Looking for your writing to be exposed to larger audiences?



Write for Sinofy and get featured on our pages.

In this platform we aim to bring the most experienced and skilled Asia Pacific Centric professionals, preferably, with an emphasis on China — both ex-pats and natives— to educate, share, and engage in discussion with our audience, followers, and partners, letting them benefit from hands-on experience.

You love tech? Have an interesting launch story? Like to discuss Digital Economy? Interested in cultural differences while doing business in Asia?

We want to hear from you!

Now, let’s talk about what makes a successful article in the publication. Below we're sharing the writing style and topic guidelines for Sinofy’s page. If followed, will help you write a well-crafted story that our audience will find worth reading. We look to deliver the highest quality articles to our readers, therefore, we are strict when it comes to selecting writers that will be featured on our page.

Sinofy Group’s writing style and topic guidelines:

  1. Point of view: Second-person is good, third-person is better, first-person is best. Writing in second person is a comfort zone we often find ourselves in, however, often times it comes across as commanding. The Third-person is pleasing because it puts the writer in the background and tends to deliver a softer, journalistic tone. First-person is the best because it puts the reader in the driver’s seat with the writer, experiencing the raw emotion and action of your story.
  2. How to’s + examples = Bingo: Xunzi once said: “Tell me and I forget; teach me and I may remember; involve me and I learn”. The main purpose of Sinofy publications is to simplify the complicated when it comes to Asia, Business and Tech, yet we believe that only a good balance between theoretical and practical will help us to achieve that. If you lack relevant examples from your personal experience — not a problem. Do some research and find those who have.
  3. 3–4 minutes rule: Whether it’s a 1000-word single-lesson experience or a 3,500-word monumental life lesson with deep takeaway, both are great. However, keeping your thoughts clean, neat and structured is a must. Your post will be rejected if there’s too much of unnecessary verbosity.
  4. The Asia Pacific and China-centric topics: This constitutes our current scope of expertise which is very likely to expand in the future. However, this is a must requirement to meet in your topic choice at the moment.
  5. Exempt Politics: We are a large community of experts bringing tech stories into the world regardless of where they’re based, or what cultural background they represent. We don’t care about politics. We do business backed by a belief that West and East can exist in harmony.
  6. Avoid bias approach: There’s no good or bad, as well as no right or wrong. There’s only cause and effect. Pursue this within your writing.
  7. Follow Medium’s extensive curation guidelines. Failure to do so is one of the most common reasons for rejection. Click here to learn more.
  8. Read our recent posts and follow their formatting: Have a title, subtitle and cover image. Don’t add crazy formatting or irrelevant images. Don’t make it harder for us to work out if your writing is any good.
  9. Submit original Medium articles only: This style guide is subject to change at any time and will likely grow. We’re confident that this will help you write in a way that resonates with our readers and the Medium community at large.

Further advice to follow before submitting:

  1. Give extra attention to your intro: Just as successful copywriters give extra weight to headlines, be sure you carefully craft your intro (that said, your choice of headline is also very significant).If you don’t pull in readers from the start, you will lose them. Be sure to delete all “throat-clearing” clutter that you included as a warm-up. Pull us in from the start; engage us; make it impossible for readers to click away.
  2. Back your facts: Please don’t give us statistics or make claims without viable resources or studies to back your assertions. And remember that whatever sources you cite will need to be properly credited and linked.
  3. Always emphasize the takeaway: Time is an expensive commodity. Hence a small list of takeaways gives the reader a clear understanding of your piece: how to start, what to do, how to take action, how to improve along the journey, etc.
  4. Do not plagiarize: Plagiarizing has not only legal ramifications; it will also blow your reputation as a writer. We want original ideas, not paraphrases of someone else’s work.

Stories we are looking for:

  1. The hottest news in the world of technology (The rising global leader in medical robotics — China);
  2. Captivating tech innovations (China’s First Metahuman: AYAYI);
  3. Failure Stories: (Lost in translation. What tech brands can learn from other companies’ missteps in China);
  4. How to scale (Use WeChat to promote, interact and scale in China);
  5. Digital Marketing (7 reasons why KOLs can help boost your Tech Brand in China); (TOP 10 Social apps not to miss for PR in China); (The rise of AI in Fintech);
  6. Digital economy (The rise of Digital economy and what you should look out for); (10 Reasons why the world needs blockchain and why Synopsis 2021 is a must-attend event);
  7. Tips — anything China business-related (Cultural tips when doing business in China)
  8. Famous Tech and Business Conference/Events takeaways (WAIC Takeaways: 100+ Million Deals, 100+ Million Views, 100K+ Attendees);
  9. Inspiring stories of CEOs, Entrepreneurs, Founders (I, Me, and Myself: A Small-town Girl-Turned CEO… Almost)

Stories we are NOT looking for:

  1. Career advice — Career Handbook is an invitation-only section
  2. List of inspirational quotes
  3. Generic advice
  4. Stories that are missing anecdotes or data
  5. Medium writing advice
  6. Stories written solely with “you need to” and “you should”

What you shouldn’t do:

  1. Don’t ask for an exception to the submissions process.
  2. If rejected, take a look at our requirements, try to rewrite then submit one more time.
  3. Don’t submit if your story isn’t related to either of the following: entrepreneurship, tech, Asia Pacific Centric. Also, if your story is simply ticking a box in an attempt to get views.
  4. Don’t publish an article that has already been published on other Medium pages.
  5. Include affiliate promotional links (this can be done, however, once the audience sees value in your content).
  6. Copying an article we have already published. We will spot it.

Submit here:

Use this form to apply as a new writer. This is the ONLY way to be added as a new writer.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Best of luck,
Sinofy Group

P.S. Have an idea in mind? share more at hello@sinofy.group

