. Today, the internet is not just limited to a big network rather it has become a thing through which we build businesses and communicate, also It has become a space where we create products/services with our creativity. Internet has just become limitless over the past few years.

With the fast-growing network of internet, we have seen an enormous growth in the number of developers also.Today, we have 20 million developers across the world and rest aspires to be one. Every day, we see new & innovative products from the developer’s communities. They are just building and disrupting the other communities too.

Being the developers, we understand what it takes to transform a simple idea into a product that everyone loves to use. We have a sense of feeling for the efforts made by developers every day. From stage zero to building a complete product, a developer went through different steps. Sometimes these steps include file hosting, deployments, domain purchasing, FTP protocols, Setting up the localhost and A/B testing and many more. And these steps cannot be skipped for any project. But they can be made easy and simplistic. That’s where Sink In comes into play.

Sink In makes your project’s development and testing process easy. Normally, to make your projects live, developers build their projects & host files on the big servers. But, This process might be painful for amateur developers because it needs to set your file hosting, purchasing the domains, repeatedly uploading the files again on the server with every amendment in the code. In some cases, It might need more time and a lot of steps to do, which could be painful. So, we believe that there must be an easy solution for this. So, We built Sink In.

On 25 Dec 2017 We made our product live for the all the worldwide developers i.e Sink In.

When we started building Sink In, we had one goal in mind. The goal was to present another solution for all the worldwide developers to share their work with everyone. Because we believe that work has a value when it is shared and sharing your work is a way to share your creativity with everyone in the world. That’s why we came up with the idea of Sink In.

The reasons behind building the Sink In could be many but the only reason why we want everyone to use Sink In is that we want to simplify the process of file hosting and managing servers. Sink In makes you your own host. With Sink In, you can own your project’s files. You don’t need to upload them to someone else’s server. Sink In provides developers to show their creativity(projects) by exposing their localhost to the world. That means they can access their PC HTTP server from anywhere in the world.

We build software projects on our Local Machine and to make them live we use Hosting, but now we can make our projects live with Sink In just by exposing our localhost.

With Sink In, we don’t want to solve big problems instead we just want to provide another solution for the developer to showcase their creativity and developments with everyone around them. That’s all we want to achieve.

We hope you would like the product and make use of it in future for exposing your work too. Visit www.gosink.in and help us to know what you feel about the product.

Follow our facebook page for more updates, https://www.facebook.com/gosinkin/

Very thanks to all.



Aman Gupta
Sink in

Digital UX/UI Designer and Writer :: Maker of Design Responsibly and UX laws.