Introducing Pentecost — Payment Android UI Library for PayStack

Bezaleel Ashefor
Published in
1 min readMay 17, 2018

Pentecost gives you a quick customizable Android Payment View to use with PayStack.

PayStack is currently one of the fastest and easiest ways to set up payments on mobile and web. Pentecost aims to follow that path. Born out of the need to reduce the stress it takes a developer to set up a card payment interface.

You can read the full documentation here but here a couple of features available currently

1. Customization

There are currently two themes available black and white . You choose either and can also change the background color, background drawable and header image in XML with the following:


They can also be set in the code behind too.

2. Activity Indicators

You can currently put the view in loading mode and out of it to indicate an activity/process is going on, like sending and charging the card in the PayStack SDK.


More features would be rolling out but for now you can use it, try to break it, submit issues or just give us feedback

Use Pentecost.



Bezaleel Ashefor

Creator. I am also an iOS/macOS engineer building Viso ( and Litur ( Sometimes I moonlight as a full stack engineer