Cheers World! — SipJoy

Sean Crowe
Published in
2 min readFeb 3, 2017

Hello Winos! If you’re reading this, maybe you’re as in love with wine as we are…or maybe you’re just dipping your toes into the wine world. But hey, if wine is on your mind then you’re doing life right in our books!

We’re just a small group of 25-ish year old wino friends living in Chicago. We love learning, drinking, and most importantly sharing wine with each other. As we’re trying to learn more about wine (none of us have any sort of certification or Master Sommelier title), we’re frustrated by the fact that there aren’t many good wine resources out there other than books, blogs and really expensive courses.

At our weekly wine tastings! Left to right: Brett, Sean, Ashley

**Cue SipJoy being born**

Yes I’m aware of the contradiction that this is a blog and we didn’t want to learn from blogs…BUT hear me out. Blogs like Wine Folly are unbelievably good resources; I read a ton of thier content. But it turns out that we want to learn more about the wines we’re already drinking (i.e. what the hell does Oak even taste like??)

The right wines paired with the right lessons.

To learn things like this you absolutely 100% have to be drinking the right wines paired with the right lessons. That’s why most wine certification classes have a flight of wines during lectures.

If you want to know what oak tastes like then you need to have a glass of Oaked Chardonnay and Un-oaked Chard in front of you…you can’t just read a blog post and magically get what the taste of Oak is.

Our goal at SipJoy is to share what we’re learning, how we’re learning it, and most importantly what wine YOU can get from your local shop so you can learn along with us. We’re also not into any of that snobbery bullshit that goes along with wine so we’ll try and be as chill as possible when we’re siping on our Chateauneuf du Pape ;)

How’s that all sound? Over the next few months we’ll be testing out a lot of different ways to share our story, let us know what works and what doesn’t.

Cheers from SipJoy!

-Sean, Thomas, Ashley, and Brett



Sean Crowe
Editor for

My passion lies in creating technologies that make people’s lives easier. Partner at Hacksmith Labs.