Gender Pay Gap In Tech: How Women Sabotage Themselves

Written by Aduragbemi Owoyele

Sisterly HQ
3 min readJan 20, 2022


Photo by Christina @ on Unsplash

I’ve always found it interesting that when women are offered a salary range, they often ask for an amount on the lower end of the scale. While it is difficult to determine the exact reason for this, I’ve been able to uncover a few factors that influence these decisions.

What comes to mind when you hear pay gap, or more particularly, gender pay gap?

The gender pay gap in the tech industry is the difference in pay between men and women applying for the same jobs at the same companies. According to Statista, “women were on average offered 2.5% less salary than their male counterparts when applying for the same job.” Although the salary gap is not a new thing and most industries claim to be bridging that gap, the results of different surveys claim otherwise.

The tech industry is notorious for employing only male workers. Although women are beginning to venture into the field, progress is stagnant, especially in pay. In spite of the fact that gender pay gap is often intentional, there are times when it is self-imposed.

Here are some ways in which women sabotage themselves:

Lack of adequate information

Knowing the right amount to ask for is often difficult when you do not even know the average amount people demand. This is why we need to prepare by doing proper research before negotiating your offer.

Fear of losing the opportunity

Because of fear, most people don’t even try. We need to understand that the company needs you as much as you need them. So, if you ever find yourself contemplating whether to re-negotiate your salary, the answer is yes. The worst the company can say is “no.”

Lack of confidence in your abilities

Even after being informed, if you don’t believe you deserve something, you’ll never ask for it. Many women often fall victim to imposter syndrome, more so in the tech industry. Hence, try as much as possible to affirm your skills. Remind yourself that you deserve what you’re asking for and much more.

Cultural upbringing

Growing up, a handful of women would tell you that they believed they would never earn as much as their male counterparts. Hence, they settle for whatever comes their way. To build successful tech careers and close this gap, unlearning and re-learning are crucial.

These are a few of the factors I was able to uncover. Knowing that the first step to change is awareness, I hope this piece makes us all accountable to ourselves.

Cheers to more women earning what they deserve.

Aduragbemi is a graduate of the Faculty of Engineering, University of Lagos. She is a product designer and tech enthusiast. Connect with Aduragbemi on LinkedIn and Medium.

Edited by Naimah Akinoso

Naimah is an editor, and product designer with a passion for interior design. She loves cooking, finding new recipes online and trying them. She also loves reading and watching horror movies. Connect with Naimah on Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter and Dribbble.

Published by Akinsipe Temitope

Temitope is a young storyteller who thinks all stories are worth telling. She loves to inspire people to do what they love and follow their passions, tell their stories, and live in the present moment. Connect with Temitope on Instagram, and Twitter.

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