Sophie Dale
Published in
5 min readFeb 22, 2022


Innovation 2022: Celebrating International Women’s Day with Boss Women in Tech

Crypto companies Sinofy Group and Tecient, are set to celebrate women in tech on International Women’s Day by bringing together women in the blockchain space to discuss this new and vibrant economy.

The conversation will take place on Twitter Spaces on March 8, 2022, at 6pm. Catie Romero-Finger, the CEO at Sinofy Group and the Co-Founder at Tecient, will host the Twitter Space, and she will be joined by 6 women from the crypto, NFT, and Metaverse space.

These brilliant women will discuss topics such as NFTs, the importance of diversity in blockchain-related companies, as well as upcoming changes coming to the NFT space. If this sounds like something you’d be interested in, be sure to join this upcoming Twitter Space!

Cryptocurrencies have seen massive growth in 2021, becoming a $2.21 trillion industry in total worldwide. During the Covid-19 pandemic, many people took time to learn about the benefits and many use cases of holding and investing in cryptocurrencies.

Although Bitcoin remains by far the most widely-used coin, other cryptocurrencies with newer technology such as Ethereum, Cardano, Solana, and Polkadot have witnessed enormous growth, some of which have grown over one thousand percent within the past year.

Especially present among those who are new yet interested in the rapidly growing sector of blockchain technology are Gen Z and Millennials. A Pew Research study found that 43 percent Americans aged 18–29 have used or traded cryptocurrency. Additionally, as digital natives, younger people may be more likely to find using a completely electronic currency more efficient.

One of the main barriers to making the cryptocurrency space more diverse is to encourage more women to participate. Currently, 79 percent of those in the crypto community are men, while women make up just 5 percent of all crypto entrepreneurs.

Despite these statistics, however, many female business leaders and organizations are determined to encourage more women to enter the crypto space by providing accessible and educational information, such as the non-profit organization Women in Blockchain.

In tandem with cryptocurrency markets last year, non-fungible tokens (NFTs) blew up in 2021 with users sending about $44.2 billion worth of crypto to ERC-721 and ERC-1155 contracts, according to a Chainalysis report. These Ethereum contracts are associated with NFT collections and marketplaces. Experts expect continued growth in this space, predicting that the NFT market cap will hit over $80 billion by 2025.

While NFTs are providing a chance for investors to flip collectibles for a profit, artists, developers, and content creators, among other professionals are also benefiting from this space. For instance, artists can now showcase and sell their digital pieces by tokenising them on blockchains like Ethereum. They no longer have to book an art gallery show to make money, giving them more freedom and control over their work.

In the US, men are more than three times likely to collect NFTs than women. Moreover, women represent just 16% of the NFT art market, according to a report by ArtTactic. While these numbers are somewhat small, several women are staking out a place for themselves in the NFT space and are encouraging more women to join them.

Tecient and Sinofy are leading by example with several women in leadership roles. These two crypto firms have also created diverse work environments that are open to everyone.

“We believe that encouraging women to join the NFT space and creating opportunities for them can breed more creativity in the space. Women have a lot to contribute to the NFT industry, either as artists, creators or entrepreneurs, and we’re keen to encourage them to participate in this revolution. We hope that this event will attract diverse voices as we strive to celebrate and increase the number of women in tech,” said Catie Romero – Finger (CEO, Sinofy Group).

Alongside crypto and NFTs, the Metaverse is another topic of intense media coverage. It is often mentioned alongside the next stage of digital connection, as a digital world where anything is possible. Companies are now pitching themselves as ‘Metaverse ready’.

The term ‘Metaverse’ is complex, however broadly, the Metaverse is made up of technologies that include persistent virtual worlds that continue to exist even when you are not playing. It also translates to a digital economy, where users can create, buy, and sell goods. And, in the more idealistic visions of the metaverse, it is interoperable, allowing you to take virtual items like clothes from one platform to another.

There is much, much more to be uncovered about the Metaverse, and a huge amount of growth to be made. However, the Metaverse market was already worth $46 billion in 2020 and is predicted to reach as much as $800 billion by 2024. What’s more, $10 billion has already been invested in the Metaverse by Meta (Facebook)’s Reality Labs segment.

There is certainly a lack of female power in the Metaverse. Women often cite uncomfortable experiences within virtual reality worlds. However, there are groups striving to change this. The Women in Blockchain Talks Podcast with Lavinia Osbourne explores dynamic women and men from the Blockchain, Crypto and DLT space. The Podcast has grown a community of like minded individuals who are excited about delving into the world of Blockchain and bridging the equality gap.

The Hunt, the first online consumer marketplace to use a combination of Augmented Reality (AR), Computer Vision (CV), and blockchain technology to allow people to purchase, display and wear their NFTs is Co-Founded by Natalia Diaz who also acts as CEO.

The space for women in the Metaverse is small, but with everything in the crypto world it is sure to grow, and grow fast.

The Metaverse, Crypto and NFTs combine to make a futuristic and sometimes unimaginable set of technologies – but technologies which are set to disrupt the future. Innovation 2022 hopes to host an engaging discussion of this exciting and rapidly growing space where you can delve into the minds of the incredible women at the forefront.

Make sure not to miss out on an amazing opportunity to hear directly from several brilliant entrepreneurs, artists, and industry experts at this installment of Innovation 2022.

Meet the Speakers

The NFT event will have the following women as speakers:

  • Chanel L., the Founder of NFT collection, Tasty Toastys.
  • Violeta Valcheva, an NFT artist that specializes in film.
  • Ane, an NFT entrepreneur.
  • Crypto Waifu, an NFT and Web3 enthusiast.
  • Becks, an NFT content creator on YouTube running the channel, Nifty World.
  • Karisa, Co-founder of Bitchmade NFTs.

You’ll get a chance to know these speakers and learn about their contributions to the NFT space. You can also ask them questions and share your own NFT experiences.

