Sisterly 2.0 — A New Dispensation

Sisterly HQ
Published in
3 min readOct 27, 2022

First of all, we would like to say a big thank you to you. Thank you for your support for Sisterly HQ. We appreciate every read, comment, applause, and share. Because of you, our little Medium website was able to hit 25,000 reads (now, 26000) in 12 months. Maybe, we are not so little anymore, eh?

From Sisterly HQ’s founder, Titilope Adedokun

When we started Sisterly HQ, our mission was to tell the stories of Nigerian women and connect them to opportunities and resources. In the last year, we did just that with your help, reaching over 26K reads on the stories on our website, sharing over 700 opportunities and resources, and building a community of over 2000 people on our social media channels.

Lately, I’ve had to ask myself: What’s next? Not because the work that we do isn’t enough, but because the world is changing rapidly and the need for the empowerment of women deepens.

I’d like to introduce you to Sisterly HQ’s new dispensation.

From being a mere digital publication telling the stories of Nigerian women, and connecting them to resources, Sisterly HQ is evolving to become a community and platform that empowers Nigerian women with the tools to tell their own stories through digital technology.

Rather than telling Nigerian women’s stories for them, we are empowering Nigerian women to tell their own stories their way. Together, we will tell, learn, share and grow as Sisters.

What does this look like for us, and for you?

  1. We are moving! Our website has a new home:

We hope that our new website would be able to serve the needs of our audience better and help us to become the close-knit community of Sisters we aspire to be.

2. The stories we focus on will be different, going forward. We will zero in on the personal stories of Nigerian women. This means that we will be focusing on interviews and first-person essays of Nigerian women. We believe that storytelling is empowerment, and we want to help you tell your story your way.

3. Through our Instagram and LinkedIn pages, but most importantly, our newsletter, we will focus on community and fostering an environment where we tell, learn, share and grow together as Sisters.

4. We will still publish opportunities and resources. But rather than lists, they will be included in databases on our website — here and here. In Sisterly HQ 2.0, you can also submit an opportunity to us.

We are so committed to telling your stories, and we know that our new direction would help us do just that. Our Medium page will always be available for viewing, as long as we can keep it.

Thank you for your support, and welcome to our new dispensation!

We hope that we can still count on your support and sister-ship.



Sisterly HQ

Sisterly HQ is a digital female-focused and female-led publication that tells the stories of Nigerian women.