Five Ways To Use Your Money Effectively

Written by Blessing Onyegbula

Sisterly HQ
6 min readFeb 4, 2022


Photo by MART PRODUCTION from Pexels

Making money is hard. I realized this when I got into the university and started earning as a young adult. And with this knowledge came a mindset shift.

Which made me stop spending extravagantly on things with temporary value or that scream vanity. Like clothing items, the latest gadgets, makeup and others.

Instead, I now dedicate a significant part of my budget to things that would positively affect my wellbeing and make me happy. So here are my top 5 picks of the effective ways you can spend your money.


Photo by Angela Roma from Pexels

On different occasions, I’ve heard people say that the best way to know a person’s financial status is through their skin.


To start with, healthy skin is a combination of different things. Like your diet, the products you use, and your biological makeup. So, even though you can’t control the last factor, you can put your money to good use by investing in the first two.

Now, I’m not going to feign ignorance at the cost of skincare products at the moment. But the amount of confidence a healthy skin gives you makes the expense worth it.

It doesn’t end there. Other benefits include:

  • Compliments from friends and strangers.
  • Increased confidence you feel knowing you have that glowing skin.
  • The reduced urge to reach out for makeup every time you need to step out.

Finally, this is the part I should add that glass skin is an illusion. So don’t bother pouring your money into several products that your favorite skin influencer told you would help you get a glass skin.

In 2022, the goal is healthy, radiant skin. And you can achieve this by making room for skincare products when planning your budget.

Personal Development

“We can’t become what we need to be by remaining what we are.”

This quote by Oprah Winfrey perfectly summarizes the importance of self-development. And yes, you can define what personal development means to you. Check out some general areas you need to cover when it comes to self-development and how your money comes in:

  • Reading: “A well-read woman is a dangerous creature.” Not my words, sis, but those of Lisa Kleypas, and she didn’t lie on that. Reading unlocks a whole new world for you, filled with endless possibilities. This is why it’s considered the best form of self-development. So if you want to spend your money on your personal development journey, consider getting books. Yes, hard-cover books. I know you have access to several book apps and eBooks but getting hardcovers gives a different thrill to reading.
  • Gym or workout kits: Exercise is one of the cardinal points of healthy life with high rewards. Not only is it good for your health, but it also helps to boost your confidence. Your concern can be getting a bigger derrière, a flatter stomach, or general weight loss. Getting a gym membership or having a workout routine from your home is the first step to accomplishing this. So why not channel some percentage of your funds to this? Plus, exercising also projects you as someone who takes their well being serious, which denotes maturity and growth.
  • Outings: yes, hangouts with your girls, vacations and baecations(wink wink). They sound like simple recreational activities you shouldn’t be giving much thought to. But in today’s fast-paced world, squeezing out some time to let your hair down and have fun is a big deal. It now requires adequate planning and some form of financial commitment. Wondering about the benefit this gives you? Well, strengthening your friendships and relationships through quality time out is one. Secondly, changing your setting from the usual work and home setup to a more relaxed atmosphere will do wonders in lifting your spirit. Also, depending on your circle and how adventurous you are, challenging yourself to go somewhere that’s above your standard and budget gives you a life to aspire to. That is, more motivation to excel in your career.

Talking about career…


Since a significant part of life after school is spent building a solid career, why play small in this journey? You can invest in your career by taking courses.

Thanks to the pandemic, many of us are familiar with Coursera, Udemy, and other educational institutions. But it shouldn’t stop there. Invest in career coaches (do your research before you make a move, so you don’t end up paying to listen to someone phony who has nothing to offer you). Attend seminars and relevant conferences. Some of them may take you out of your comfort zone, but they will pay off eventually.


Investing in people and growing your network is one of the best investments you can ever make.

Photo by PICHA Stock from Pexels

I wanted to make this the last point but changed my mind. Do you know why? It’s because making memories with people you love shouldn’t rank last on your list. You don’t have to do too much here.

It can be getting a gift for your friends. Paying for a course for them and plugging them into opportunities. Acts of service that frees up more time for them, be it paying for a subscription service, quality hangouts, spa sessions, games night, or even a visit to the cinema, can work wonders for your relationship.

The idea is to use your money to create beautiful memories for those that matter to you, thereby strengthening the bond you share.


“Do you know the beautiful thing about learning? It can never be taken away from you.”

Riley King nailed it in this quote. And an excellent way to start prioritizing learning is by ignoring the ‘school is scam’ talks and getting a quality education. Of course, you can also take up virtual classes.

It doesn’t have to come with a certification (depending on the end goal). Just ensure you’re growing knowledge-wise and skill-wise.


Take a moment to visualize yourself growing in all these areas we touched on above.

For example, it is engaging in intellectual conversations. Strutting the streets with your head high and a straight back with confidence because your skin is glowing. That’s all thanks to a better skincare routine that isn’t about drinking water and minding your business.

Getting access to specific spaces because of courses, degrees, and relationships you’ve built, happily sharing your career growth with friends and family.

And finally, looking around you and feeling grateful for the network of helpful individuals who root for you steadily since you actively contribute to their lives.

Done visualising? Now act on it and share your story with the community at Sisterly HQ.

Blessing Onyegbula is a freelance B2B Saas content writer. On a professional level, she writes on self-development, finance, tech and marketing. Connect with Blessing on LinkedIn and Twitter.

Edited by Zulu Nneka Anyaogu

Zulu is a Lawyer, Programs manager, and Youth Human Rights Advocate who is passionate about women’s rights and the inclusion of young people in decision-making spaces. In her spare time, you’d catch her binging on movies, reading crime and mystery novels, and eating. Connect with Zulu on Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

Published by Akinsipe Temitope

Temitope is a young storyteller who thinks all stories are worth telling. She loves to inspire people to do what they love and follow their passions, tell their stories, and live in the present moment. Connect with Temitope on Instagram, and Twitter.

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