Soul (and Brain) Food: November Edition

Sisterhood Chronicles
Sisterhood Chronicles
3 min readDec 4, 2017

Oooh boy. Turkey, travel, tax bills … November threw a lot at us, sisters, with much to digest on physical and spiritual levels. So why not take a minute to read more deeply what you might have missed on our Facebook page last month?

“Because this is the hope we must cling to during these trying times: American Christendom isn’t Christianity. Christ didn’t fail in the past and Christ won’t fail in the future — so neither should our faith in him. Because ultimately, this is what Christianity is: Jesus.

Nobody has the market completely cornered on God, and despite partisan religious rhetoric and varied degrees of faith-based hyperbole, nothing can replace the divinity of Jesus.”

Our friend, Kaitlin B. Curtice’s new book is OUT!! We are so so excited for her and we hope that you’ll take some time to check it out! This will guide one of our discussions in early 2018!

Bible Nation: The United States of Hobby Lobby

Book review — “That the Greens “believe it is possible to tell the story of the Bible without interpretation betrays not only their Protestant roots and bias,” Moss and Baden write, “but also their fundamentally anti-intellectual orientation.””

“Ideological consolidation works well for D.C. advocacy groups and politicians who raise money off demonizing their opponents, but it costs the people they claim to defend. Democrats can continue to seek ideological purity and wait for the day when the Republicans are so deplorable that Americans have no other choice, but that day will not come soon enough for the voters they represent. The moral vacuum that is Donald Trump, and the fracturing that is occurring in the Republican Party, offer Democrats an opportunity to regain what they have lost among religious voters, and build a lasting majority. They can do this through returning to the faith community with direct engagement, rhetoric, and policy commitments.”

“Christians should always fear leaving the vulnerable behind more than failing to halt all freeriding.”

Have other suggestions of articles, books, podcasts, songs, etc. to share? Send ’em our way at!



Sisterhood Chronicles
Sisterhood Chronicles

Dispatches from a diverse, motivated group of women who want to wrestle with — and act on — what it means to be a Christian in today’s uncertain world.