MacOS Catalina (10.15) Upgrade, Vagrant, Docker & Docker-Compose

Muzammel Hoque
Published in
3 min readOct 12, 2019
macOS Catalina

Upgrading your operating system is always a challenging task. It is hard to predict what will happen with the existing setup. It is a nightmare for a developer because we end up spending time fixing our development environment instead of working on our regular tasks. The upgrade to macOS Catalina is no different. Depending on which applications are being used and what settings we have, we will face different sorts of issues. So, I am sharing some of the problems that I have encountered and how I have resolved them in the hope that it makes your life a little easier:

# VirtualBox

I had to upgrade my Virtualbox application to 6.x. because the 5.x version I had installed was no longer supported.

FYI: The latest version of 5.x is supported.

# Vagrant

The app itself doesn’t require any change, but I started to receive the following errors:

NFS is reporting that your exports file is invalid. Vagrant does

this check before making any changes to the file. Please correct

the issues below and execute “vagrant reload”:

exports:2: exported dir/fs mismatch: /Users/xxxx/Sites/ /System/Volumes/Data

exports:3: exported dir/fs mismatch: /Users/xxxx/Sites/ /System/Volumes/Data

To check a quick solution, open /etc/exports and add “/System/Volumes/Data” to all the paths. For example, if you have something like below:

“/Users/xxxx/Downloads” -alldirs -mapall=501:20

Change it to:

“/System/Volumes/Data/Users/xxxx/Downloads” -alldirs -mapall=501:20

And then run “vagrant up” again. If this works, check the details in the following link to identify the proper solution that matches your scenario:

# Dinghy (

If you are using Dinghy, and “dinghy up” doesn’t work, I found that simply uninstalling and then installing it again resolved the problem.

# Docker-Compose

My docker-compose stopped working. It started to throw an “Abort trap: 6” error whenever I tried to execute “docker-compose”. Removing and reinstalling it with HomeBrew didn’t make any difference. In the end, I had to install it via pip to get it to work. I used the steps below:

Step 1: Uninstall Docker-Compose

If Docker-Compose was previously installed via HomeBrew, uninstall it

brew uninstall docker-compose

Step 2: Install pip

Check if pip is installed by running

pip --version

If it is not installed, install it using the following command:

easy_install pip

If the above command doesn’t work, use the following:

sudo -H python -m ensurepip

Check if pip has bee installed by running

pip --version

Step 3: Install Docker-Compose

Now install Docker-Compose using the following command:

pip install docker-compose

If it throws a permission error, add “--user” at the end e.g.

pip install docker-compose --user

After the installation is completed, try running checking the version:

docker-compose --version

If the above worked, you’re all set. If not, you will need to add the location of where docker-compose has been installed in the PATH variable. It is most likely something similar to the following:


That should be it to get Docker-Compose working again.

# 32-bit applications

Heads up, from 10.15, 32-bit applications will no longer work. I realised it when I tried to open TextWrangler. Details on this can be found at the following URL:

FYI: BBEdit has a free version now, so uninstall TextWrangler, and install BBEdit.

Hopefully, this will save someone some time! :)

