Web Design 2016: Attack of the Chromes!

Alex Walker
5 min readJan 4, 2017


SitePoint Design & UX Newsletter: 21st December 2016

As we close out 2016, I think it’s always interesting to glance back on how your workflow has evolved from January to December. It’s often surprising how many tools and techniques change over the course of a year.

For me, the signature theme of 2016 Design & UX has been the arrival of the Chrome app as a genuine web design option. In fact, I’ve written about three of them in 2016 in this newsletter.

BoxySVG — an excellent little SVG editor

Back in April, we talked about Jarek Foksa’s BoxySVG — an excellent little SVG editor. Though the app can run in the Chrome browser, it works best as a downloaded ChromeOS app.

In September, I covered Pingendo, a prototyping tool that delivers Bootstrap-powered prototypes — and another Chrome app. I’ve built two prototypes with this app since then.

Enter Figma

However, arguably the biggest change to my 2016 workflow only happened in November when I edited Adam Rasheed’s _Is Figma a Serious Option for Sketch Designers? _ — yet another ChromeOS app.

Now, Adam will tell you he’s an unabashed Sketch fanboy — I mean, he teaches courses on it — yet he came to me excited to write about a web-based competitor to Sketch. At the time I knew nothing about Figma but became intrigued as I read his first draft.


Six weeks later I now use Figma every day. Honestly, I didn’t mean to — it just kinda happened. I have Sketch, Adobe XD, Photoshop and even Fireworks, yet I find I spend more time in a (currently) free web app.

So, Why Figma?

It’s not the UI. If Sketch invented what a modern UI Design tool should look like, Figma hasn’t strayed far from that vision. Layers are on the left — properties on the right. If you’re familiar with Sketch, you certainly won’t feel lost in Figma (or XD for that matter).

Also, Sketch files generally import cleanly into Figma with minimal issues (a few font sync issues usually).

But obviously, none these aren’t reasons for switching to Figma. You wouldn’t bother changing apps to get the same experience.

Is it because it’s (currently) free?

No. Don’t get wrong — I like free, but I’ve already paid for the other apps so I’m technically losing money by not using them.

No, there’s a more surprising reason (to me anyway).

Figma’s Multi-user Collaboration is a Game Changer

Multi-user collaboration is Figma’s ‘special sauce’ — the only thing that makes it significantly different to use than any of Sketch, Photoshop or even Adobe XD.

Figma lets you share design via either URL or username directly from the app. There’s no upload or syncing to secondary cloud service. Figma designs live online — not unlike Google Docs.

This means when two or more users are viewing the same Figma document, you can see the other user’s cursor live — again similar to Google Docs.

And I have to say, when I first saw this, I though ‘Oh… Hmm… that’s cute’.

But over time, it gradually it became clear how incredibly useful this live sharing feature is. Here’s why.

1) Figma Docs are Living Style Guides

Any time you share a Figma doc with a developer (view only access), they can click on ANY page element and view it’s properties in the right panel. That includes:

  • font-family, size, weight
  • width & height
  • line-height & margins
  • colors
  • shadows & effects

While this doesn’t replace the need for a good style guide, it certainly gives the developers an easy way to answer almost any question they have about the design.

In fact, I’ve been able to watch our developers in Manila clicking around my Figma design as I’m briefing them on Skype. Figma also has a nice comment/annotation system built into it.

2). Developers don’t need to ask you (the designer) for small graphic tweaks

Often tiny adjustments are needed to icons and graphics, which usually means looping back to the UI designer.

Figma allows anyone with authorization and a browser to tweak and re-export the graphic any time they need to. What’s more, a full version control system lets you revert to the original at any time.

3). Project managers don’t need constant status reports

As designers, we often need to spend time updating stakeholders on where a design project is at. With Figma, we can allow them to see exactly where your design is at and so they no longer need to ask you for constant updates.

When they do come to you, you can get straight to the important questions rather than explaining what you’ve done. Conversations start with ‘Hey, I saw the header is done and I really like what you’re doing with the hero image. What if we…’.

Wrap up

More than anything, Figma’s multi-user function has got everyone on the same page (pun intended). Project manager, marketers and developers are in on the design process early — literally watching you work — so they seem to feel more ownership in it. This has been a nice side effect.

Would all apps benefit from this kind of live collaborative approach? Probably not. I’ve never seen the same thing happen in Google Docs. Web/app design seems an especially good fit.

Nevertheless, seeing the power and sophistication of 2016’s Chrome apps, I’m fascinated to see what people will do with it in 2017.

I hope you’ll get a chance to take a break and I’ll see you in the new year.


Alex Walker



Alex Walker

Pixel puncher, pusher and prodder @SitePointDotCom