How to drive up Crowdfunding in Thailand?

sawita atijanyanuruk
Sinwattana Equity Crowdfunding
3 min readNov 1, 2019

According to the Event of Sinwattana Investors Exchange Forum 2019: Is Crowdfunding Crowdinvesting a myth or a reality in Thailand? since 24th September 2019

We bring the full conversations of 3 investor plenary contributors that sharing their perspective on the investment and impact to business. They each have those experience with the main topic of What Investors want from their investment; including various questions;

What brought you into startup investing?

How do you screen the deals?

What are the characteristics you are looking for startups?

After you make investment, how engage you get involve in these companies?

Challenge of Investors?

And the most important question is

How to drive up Crowdfunding in Thailand?

First speaker, Pom Piyapan Wongyara, he is well known in stock market, also very active angle investor (CEO of 2morrow and stock2morrow). He invested in 8 startups and also in stock market. Second, Shannon Kanlayanamitr, she is a VC in Gobi venture and also entrepreneur in Moxi. Last, Shawn Dehpanah, head of Asia Pacific Plug and Play to match corporate and startup.

Moderated by Mr. Chavapas Ongmahutmongkul — Co-Founder & Managing Director, Bangkok Venture Club

One of the best panel — great topic, awesome moderator and chill chill investors with vast experience. They are open and aligned that crowdfunding is one great options to various stages of businesses.

“Crowdfunding is a good thing to open up opportunity for those who’re interested to invest in startup since it’s easy to access. One project may not have only one or two angle investors but maybe hundreds, so it diversifies risk which is good for investors and also help the startup in term of funds. However, investors should understand that even they invest in small money, every investment has risk and they should learn about investing thoroughly.” — Pom (CEO of 2morrow and stock2morrow)

Shannon: The main obstacle is people don’t understand crowdfunding. We should simplify and make it mass to people.

For Shawn crowdfunding is the thing that he hasn’t tried before for now, he will consider it as one of the options to invest.

Chavapas suggested, lead investor is the key. It will give much creditability and much easier to get people to follow up.

Deepest appreciation for all support to our humble forum, with each of your blessings and guidance — we believe Sinwattana CrowdFundingwill take off soon and well.

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