Want to share your story with the Sisterhood Chronicles? Start here.

Sisterhood Chronicles
Sisterhood Chronicles
2 min readJan 21, 2017

Thank you for your interest in contributing to the Sisterhood Chronicles, the official blog for the Sisterhood of Progressive Christians! We’re thrilled to have you with us. Please read these guidelines before sharing your story.

Our Approach

We welcome a wide range of styles, but in general, we consider these to be the foundational hallmarks of a strong Sisterhood Chronicles post:

  • Thoughtful, reflective, contemplative
  • Rooted in spirituality
  • Respectful of readers’ individual beliefs and personal faith journeys
  • Told with compelling clarity and a distinct voice

As our name suggests, our primary audience is Christian women of all ages, backgrounds, and denominations, but we welcome any reader — and writer! — who is willing to engage in thoughtful, respectful conversation about what it means to carry out the Gospel in today’s social and political climate.

Potential formats include:

  • Essays about personal experiences with Christianity in today’s world
  • Reflections that grapple with our Christian response to current events
  • Short reflection on a Bible verse or similar religious writing
  • Short reflection based on a photograph or work of art that speaks to challenging issues
  • Reviews of relevant readings, podcasts, or similar
  • Cross-post of an existing article or blog post (preferably written by you, but suggestions of other writers are welcome!)

STRONGLY RECOMMENDED: Before writing or pitching your post, take time to read through our Medium site and get a sense of our style and approach.

Initial Prompts

Because we all need a little inspiration now and then …

  • Why the Sisterhood, why now?
  • Be it spiritually, socially, or politically, what right now is your most urgent need, pressing concern, and/or brightest hope?
  • What’s the biggest challenge facing you right now as a Christian woman in today’s world?
  • How are you discerning the call to participate in a challenging and sometimes overwhelming world?
  • What are you reading (or watching, or listening to) right now that’s helping you make sense of the world — or perhaps challenging your worldview?

What to Submit

Please follow these guidelines when sharing your piece and the Sisterhood editors will love you forever!

  • Word Count: 300–800 words (depends on format)
  • Paragraph Length: 3–4 sentences or less
  • Here are the basics for writing a story.
  • Want to add images? Cool! Learn how here.

How to Submit

  1. New to Medium? Get started here. (Bonus: FAQs!)
  2. Log into Medium.
  3. Email your Medium username to us at spcsisterhoodchronicles@gmail.com.
  4. Our editors will add you as a writer.
  5. Write your story on Medium and submit it to us. (Instructions here.)
  6. Have a post you already wrote on a different site? We can import it! Please send us the link at spcsisterhoodchronicles@gmail.com.
  7. We’ll review, proof, and publish.
  8. Please stick to any agreed-upon deadlines wherever possible. (But we know life can get in the way, so just let us know if you hit a delay.)

Feel free to send any questions at any point to spcsisterhoodchronicles@gmail.com.

Thank you! We look forward to sharing your work with our awesome community.



Sisterhood Chronicles
Sisterhood Chronicles

Dispatches from a diverse, motivated group of women who want to wrestle with — and act on — what it means to be a Christian in today’s uncertain world.