AI Software Development: 5 Things You Must Know

Kavita Verma
Published in
3 min readAug 30, 2018

Artificial intelligence is transforming the digital world in a faster pace. We are already seeing its impact in the form of Tesla’s self-driving cars and Apple’s Siri. Machine learning has also opened up a world of possibilities for software developers.

From writing flawless codes to fixing the bugs and deploying the upgradation, AI has the ability to do it all. However, it requires apt knowledge and skill to leverage the potential of AI in software development. Here are 5 most important things about AI that every developer must be aware of.

Best Programming Languages for AI

Artificial intelligence is a vast field, and it is hard to rely on any one programming language. Although many programming languages are there, not all of them can offer the best value for your effort. The ease, prototyping ability, convenience, usability and speed can be a deciding factor when it comes to choosing a programming language for AI. Languages like Python, Java, Lisp, Prolog and C++are some of the great option to go with.

Artificial Intelligence Works On Big Data

A huge amount of data is produced each year, and such data plays a crucial role in assisting the AI devices. The AI devices need to be trained in how the human mind thinks and feel to enable the automation of data analysis. A training data set can include millions or billions of entries. However, these days AI technologies like Google’s DeepMind algorithm is now even able to learn without any human support.

Training Data Is the Key to Success

The more data or information you have, the better AI is going to work. That means if you don’t have enough data chances are, the AI software will make wrong decisions. Also, there are usually 2 forms of training processes that are supervised and unsupervised learning.

In supervised learning, both training data and the desired output are provided to the ML model. However, the model has to search the dependencies in the training data as no output is given to the model in case of unsupervised learning.

AI Needs Cloud

During the training stage, significant computing resources are required by AI software while the data processing stage is not that demanding. Earlier, implementing machine learning was challenging with its demand for big one-time investments for buying powerful servers. However, the cloud technology made it achievable to a great extent.

You can utilize the potential of AI to develop advanced and user interaction software. Just keep the above fundamental things in mind before investing effort into AI software development. Also, use tools like SiteSonic to further enhance your website building or software development experience.



Kavita Verma

Kavita's world revolves around highly technical sphere! She loves to keep a tab on what's happening in the world of technology.