Bringing the May Flowers

Caty Tedman
Published in
2 min readApr 30, 2024

Stuff to drink this season, you’ll love it.

April showers are done, we’re on to giving these bevvies their May flowers. Did you know there is seasonality to vegetables? Not saying we thought that was something fancy restaurants made up… but not not saying that. Imagine yourself cooking these season-friendly dishes, but mostly just imagine yourself ordering them online and sipping a delicious drink while you wait for your Dasher to arrive.

What to Eat & Drink in May

It’s asparagus szn! Who isn’t excited about that, right? Check out this asparagus and beef teriyaki recipe and while you’re doing so, sip on Garzon Cabernet Franc Reserva. This wine will stand up to the beef on your meat stick and the green pepper notes (which only the snootiest of wine folks call capsicum) will perfectly compliment your daily dose of fiber (thank you asparagus)!

It’s Mark Bittman. It’s tagged as EASY. It’s got alliteration. Pasta with peas and prosciutto. This one you can actually accomplish (if Caty can cook it, anyone can). And the winner to drink with this baby is the classic French beauty William Fevre Chablis! Citrus, floral, mineral, oh my! It’s the (delicious and fancy) utility knife of white wine: a perfect beverage that bridges hearty pasta, salty meaty-bits, and greens. More options for peas, prosciutto, or just generally good vibes abound.

Strawberries? Seems early in the season to us, but who is to argue with that vast resource called “the internet.” We’ll take Strawberry Shortcake any day of the week. Also, it’s 100% possible to just Instacart some pound cake, Reddi-wip, and strawberries and bypass all this effort. Either way, may we recommend bubbles, more specifically pink ones. Mumm Napa Brut Rosé will compliment those strawberry notes and promises to wash down any lingering shame due to your DIY cake. To save you the effort of actually typing into your computer box, here’s some other options too.

What’s Up with Sipply

We’re all sick. Toddlers are an absolute vortex of disease. If you don’t have one, highly recommend avoiding them at all costs. Longer newsletter next week, babes.


