Death of HOTS


11 min readJan 20, 2019


Good evening ladies and gentlemen,

Today with you as always, your faithful vassal — SirAzAzeL. All we need to analyze information to make some summaries which will give us an understanding of current situation in some kind of sport or professional sphere of our life. We are able to get a lot of interesting information and make conclusion about future possibilities or opportunities of some part of nowadays life which we are interested in. All of us hope, that we will face good news, but, unfortunately, life is a strange thing and from time to time we will suffer from some information which we will realize while we read it.

Some days ago, I wrote a blog in which we discuss very interesting theme which was based on fresh news from Blizzard Entertainment about their old discipline which is Heroes of the storm. What happened with such great company as Blizzard Entertainment and what history do it has? You are able to see it right by the link bellow:

Falling of Blizzard

All in all, we need to mention several facts which we will feel on ourselves in some time because of the cancelling of the good professional discipline and transferring the power of developing this game into other projects of Blizzard Entertainment. Was this game good chance to compete with such a famous professional esports discipline like Dota 2 or it was a great mistake of Blizzard Entertainment? Would this game have its future, or we will see another dying project? All these questions we will try to manage in this blog. Enjoy it and have fun along your read!

Situation in esports sphere some month ago

All gamers of all over the world are interested in some professional disciplines of professional cyber scene of nowadays. All in all, they like to watch some professional matches of main events or main worldwide tournaments which we are able to see every month at this time. Also, we need to mention that all of us have their favorite team in such disciplines which we a are like and want to support as by watching them by such platforms as Twitch or GG as by spending some money for some shirts or some other branded clothes of this team. It is a very good idea because of the popularization of the esports industry as an entertainment industry of nowadays. We see that it become more and more famous among all people all over the world because of the good animations, graphics and opportunity to spend some time with your friends while you will watch some matches or streams together and will have fun too.

We see that with time passed teams have more and more opportunities to play and show their skill to all people. They are encouraged by professional sponsors and also by prize pools of the main tournaments of our planet such as Katowice in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive or International event of the Dota 2 which we see every year. All in all, we are able to imagine how much time professional players spend to play well in their discipline which their team play in. they need to play with each other for a good amount of time to feel all moves of each other and understand all strategies which their captain or coach want them to play. Also, we need to mention that there are a lot of different teams in nowadays esports disciplines and it is very big competition among them, so that is a very difficult task to play well and be the best in their sphere. In addition. You are able to check all professional teams and brief view of them and their achieves on our site:

To summaries, we need to mention that every discipline of esports sphere is needing to be played for a pretty long period of time to become more and more skillful and play really well. My own experience as a professional player with over 6500 MMR in Dota 2 and Global Rank in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive can prove it to you. I spend hours, days and even weeks to become professional players and reach such a goal. It is a really hard work of our time and all teams need to play a lot of different matches with each other and with other teams to be good in their sphere. And discipline of Heroes of the Storm is not an exemption. All we see a lot of professional teams in this discipline, so we can understand that they were very serious while they are playing this professional esports discipline. All in all, that was one more opportunity for professional teams to succeed in one more professional scene.

Bad news from Blizzard

To tell the truth, all w understand that all companies have their “Bad times” from time to time. We are able to see in in most playable games all over the world and see that decrease of number of players and all in all online in such games like Dota 2 and Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. It happens because of several certain factors which we are able to mention as in our life as in this blog. First factor because of which we are able to see such “Bad times” is that all we face competition in our life. We see them on our work and even in other sphere of our life. All in all, we are able to mention a very hard competition between some companies in the esports and in usual play of professional disciplines or just usual games. On the other hand, we have new games which will influence on old games which we fell in love with. We need some innovation to be better and be still interested in old games. There was a good example of this factor some month ago with new mode which is Royal Battle in such games as Fortnite and new adaptation of this mode in our famous and old game which is Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.

All we want to survive, so we need to adapt to nowadays policy which are dictated by gamers as from professional scene as from usual gaming community. All worldwide companies are able to hear from them all changes which they are needed and all preferences which they want to see in their favorite games. But, some companies go through preferences of their customers and try to do something better from their point of view. All in all, we were able to face this decision in Blizzard Entertainment some years ago when they decided to compete with Dota 2 by creating new game which was Heroes of the Storm. All in all, we can see bad news now because of the inability to further supporting of this game by the creators of it. You are able to read about the destroying new from Blizzard Entertainment in our blog:

Falling of Blizzard

In addition, we need to mention that Blizzard company deny their opportunity to be on the market as esports company with one more product. Now they are able to give to us only StarCraft and Overwatch disciplines. So, it is a very bad decision and we need to understand why they are doing this move and what opportunities it will give them. In addition, we need to mention that something that they announced some time ago differ from their move which we see at this time. Was it a right decision from their side or just a needed move? All this information you will able to find in our blog down below.

