Ever played the game of tries X. You try not once nor twice but till all tries turn into prices. The view from my chair is painted white. There’s a clock in the middle which drips ticks then tocks. I wonder whether we share the same destination, money. After all, its essence is inspired by an old proverb; time is ______.
This clock is the same as any. It ticks by cordially, like a breeze hugging trees at a nearby forest. My mind lusts at its calmness, never panicking, never deterred. I wish I was a clock. So sure of my future oozing confidence in my work.
My sight isn’t what it was before, forgive me, this decrement has come with age. My vision, though, has never been clearer. There is a framed picture signed and sealed below my ticking clock that vividly highlights where we need to be by year’s end. The journey has never been an issue, neither disappointments nor failures scarred us to quit. If Sisitech was a child, she would be learning to combine words into statements that make sense. I bet she’d be the star in grade one or whatever the current curriculum calls it. We would be proud fathers.
I wonder what we’d say a few years down the line when she is listed in Forbes. Will we, as founders, thank God, our colleagues, our family, and our friends? What would stand out, her failures or her success? Sometimes I cower at her trajectory, sometimes I feel she gets over-ambitious yet the universe aligns itself to cater for what she needs at those particular moments. Along the way, she has stumbled, she has fallen, she has hurt, still, she stands. The best thing we ever did was start, got stuck in the meanders of confusing pathways only to own the roads determining our destination in our destiny.
Here then lies my view with 4 stations symmetrical in size yet dynamic in nature. There is pride within this square, these are my colleagues Shimanyi Valentino Dennis Chivatsi mwangi micha, these are my brothers, this is my pack. 4 years we’ve embarked on a journey, 4 years have made us who we are today. 4 years of really defining ‘Sisi’ in tech.
‘Asante’ for all who have held our hands till now.
Cheers to a new decade. Cheers to freedom. Cheers to being the best we can be.