Why working at GovTech was such a culture shock for me…

Chan Keng Jit
SCTD, GovTech
Published in
3 min readSep 25, 2023

If I were to recount my past internship experiences, they would read like a series of chapters in a book, each with its own unique story but lacking that special ingredient to make them truly memorable. That’s until I stepped into GovTech, where my three-month journey transformed from just another stint into a profound learning adventure.

In the realm of internships, I’ve often felt like a small cog in a massive, complex machine. But GovTech turned that notion on its head. As a system engineer intern, my task was to integrate a new BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) device, HPB Steps Tracker, into our existing Android application. This challenge alone promised a unique experience, but little did I know the depth of engagement I would encounter.

A Fully Engaged Internship

I ventured into the project with an open heart and a willing spirit. However, GovTech had even more surprises up its sleeve. Entering this internship, I came with the sole expectation that I would solely be working on the BLE and Frontend segment of the project. However, I was also allowed to dabble in unfamiliar territories such as our system’s backend. The learning curve was steep, but the sense of accomplishment was unparalleled.

Amid lines of code and hours of programming, there came moments of pure joy. Meeting our clients face-to-face brought a refreshing change, turning abstract tasks into tangible impact. Witnessing the smiles on our client’s faces as they interacted with our product was a gratifying reminder of the purpose behind every line of code we write.

Lifelong Learning

They say the only constant in life is change, and my team in Govtech embraced this philosophy wholeheartedly. The importance of lifelong learning was ingrained in the very fabric of the organisation. This attitude wasn’t just spoken; it was lived daily and my team’s culture was a testament to this commitment. Through “Nuggets” sessions, each team member took turns sharing intriguing insights and knowledge every week. It was a humble reminder that expertise comes in many forms, and every individual has something valuable to offer. Additionally, my department, SCTD, held monthly “Quick Bytes” sessions which showcased the diversity of talent within the department, creating an atmosphere of mutual growth.

Perhaps the highlight of my GovTech experience was the genuine care and support I received from my team. My Manager, Chin Hiong, made it a point to connect with every team member on a personal level, fostering an environment where open conversations and learning flourished. The team’s willingness to guide me through challenges and uncertainties never fails to amaze me. With a compassionate heart to help one another, each team member would go above and beyond to assist in any way they can.


As I bid farewell to GovTech, I can’t help but feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude. These three months have not only shaped my technical skills but also left an indelible mark on my outlook towards work and life. GovTech isn’t just an organisation; it’s a community driven by a passion for growth and a commitment to nurturing its members. My journey here has been nothing short of transformative, and I’m excited to take the lessons learned and the memories made into the next chapter of my life.

