Organizations We Love: Sojourners

Sisterhood Chronicles
Sisterhood Chronicles
2 min readJul 25, 2018

“We believe in a God that gives a senseless amount of grace, yet we live in a society that has a ridiculous amount of punitive systems.” — Sojourners staff

On June 7, 2018, a group of Sisters had the opportunity to convene at the headquarters of Sojourners in Washington, D.C. for an inspiring lunchtime session about the organization’s mission and focus.

If you’re not familiar with Sojourners (Sojo for short), it “seek[s] to inspire hope and build a movement to transform individuals, communities, the church, and the world.” The group professes a “call to prophetic interrogation” that manifests in seeking truth and practicing social justice with biblical roots. (Read more about their mission here.) Core issues include climate justice, immigration, peace & nonviolence, poverty & budget, racial justice, and women & girls.

During our lunchtime session, we met with three Sojourners staff members to learn about current programs and initiatives. Of note to our Sisters present:

  • 100 Sermons: a quest to collect sermons that speak out against domestic violence and abuse. (If you’re a minister or pastor reading this, consider submitting your own!)
  • Criminal Justice Reform for Women and Girls: As Jenna Barnett (Women and Girls Campaign Coordinator) writes, “ Our criminal justice system was designed for men. And unfortunately, its subsequent reform has also overlooked the unique challenges facing incarcerated women.” This focus aims to achieve “ more humane, gender-informed, and trauma-informed treatment for incarcerated women.”
  • “She Shall Prophesy” Sermon Series: In an effort to close the church’s gender gap, the Women and Girls Campaign sends a enewsletter every other month “featuring a recent sermon from a woman pastor anywhere in the world.” Sign up to receive a dose of “prophetic power” in your inbox.
  • Summit for Change: This annual event gathers 350+ faith leaders together to build relationships, collaborate on big questions, and cultivate strength for the ongoing fight for justice. Consider attending the next one in June 2019.
Follow along online!

Interested in getting involved in Sojourners’ work? Check out the wealth of info on their website, subscribe to their magazine, and follow them on social media (Facebook and Twitter, among others).

Plus, we on the Sisterhood team share their articles constantly, so look to us as well!



Sisterhood Chronicles
Sisterhood Chronicles

Dispatches from a diverse, motivated group of women who want to wrestle with — and act on — what it means to be a Christian in today’s uncertain world.