The Broad City Drinking Game

Unheard Melodies
Sitcom World
2 min readFeb 8, 2015


There’s only one way to enhance the viewing experience of the already perfect Broad City, and that is to watch it with friends. Drawing inspiration from this BC drinking game which is designed for the first episode of season one, the following rules are sure to get you and your friends wrecked in a few delicious episodes.

Drink when:

1 Any term for “vagina” is mentioned.

2 You want to high-five Lincoln.

3 Ilana speaks in an accent.

4 Abbi’s boss performs the Namaste bow.

5 Abbi embarrasses herself.

6 They devise a plan to avoid paying for something. Drink again if the plan is successful.

7 Someone smokes weed.

8 Ilana tries to convince Abbi to do something. Drink again if she succeeds.

9 You want to slap Bevers.

10 Nicole rolls her eyes/Todd fails at exerting authority.

11 Abbi is asked to fix a pube situation.

12 Skype.

13 Abbi has a revelation.

14 Judaism is mentioned.

15 Pop culture reference.

Now get out there and bounce them little titties for that hunky quarter-latino.

