Considerations For Joining A Startup

Written by Ogechukwu Beluonwu-Ogbo

Sisterly HQ
5 min readApr 18, 2022


Photo by Christina @ on Unsplash

The “tech ecosystem” is probably a phrase that has been used a billion times over in Nigeria this year, despite it not being mid-year. However, a closer look at the reason for the popularity and albeit relative acceptance of this ecosystem is startups’ success stories (including those that have gone on to become unicorns) and its people.

However, the startup ecosystem has been in the news more frequently recently for issues varying from employee labor rights to bad trust amongst founders. This has undoubtedly seen to the re-evaluation of the desirability of startups in the labour market pool.

It is, therefore, necessary for the intending employees who are considering career options and prospects in tech, to be fully aware of the following factors, which may and should weigh heavily on their minds when considering job offers from players in the ecosystem.

Building vs. Growing

Currently, it might appear to an average person that so many startups address similar problems but from different perspectives. The truth, however, is that the sky is big enough for everyone. Yes, competitors may exist, but every company’s operations and roadmap will play out to show if the main sell — popularly called product — requires building or one that requires growing.

While building often speaks to novelty, growing speaks to a product that, albeit not new, allows for ingenuity and creativity in the distribution process of the product. It is absolutely okay to consider your previous and current career trajectory in analyzing this factor and maybe do something outside the box. Contextualizing this would translate to; if where you are coming from (whether startups or otherwise), have always grown products, you should consider joining a startup focused on building a novel product. Switch things up, sis!.

People Culture

It is no surprise to see startups making intentional efforts to be a safe space; however, it is important to note that the founding employees and founders of every startup typically dictate the culture that would run parallel across the board.

This means that in an instance where you would be joining a startup as a founding employee, you get a seat at the table to dictate the culture you want to see within the organization. This however does not translate to being in a disadvantageous position if you intend to join an established organization; it only requires that you intentionally inquire into the culture prevalent in the organization.

Current and Past Employee Experiences

Working in any organization literally is an experience you can’t wish away with your eyes closed. This means that you must be intentional in choosing organizations that will give you a more robust balance in every area of your life but most especially workwise, as you do not want to leave the aspect of your life that is a significant part of your life to chance.

You should, at this juncture, jump on your social media platforms seeking to connect and cold email current or ex-employees at that prospective startup you are currently eyeing to get an insight into their work culture.

Character review and recommendations of the №1

In driving home this consideration, the question (albeit cliché) which best answers it is this: “Can you work for and under someone who you do not trust their work ethics or who you cannot learn or gain new knowledge from as often as possible?”, I would like to bet that your answer is No.

This same yardstick applies to startup founders. Startups are more often funded by investments from private individuals or venture capitalists. Said funds will not be realized until investors can trust the founders’ capability to lead and ensure the generation of revenue within a reasonable period mutually agreed on.

This proposed review on the personality of the founders of a startup comes on the heels of the principle of ownership. It begs the question of comfort and trust in a startup when the founders do not believe or see their companies as a long-term player in the ecosystem and are happy to sell off their equity or hand over the administration of such a company at its infant age. It is also safe to assure you that at this juncture, such a founder/co-founders would not take your needs primarily as an employee into front burner consideration. Imagine being poorly undermanaged?.

The principle is and should thus be “if they have done it before, they will do it again.

The viability of the product (stickiness)

A lot of people derive joy in being able to solve solutions in an organization through their assigned roles in the organization. The same energy should also be applied when considering the suitability of joining a startup to your career. When asked to speak about what the organization you work at does, my bet is you would want to feel attached or called to a higher purpose.

Surely providing solutions through a startup that becomes a household name due to the acceptability amongst a particular target market must leave you with some brand equity returns.

Mid/Long term Business Plan of the company

This consideration should be your priority ask at an interview for employment with the company. This helps with correctly projecting your career growth (particularly the importance of the role you are seeking to take up) within the company, the total remuneration and the expansion plans of the startups, and the quality of individuals needed to drive the vision board of the company.

I want to end this with the cliché debate phrase, “I hope I have been able to convince you and not to confuse you,” that perhaps with adequate research, you should still consider startups as desirable, not regarding the news which has beclouded this ecosystem. What do you think? Let me know your thoughts!.

Oge is a Legal Practitioner called to the Nigerian Bar. She advises on commercial transactions which have a nexus between Arbitration, Technology Law and Finance. You are most likely to find her being either a proper foodie, surfing the internet for new knowledge or binging on a movie during her leisure. Connect with Ogechukwu on LinkedIn and Instagram

Edited By Ife Adekunle

Ife is an accounting graduate and an avid reader. She enjoys carrying women’s matter on her head, learning new languages, and Asian dramas. She can be reached on Medium.

Published by Akinsipe Temitope

Temitope is a young storyteller who thinks all stories are worth telling. She loves to inspire people to do what they love and follow their passions, tell their stories, and live in the present moment. Connect with Temitope on Instagram, and Twitter.



Sisterly HQ

Sisterly HQ is a digital female-focused and female-led publication that tells the stories of Nigerian women.