Happy Belated Gin Day 2024

Caty Tedman
Published in
3 min readJun 13, 2024

If that’s not a hook we dunno what is.

Big Gin Fans Over Here

Ah, gin. Like vodka, but better! Bring on the botanicals, dust off your crystal stemware, and let the fun beGIN (Verity can literally hear Caty turn inside out reading this). If it’s good enough for Ryan Reynolds, it’s good enough for us.

The origin of the word comes from the latin word for juniper, which is the only mandated ingredient. There are endless ways to enjoy gin. A traditional G&T is the highest expression of this drink of the Gods (or at least the Brits), but we’d be remiss not to mention the humble negroni, martini, and French 75.

Guess it’s time to hit the GIN (again, lulz — just keep your GIN up, Caty)!

Here’s what we’re gulping these days:

Tip Top Proper Cocktails really nail the canned negroni — we challenge you to find a better one outside of Italy (just kidding, obv they don’t drink from cans like our overworked under-vacationed North American asses). This red-hued drink has bright orange and grapefruit notes with a juicy, bitter finish. Yes please.

Not sure why you would ever touch a White Claw again after trying The Finnish Long Drink Zero. ‘Long Drinks’ in Finland are basically just gin highballs with a carbonated fruit mixer — like the cousin of Tom Collins. An aside, have you heard of The Tom Collins Hoax of 1874? Anyhow, this canned goodness has grapefruit tartness, a hint of sweetness, and the perfect balance of juniper.

The best all round gin out there (yes, Verity will fight you on it) is Plymouth Gin Original Strength. Full stop. If you’re looking for the Arnold Swartzenegger of gins (bodybuilding! movies! politics! farmer of tiny barn animals!), look no further. With an approachable pricetag and broad distribution, Plymouth is perfect for all of your mixed drink needs.

If you’re thinking of putting Plymouth to this test, whip up this easy yet exquisite gin & tonic recipe — Sipply style!

Since our thing is food & bev, may we recommend some pairings for your gin needs: tapas, seafood, or herbed meats. If you’re not a gin drinker, we’ve got you. Check out these links to our site for additional drink options.

What’s Up with Sipply

On Sunday, Verity told Caty she will never make her a corndog and now they’re in a fight. OK, the second part isn’t true, but the first is, and is hurtful.

In good news though, Sipply is cranking! We’re excited to share that we have been invited to the PITCH competition at Collision Conference next week. Of 1,700 startups participating in the conference, 70 got the invite to pitch. It’s a real honor.

We leave you with our official Sipply Gin playlist (with exactly one song). It’s gin-credible! Enjoy!