Why they announced them?

In some situations, in our life we need to mark our key points and deny other possibilities to improve our skills in the main sphere of life. We can see it while we are working on with some projects or with some new knowledge which we are able to get such as new language or some useful skills of nowadays. We cancel all other stuff which will interrupts us from learning how to be better in some work or thing we are like to do. By doing this preferences in our life we increase our productivity and ability to compete with other players on this scene. The same situation we are able to see in such international company as Blizzard Entertainment and their decision of cancelling a project which was a pretty good opportunity for all professional team to succeed in one more discipline of esports world — Heroes of the Storm. They are trying to transfer all their power resources to more perspective games such as Overwatch, Diablo 3 and World of Warcraft which are more playable nowadays them Heroes of the Storm was.

In addition, we need to say that creation of the Heroes of the Storm was a huge experience of the Blizzard Entertainment which was not a good one. They tried to compete with a great company and a great game with which they were arguing for a pretty long time for ownership. It was a competition with IceFrog and their game which is famous all over the world — Dota 2. They tried to create something as great as that company create, but because of the strict market policy and almost “Monopoly” of the Dota 2 on it they were not able to succeed. So, at this time they are trying to be cleverer and transfer almost all power ability to another game.

One more thing that could influence on this company is that heads of some departments of the greatest games of our world such as StarCraft and World of Warcraft which had pretty large history behind them go out of the development department of this games, so we see new parts of the games not as great as they were. All in all, these factors influenced on this company and make it to close such a big project with a good community and very skilled teams who played some tournament in it already. They spend pretty much time playing in this game and even some of them deny an opportunity to study because of the possibility to become a professional gamer of the Heroes of the Storm.

Time to correct mistakes

There are some key factors which we will face in some time because of the decision of the Blizzard Entertainment to correct their mistake of creating such a competitive product and spending on it a lot of their time and power possibilities along these several years. They need to recover after the project which was Heroes of the Strom because they lost a lot of opportunities to be on the market as with new product which we need to face some months ago as massive Updates of old project which we are all needed in. We are all want to see great patches of World of Warcraft to see all that spirit which we face earlier in such parts as “Wrath of the Lich King” or “Mists of Pindarian” which were one of the best Updates of the game ever seen. All in all, we hope that Blizzard Entertainment will increase their developing ability in such games as Diablo 3 and World of Warcraft because of a lot of fans who wanted to play in them.

Blizzard company need some time to manage all their work in the right way to develop their key games which are very perspective as on the professional scene as in usual community of old and new players of their games. In addition, I need to say that I had a very good experience in such games as World of Warcraft and to my mind it was a biggest game experience in my life. In this game I try to be the best at the first time and I succeeded. I earned a Gladiator after a year of playing on several characters and it give to me good ability to understand move of gamers in almost all games, I learned how to use abilities in the right time and key factor which I faced at that period of time is communication with a partner. I spend a lot of time playing in this game, so I would be very pleasant if Blizzard Entertainment will create something as great as “Wraith of the Lich King”.

All in all, this massive company tried to correct their previous mistakes and choose a right way of developing in future. A lot of professional players and believe that Blizzard Entertainment will have second chance which they will use and create something really great that will shake all gamers world again and again. In addition, we are able to see their great work with such projects as Overwatch and we hole that they will do the same with their other project. Let`s them wish a luck and a good massive amount of creativity which will help them to succeed.

No chances to be the best again?

All of us has several chances to be the best along their life. Some of us use them and want to reach the highest pick by working with themselves and trying to develop their skill at all, and some of them are not able to even see that chances that life gives to us every day. Everyone need to work to be the best in their sphere of life in which they have work or live in. It will help to all of us to feel that we are living for something much greater than just for being on this planet. All in all, such a great company with some most creative game developers all over the world also need a second chance to become much greater than it was in the past. Blizzard Entertainment are trying to become such a company because of their way of developing all products which we face on the market. In addition, we need to mention that this company achieves some troubles along their being and try to solve all of them by improving their developing or communication with their players and community at all.

To the mind of many professional gamers which I speak to some days or weeks ago, there will be a great raise of the Blizzard industry in some time and we will see amazing changes in their behavior and they believe that they will find their key to success. All in all, they are able to develop something really great which we saw for a many of years with such projects as World of Warcraft and Diablo. Also, we need not to forgot about worldwide professional discipline which is very popular among all players around the world which is Overwatch. To the mind of different players, it is very perspective game because of the interesting mechanics and play. All in all, we need to believe in this company to support it to become as great as it was some time ago and create some new games which we will enjoy in the friend`s company and share with each other a beautiful time of playing in them be the best in the games and increase your skill to the best level. Enjoy your play!

Your faithful vassal,





Professional player with high rate in games: Dota 2–6500 MMR; CSGO — “GLobal”. Coaching skill in playing&betting in esports disciplines.