The Importance Of Having A Side Hustle

Written by Abisola Adeniji

Sisterly HQ
2 min readAug 21, 2021


A Side Job Story!

Hey girl,

Normally, I would come blazing through here talking about the importance of having money, but you know that already so don’t let me bore you with unnecessary details. Let’s talk about the importance of having a side job.

Money is a very important tool that helps in satisfying our needs in various areas and stages of our lives. Can it be too much? I don’t think so, but what I do know is it shouldn’t be less than your cost of living.

A side job helps in meeting those other needs without necessarily affecting important and critical expenses. Let’s be sincere, do you think that our salaries meet our needs? If you are on allowance, can it ever be enough? I doubt.

For the past few years, I’ve been really curious about making extra cash but I didn’t know how to go about it. All I knew was this only salary income was not working for me. It was bothering me so much that I decided to take it seriously this year. I didn’t know what to do exactly but I knew that knowledge and value will always sell.

After continuous improvement on myself and my skills, for the first time, I made an extra income that was worth almost 80% of my monthly salary and secured a rolling contract.

What did I do?

  • I kept learning and acquiring transferable skills that are important to my career.
  • I offered free services to family and close friends.
  • I strategically positioned myself on my social media platforms and,
  • I networked.

Fun fact: Most of my other sources of income are referral based. While building that client base, some side jobs you can embark on are paid consultations, group and one-on-one training programs, speaking engagements, YouTube, podcasts, etc.

Click here to find other side hustles that you might like.

Lastly, while picking the right side job, ensure it relates to your interest and is flexible enough for your work, career and personal development. And don’t forget to put yourself out there!

Do this, and join millions of empowered women like yourself in the sacred art of smiling to your account balance at the end of each month.

I remain your biggest cheerleader.

Abisola Adeniji

Connect with Bisola on her website, LinkedIn and Instagram

Edited by Titilope Adedokun



Sisterly HQ

Sisterly HQ is a digital female-focused and female-led publication that tells the stories of Nigerian women.